I just ate 3000 cal for lunch without knowing!



  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    BTW It's easy to do!!!! I didn't get fat by measuring my food out. I got fat by just eating what I wanted and I'm sure there were days that I ate 3000 cal in one sitting. Take Mexican food for instance. If you have the endless bowls of chips, salsa and cheese dip. There you go!!!!! I had surgery on March 12th (hiatal hernia repair) and at first I couldn't hold much food but I could STILL eat more calories than I should b/c I had to watch my choices. Well that side effect of the surgery is mostly gone now and I'm still battling wanting to eat more than I should. So I have to measure it. One day I'm sure I will arrive and I can just eye ball it. But for now, and for me, measuring is what works for me and looking up what and how much calories I'm planning on consuming at one meal really keeps me on track.I hope this helps!!!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member



    I want to know too...

    me tooooooo
  • chubbyyummymommy
    chubbyyummymommy Posts: 13 Member
    It was this Dominican sty spaghetti with chicken, it was swimming in oil. Also had Dominican style rice and beans. The portions in my native country are out of control.
  • louisianagirl1612
    louisianagirl1612 Posts: 39 Member
    It should be fine, just start over tomorrow :)
  • louisianagirl1612
    louisianagirl1612 Posts: 39 Member
    you get up, put your feet on the floor and start a new day tomorrow. Unless you die in your sleep, you get another chance tomorrow.

    Funniest thing I have read all day! Thanks for the giggle!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm not judging, but how does one "accidentally" eat 3000 calories? Were they servin up cinnabon or somethin?

    ETA: I had a Taco Bell Holocaust happen the other day and ended up eating around 1400 calories of it. It sure wasn't an accident though. I knew exactly what I was doing.

    I could EASILY eat 2 mcdoubles, 3 mchickens, a large french fry, a large coke, and one of those "milkshakes" that they serve at Mcdonalds and still be hungry. 3000 calories is nothing for a lot of people if they don't think about it.
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    pretty certain I ate about the same today... im not too worried.. a few days of clean eating and back on track.. its nice to splurge once in awhile.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    You're probably overestimating, to be honest.
    Look up "high calorie resturant meals" and not many exceed 2,000- let alone 3,000.

    To put 3000 calories in perspective, it would equal about 1.5 cups of oil, or 13.5 cups of noodles, or 10 cups of chicken, or 42 cups of tomato sauce.... Now take realistic portions of each of those and mix all of those up evenly in a meal... Probably not going to equal 3000 per serving.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've never had Dominican food and I love to try new things. It sounds like it's time to look up some recipes. OP, the worst that will happen is that you've maybe slowed down your progress slightly. Just don't make a habit of it. An occasional special occasion splurge should be OK. :flowerforyou:
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    You come back as follows::)

    1) You say "Damn, that tasted good. If I went over, at least I enjoyed the meal (unless you didn't).
    2) You lay your head on the pillow tonight and say to yourself "Today is over, tomorrow's another day"
    3) You also lay your head on the pillow and say "Thank God I found MFP, because at least I'm making informed choices" because that's what keeps you driving towards your goal of a healthier, long life.

    It takes guts to admit you went off track. Chalk it up & solider on.

  • karenmcwilly53
    karenmcwilly53 Posts: 41 Member
    So you tell people you ate 3000 cal for lunch but won't tell us what you ate?:huh:
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Don't worry!!! High days here and there won't knock you off course! Just eat lighter the next few days and get back on track. I average my calories over a one week period so that I can have some bigger days with out regret. At the end of the week my calories for the seven days average out to 1200 per day but rarely do I hit that number for more than a couple days during the week.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It should be fine, just start over tomorrow :)

    It's not even a matter of starting over. That makes it sound like all your hard work has been undone, and it hasn't. It's just a matter of getting back to normal after a feast day. No biggie. If you were playing a game, it's not like you pulled the "Go Back to Start" card or even the "Go Back One Space" card. It's more like you just lost your turn this round - you didn't move forward today, but you'll get another turn tomorrow, right? :drinker:
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    It was this Dominican sty spaghetti with chicken, it was swimming in oil. Also had Dominican style rice and beans. The portions in my native country are out of control.

    Thank you!:flowerforyou:

    And you'll be fine, don't worry! :)
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    I'm not judging, but how does one "accidentally" eat 3000 calories? Were they servin up cinnabon or somethin?

    ETA: I had a Taco Bell Holocaust happen the other day and ended up eating around 1400 calories of it. It sure wasn't an accident though. I knew exactly what I was doing.

    I could EASILY eat 2 mcdoubles, 3 mchickens, a large french fry, a large coke, and one of those "milkshakes" that they serve at Mcdonalds and still be hungry. 3000 calories is nothing for a lot of people if they don't think about it.

    Can I have your life ?!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It was this Dominican sty spaghetti with chicken, it was swimming in oil. Also had Dominican style rice and beans. The portions in my native country are out of control.

    It sounds good!

    But I don't think it's that 'accidental' if you see things swimming in oil. I mean, I can eat 3000 calories in one meal pretty easily, but I'm aware that it's a lot of calories as I eat :laugh:
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    Because I'm really just tracking my eating habits rather than planning a diet right now, I'm mostly eating first and checking the calories later. The other day, I was going to eat a slice of NY cheese cake, but decided at the last second to get ice cream instead. Out of curiosity, I checked what the calories would have been. BOY did I dodge a bullet! That sucker was almost 800 calories!

    I could see eating a heavy tex mex lunch and then a cheese cake and dropping a caloric bomb on yourself.
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    Awww, forget about it. Do you stop walking just because you stumbled and fell? No, you get up and start walking again. Plus, you gotta have a life. That includes occasionally indulging yourself. The key word is occasionally. You ate some (probably yummy) Dominican food, not rat poison! You won't die. :tongue: . Just know it will happen sometimes and try to plan for it before you go to mami's house for lunch next time........or better yet, you cook for her (low cal/fat) and invite her over.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    It sounds like you had a typical lunch La Bandera. Not unlike Jamaican food, and I can assure you that you did not eat 3000 kcal. Your imagination is just running wild.