Giving Up ALCHOHOL..WAIT..!?



  • Beck's light bee isn't bad and think 2.4 carbs ... Coronas light really isn't that bad either if you're willing to sacrice 50 cAls per beer since it's a out 110 cals but does the job in less time lol
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I have also cut out drinking, before I "started" my weight loss journey. The last time I drank I was miserable for days. That was with drinking water... lots of water between drinks. On such a low calorie diet its really not sure a good idea. Not to mention just the horrible effect it has on your body as a whole.

    I think the reason I stopped drinking on a regular basis is mostly because of the effects it has on our skin. I quit smoking last year as well for the same reason. Pretty vain I know but if you think about it how healthy you are inside shows on the outside.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I gave up my wine as of the New Year!

    I usually had a glass or two with dinner!

    I am hoping it makes a difference.

  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    I make my regular cocktail (1 shot vodka, diet tonic, splash of sugar free cranberry pomegranate and a lime) in my cocktail shaker. Stir it - don't shake it because of the tonic! Then pour into a martini glass with ice cubes. It fills the martini glass like 3 times and feels like 3 cocktails when it's only 70 calories. Plus - drinking anything out of a fun martini glass makes it taste better! Cheers!
  • i'm going to try and give up the lager for a 3 or 4 months but i'm still going to have a whisky with one lump of ice or a gin and slim line tonic every now again lol
  • Gin with diet tonic and lime :drinker:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    we have the same fav drinks

    moderation is the key or i won't drink for a week and then have what i please.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Gin with diet tonic and lime :drinker:

    I bought some diet tonic, but have been too chicken to try it. Does it taste close to regular tonic?
  • i too have gave up alchohol for the new years, i had given it up before for three years because i have too much of an addictive personality and it just wasnt working for me but then i started drinking again a year and a half ago. now i started to see how much weight i added drinking again and all the problems for myself that it can add! To all that have chosen to give up alchohol KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  • flaswtness
    flaswtness Posts: 5 Member
    Vodka with Fresca....I especially like the black cherry fresca.
  • utamore
    utamore Posts: 53
    I recently gave up alcohol for a month for kicks. It was boring, and I didn't lose any weight.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    The key to anything is moderation. That said, Scotch and ice.:drinker:
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Like many other people I drink the vodka water with a lime :) as well as, straight rum on the rocks! not spiced rums.
  • Gin with diet tonic and lime :drinker:

    I bought some diet tonic, but have been too chicken to try it. Does it taste close to regular tonic?
    i think its just the exact same,but you might find it slightly different but after a few you wont care :drinker:
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    I recently gave up alcohol for a month for kicks. It was boring, and I didn't lose any weight.

    Same here, so I started drinking again... in moderation. :wink:
  • I'm with you guys. I enjoy a little in moderation (love my Irish Whiskey...on the rocks!), but I've given it up for the most part. Its not so much the calories. I'm pretty much a one drink lady. But, when I drink...I break out the pizza. And the chips. And the candy. So...its best if I stay away when I'm trying to lose.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I've given up for 2011... not bad for a girl who is somewhat renowned for her capacity to drink grown men under the table. I used to give up for January (just to prove I could!) but it was all too easy to give in after a couple of weeks (ie, I couldn't!). I spent a month getting my head around the idea, then just went for it. I struggle to be moderate, especially in times of stress, and I know the 30 pound cushion on the front of my belly is a living, wobbling tribute to New Zealand sauvignon blanc...
    I thought it would be really difficult and I'd be feeling deprived and angry, but I'm feeling relieved and proud of myself instead.
    Long may it continue...
  • I'm giving up for January. So far, so good! And even then, I'm going to try and keep it to a minimum. Thankfully, my tipple is Jack Daniel's, not beer, so it's not too high calorie!
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