5K and Nerves

dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
Tomorrow I will be doing my 4th 5K. My first was in December 2013. I was ok with that one - it was more of just putting my feelers out there. The third one brought about a panic attack the day before, and now today I am a bundle of nerves again. Does it get better over time?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    why do 5Ks make you so nervous? i can understand the first time but by the 3rd or 4th it should be old hat. maybe sign up for 10k next month and then you won't be nervous about 5Ks anymore
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    More information might be needed as to what is making you nervous. Are you nervous in general? Are you overstimulated by the crowd and vibe of race day? Do you have a fear of not reaching a specific goal you have set for yourself?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Do you get nervous about other social events or panic attacks? Just breath through it and focus on you. It will get better with time
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Running actually calms my nerves and has dramatically reduced my panic attacks. I'm not sure what to tell you, OP. :frown:
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I think I just get nervous that I am going to forget something (already forgot my number for one of them), that I am not going to fuel myself up right and have issues (I have dehydration issues, so whether I am doing a 5K or not, it is in the back of my mind - just more prominent when I am exerting myself), and that I am just going to not finish.

    I do get panic attacks occasionally and social situations are a take 'em or leave 'em. Not huge on them, but don't mind them much either.

    By no means am I "fit", but I am much more fit than I ever have been in my life, and to be honest, I have had trouble accepting that I am succeeding on this. I know it sounds weird, but I think the nerves are because I am treading and going forward to some place I have never been (figured out that the last time I was this weight was in 8th or 9th grade and I am 35 now).
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Try some breathing exercises and make a checklist. Be sure water or a sports drink is on there if you dehydrate easy and maybe eat something salty the day before.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    I think it's normal to feel a little anxious before a race, but it sounds like you have more anxiety than normal. Try not to stress too much. Just look at it as a way to have fun and get a run in!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Just relax and have fun. If it persists (especially with other issues) seeing a counselor may help you. If it is isolated to just the running and certain social situations just relax. As far as forgetting something, make a checklist. Follow it. You will be fine.
  • SarahG626
    SarahG626 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm going to be doing my first 5K run/walk on May 31st and I'm already feeling nervous. I'm not a runner and am not as fit as my friend that I'm doing this with. How did everyone else out there feel the first time they did a 5K? Did you run the whole thing? I've started Couch to 5K but I'm only on day 2 (tomorrow). I guess it isn't how much you run, but that you actually finish, right? Most go to support a good cause so it's doesn't matter where you place but why you participate. I hope that this isn't my last 5K. Looking forward to a healthier summer.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I did very well. I ran the entire thing. My pace was slower than when I have done Walk/Runs, but I ran it - and that itself is a win. I am very competitive with myself and I think I was afraid I would be letting myself down. I didn't though - even though it was a slower pace - I completed another goal that I wasn't even trying to achieve yet. (Running the entire thing was supposed to happen down the road in a while) I just started running at the start and just kept going and next thing I knew I saw mile 2 - so I figured I might as well keep going. It was an awesome feeling.

    I think another reason I was stressing was because this is the first one that wasn't a "Fun Run". It was a true marathon with people trying to be competitive, and I think I wasn't sure what to expect.

    Good things that happened today:
    1. One girl was trying to pace herself with me, but she couldn't keep up with me on her Walk/Run and after the race she found me and thanked me for keeping her going (that completely floored me - because I wasn't that fast, but I was able to still help someone).
    2. I ran the whole thing.
    3. I didn't get dehydrated. I think I am starting to learn how my body reacts when I push it, and I think I was afraid of what would happen (which is one thing that caused the nervous issue).
    4. It doesn't matter if I look like a turtle treading peanut butter, people will cheer for you. I even had one little girl (probably about 4 or 5) hold her hand out to get someone to give her a high five (and I swear she was trying to stretch it out so much that it was about to "Go Go Gadget " on us) and I actually took the "extra" energy to run over to where she was standing to give her a high five. I hope I made her day, I know she helped make mine.

    I hope that with running this one completely, it will help calm my nerves now. I have nowhere to go, but to get better and better!

    @Sarah - Just do it! I had to have a push to do my first one, and it was the best thing I ever did. They are addicting. I participate in ones that go to causes that I REALLY believe in - Arthritis, Endometriosis, Fallen Officers, and St. Jude. My first one - I completely walked it. Just to get the feel. It took me 53 minutes, but I was happy I did it. And I started and finished.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you honestly get so nervous and anxious you don't enjoy it, I wouldn't sign up. Its for fun and costs money I'm assuming. I wouldn't do them if I didn't enjoy it.
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Glad to hear it went well. And it won't be the last time that happens to you. My stomach ties itself into a pretzel every time I line up. Adrenaline, is a helluva drug!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I did very well. I ran the entire thing. My pace was slower than when I have done Walk/Runs, but I ran it - and that itself is a win. I am very competitive with myself and I think I was afraid I would be letting myself down. I didn't though - even though it was a slower pace - I completed another goal that I wasn't even trying to achieve yet. (Running the entire thing was supposed to happen down the road in a while) I just started running at the start and just kept going and next thing I knew I saw mile 2 - so I figured I might as well keep going. It was an awesome feeling.

    I think another reason I was stressing was because this is the first one that wasn't a "Fun Run". It was a true marathon with people trying to be competitive, and I think I wasn't sure what to expect.

