


  • loldiana
    loldiana Posts: 2
    I haven't used it but I think it's comparable to other stimulants on the market in the US. If you use it in conjunction with working out, it can allow you to work out longer or harder due to your heart beating faster. Your body does build up a tolerance so it can only be used for a short time. It might help you get over a hurdle if you have hit a plateau.

    I'm not big on the idea of taking any pills for weight loss, HOWEVER, I did try the caffeine free version of hydroxycut. I lost about 20lbs ON MY OWN with good old fashion diet and exercise and then just plateaued even with continued diet and exercise I would just fluctuate up and down 5lbs. It never made me feel jittery, I was able to work out longer just because I didn't get worn out as quickly and it helped me limit my food intake because I paid more attention to what I was eating since I had to take the hydroxycut before meals. The only thing I noticed is that it made me thirsty. I usually drink 7-9 cups of water a day but with the hydroxycut I found myself drinking 10-12. Its good to drink a lot of water anyway.

    Its good for getting over a slump as long as you keep working out and eating healthy after you stop taking it but if you aren't dieting and exercising with it its just gonna make you sick and not help you lose anything but money and its probably not good for long term use.
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    man im drunk