I ate OVER 3000 calories today!!



  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    "let it go, let it go" as the song goes :flowerforyou:
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    We all have bad days or days you just don't give a crap the key is tomorrow morning forgive yourself and get back on track. If you have gotten as far as you have you can go even further. Maybe you will gain maybe you won't but its all part of the journey.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Last I checked, 3000 isn't a pound. One day is one day. Feel a bit disappoint. Then let it go.

  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    log it, move on. Don't eat 3,000 calories tomorrow. Don't weigh yourself for a few days. Done.

    Yep. This!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'm 5'5 1/8" and 126.2 lbs. I usually eat around 1200 calories a day, because I want to get to 120 lbs. Today, I did terrible and ate a bunch of empty calories and ate 3,272 calories today! I burned off 402 calories, so my net calories turned out to be 2,870. I feel like crap and I'm very discouraged. This is pretty much how I used to eat (when I weighed 141 lbs). I'm scared I'm going to gain weight. Please help!

    I ate OVER 3000 calories today!!

    Whoops.... I was just about to say I didn't understand your math. I read it as, you overate 3,000 calories today. You actually only overate by 1670 minus whatever your deficit is set to. I know I'm not really saying anything, but I started the post, so I figured I might as well finish it.



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I probably ate something like that today but it was planned. My bf and I celebrated my graduation so we went to one of our favoriteres taurants, a Brazilian Buffet... Lots of veggies, but epic cake. I figured it's one day, it's a celebration, andythe worst that will happen is that the scale will move a little slower this week.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I probably ate something like that today but it was planned. My bf and I celebrated my graduation so we went to one of our favoriteres taurants, a Brazilian Buffet... Lots of veggies, but epic cake. I figured it's one day, it's a celebration, andythe worst that will happen is that the scale will move a little slower this week.

    Congratulations on your graduation !
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Relax. It was only one day. It only is a problem if you create a habit of it. Make tomorrow better. These days happen... Just don't make it a habit. The occasional day like this is not a bad thing at all.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I probably ate something like that today but it was planned. My bf and I celebrated my graduation so we went to one of our favorite restaurants, a Brazilian Buffet... Lots of veggies, but epic cake. I figured it's one day, it's a celebration, and the worst that will happen is that the scale will move a little slower this week.

    Congrats on your graduation.. and your buffet... I've never eaten Brazilian... It sounds great. Will have to try it sometime.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Meh. No biggie. If you think about it over a period of time rather than just one day, that helps a lot. So, you went over by what, 1800? Divide that by 7 and you have right at 257 or over two weeks that is about 129 or over a month that is only about 64. So in the grand scheme, not much. If you don't do this often, then no need to worry. I actually think going over once in a while is good for you because you won't diet for the rest of your life. There will be days that are high and days that are low. Days that are more active and hold down the couch days. It all balances out long term.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    You're 18 years old with a BMI of 21. That's awesome. You have done really well and one day isn't going to change that. Take a deep breath, tomorrow is a new day.

    If this happens again, it could be time to rethink your goals, maybe switch to maintenance for a while and work on cutting BF% instead of focusing so much on the scale.
  • sarasteny06
    sarasteny06 Posts: 29 Member
    We all have that binge day , log it and let it go. Reconsider your calorie restriction compared to your BMR. How much is your deficit? Create a personal max out calorie for the day so it will give you some wiggle room and less restriction. Goodluck????
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I'm sure we all had those along the way, if you don't then you will go nuts. Next time, plan it. Seriously, I do.

    I'm good for two weeks then one day I freaking go out of control, IHOP baby! Their meals are like 1800 calories, then I add the ice cream for dessert. Or I go into sushi coma!!! Plan it, do it one day every 1-2 weeks then tell yourself it was well deserve. No guilt.

    It has not stopped me from losing weight, I have not added a pound because of it, it will increase your metabolism and help you shed more pounds.

    I have to say it though that I do cheat meals not cheat days but since my meals are pretty close to 2000 calories and I do eat more during the day I guess it counts all the same. I have a 1200-1400 calorie/day plan by the way.

    I have one strong advice, do not let it bring you down. If you feel like a failure you might use it as an excuse to do it again tomorrow. Don't!!!!! You have not wasted your past efforts today, so continue strong tomorrow. Plan your next cheat meal and look forward to getting there I know I do.

    Good luck!

    - I seem to have lost the ability to spell by the way
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Of course you're going to binge if you only eat 1200 a day. Better get used to it.

    Find a REASONABLE goal. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I've had my days like this.

    Yes, it does set you back. No, it is not catastrophic (unless you're a prize fighter that missed on a championship by failing to make weight ).

    The most important thing is to try to learn WHAT contributed to this situation. In my case, I've learned that late night + tired + hard training is a bad, bad time to stalk the kitchen. I've eaten whole boxes of granola :(
  • gert1985
    gert1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Yesterday I had a HORRIBLE food day.
    I had a hotdog, brat, and cheeseburger, 3 cans of Mt Dew, Doritos and a few other things thrown in.
    I had a graduation party, was moving my daughter out of her apartment and just did not make good
    Today is a new day
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I ate close to that yesterday and sometimes eat over that... Half of my friend's list also eat like that too! So we hold hands and support each other. Only difference is we feel good about it!
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    So 3000 today and around 1200 for the other days of the week means you are closer to somewhere near the right amount of calories over the 7 days for weight loss. Don't eat as low as 1200 and you are less likely to have days like this, days that aren't actually the end of the world on the scale of things.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For what it's worth, I'm 5'5", 36, my goal is 1800 and I ate over 3000 calories TWICE the last 8 days... I still lost weight. So one day is not going to derail you that much... but please eat more!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Your body probably needs it -- based on your first few posts you were only eating 500 calories for a month and a half!