    Good things that happened today:
    1. One girl was trying to pace herself with me, but she couldn't keep up with me on her Walk/Run and after the race she found me and thanked me for keeping her going (that completely floored me - because I wasn't that fast, but I was able to still help someone).
    2. I ran the whole thing.
    3. I didn't get dehydrated. I think I am starting to learn how my body reacts when I push it, and I think I was afraid of what would happen (which is one thing that caused the nervous issue).
    4. It doesn't matter if I look like a turtle treading peanut butter, people will cheer for you. I even had one little girl (probably about 4 or 5) hold her hand out to get someone to give her a high five (and I swear she was trying to stretch it out so much that it was about to "Go Go Gadget " on us) and I actually took the "extra" energy to run over to where she was standing to give her a high five. I hope I made her day, I know she helped make mine.

    I hope that with running this one completely, it will help calm my nerves now. I have nowhere to go, but to get better and better!

    @Sarah - Just do it! I had to have a push to do my first one, and it was the best thing I ever did. They are addicting. I participate in ones that go to causes that I REALLY believe in - Arthritis, Endometriosis, Fallen Officers, and St. Jude. My first one - I completely walked it. Just to get the feel. It took me 53 minutes, but I was happy I did it. And I started and finished.

    So glad you came back and gave us an update - I'm delighted to hear that it was such a positive day for you!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Sounds like a great day! Congrats on running the whole thing! :smile:
    TIFFANYLEIGHSMITH Posts: 41 Member
    So glad it went well for you. Running a 5K is one of my goals and I know I will be nervous. I am doing the C25K app now and I feel like I am very far away from actually being able to run one but reading your story is inspiring. Thanks!
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Nerves are normal, think you're just over thinking it a bit too much (the more you do of them the less you'll do this), I wouldn't worry about fuelling yourself for a 5k (as you've said, even at a walk you only took 53min to do it), carb load etc isn't necessary for 5k's (or even 10/15k's) if you're somewhere hot, hydrate and carry water with you if you need it (I don't carry water but my friend always carry's water, even if we're only doing a couple of miles), water is personal choice on these sort of distances.

    I started with 5k's 18mnths ago and have my first marathon on Sunday, I'm at your stage of over-thinking it,I've done the training, I've put the miles in, I have my nutrition in place (26.2miles and carb loading does have to be looked at, as do gels on the course), I just want to get it done, I'm not enjoying this week of my taper where all I have to do is think about running for 5.5hrs, but I know that assuming I survive this one, I'll probably sign up for another marathon in 18 weeks and I'll be much more settled about that one as I'll have already ran one!!
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    So glad it went well for you. Running a 5K is one of my goals and I know I will be nervous. I am doing the C25K app now and I feel like I am very far away from actually being able to run one but reading your story is inspiring. Thanks!

  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Well done :-D excellent work on running the whole thing!
    I know I'm crashing the thread a little late but I just wanted to say that I think nerves are totally normal. I take part in triathlons (so there is quite a lot of things that can be easily left at home\not put out correctly etc), I prepare everything the night before and have a checklist so I know I won't miss anything. I've done probably 25 or 30 over the last 5 years BUT I still feel nervous every single time. Especially right before the start. I have never had a race where I wasn't almost sick with nerves. It's really silly because I LOVE taking part in triathlons, I have never forgotten anything or had any mishaps (touch wood) and I'm not a pro so I have no time to beat except my own. Yet the nerves persist. I just go with it now, I figured it's the adrenalin getting me ready to race and actually I've found once I accepted that I will feel like that it's quite a pleasant feeling
    Enjoy the many races to come and if you ever fancy taking up another challege I would definitely recommend triathlon, they are brilliant fun and the people involved are lovely, especially at novice races.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I did very well. I ran the entire thing. My pace was slower than when I have done Walk/Runs, but I ran it - and that itself is a win. I am very competitive with myself and I think I was afraid I would be letting myself down. I didn't though - even though it was a slower pace - I completed another goal that I wasn't even trying to achieve yet. (Running the entire thing was supposed to happen down the road in a while) I just started running at the start and just kept going and next thing I knew I saw mile 2 - so I figured I might as well keep going. It was an awesome feeling.

    I think another reason I was stressing was because this is the first one that wasn't a "Fun Run". It was a true marathon with people trying to be competitive, and I think I wasn't sure what to expect.

    Good things that happened today:
    1. One girl was trying to pace herself with me, but she couldn't keep up with me on her Walk/Run and after the race she found me and thanked me for keeping her going (that completely floored me - because I wasn't that fast, but I was able to still help someone).
    2. I ran the whole thing.
    3. I didn't get dehydrated. I think I am starting to learn how my body reacts when I push it, and I think I was afraid of what would happen (which is one thing that caused the nervous issue).
    4. It doesn't matter if I look like a turtle treading peanut butter, people will cheer for you. I even had one little girl (probably about 4 or 5) hold her hand out to get someone to give her a high five (and I swear she was trying to stretch it out so much that it was about to "Go Go Gadget " on us) and I actually took the "extra" energy to run over to where she was standing to give her a high five. I hope I made her day, I know she helped make mine.

    I hope that with running this one completely, it will help calm my nerves now. I have nowhere to go, but to get better and better!

    @Sarah - Just do it! I had to have a push to do my first one, and it was the best thing I ever did. They are addicting. I participate in ones that go to causes that I REALLY believe in - Arthritis, Endometriosis, Fallen Officers, and St. Jude. My first one - I completely walked it. Just to get the feel. It took me 53 minutes, but I was happy I did it. And I started and finished.

    That's awesome! Congratulations
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Enjoy it :flowerforyou: