Guys have to work to lose weight too

I was talking to a friend at work about losing weight and she told me that guys lose weight easier than women. I have read some articles to that effect (due to guys chemical make up, and some just assumptions). It may or may not be true, but seems to me the hard work is mental to stay on course daily and that isn't easy for anyone whatever sex they are. I started (seriously) to watch my diet and used the food diary here in January of 2010 and have lost 38 lbs and it wasn't easy and still isn't easy. I have been keeping track for about 5 years now and have had some successes--and then gained it all back and more. Finally my doctor was sort of freaking out about the health problems the weight was causing and somehow this made me finally get really serious about losing weight. I still have a good 30 lbs I want to lose to get close to my "ideal" weight and it is still a grind every day and the holidays don't help at all. In any case, although it may be easier for a guy--it is still not easy-at all. But-it is possible if one can just stay on course and if some lbs come back, get back on course. So-any guys out there that get the grief from women that is is easy-it isn't. The science of male-female issues may make a difference but for all of us-it is basically the same. So-now it is 2011 and if I do as well as I did in 2010 I should be where my health is much better--two years later.


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Lets kill this year BRO!!!! Lets rock this joint! And yes it is hard to lose weight. Just persevere and it will come with time! Never quite and never give up! Its a life style! Just live it and all the rest falls away.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Lets kill this year BRO!!!! Lets rock this joint! And yes it is hard to lose weight. Just persevere and it will come with time! Never quite and never give up! Its a life style! Just live it and all the rest falls away.
    I think that covers every platitude. joke.gif
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I agree that its mostly mental and whatever your genetics help you with is not the main factor. I've been told my whole life that guys lose weight easier than girls, but I haven't really witness it in real life. I get the reverse which is very annoying as well, people saying that because I'm a girl I should be fatter! Or that it doesn't really matter if you are chubbier as a girl because girls are supposed to be that way. I lost 4lbs (hello not very much) and my bestie was freaking out that I wouldn't be curvy anymore. *sigh*

    Congrats on your work so far and bon voyage this next year! Anyone who thinks its easy either has a to-die-for metabolism or has never attempted it!
  • marniehodges
    You are right. Commitment to a healthy lifestyle takes dedication, regardless of what sex you are! :smile: And I applaud you for using a website like this. I have way more female friends on here than male and it's only my opinion, and I'm certainly not trying to insult men, but I think it's harder sometimes for men to reach out to others for moral support. The support of my friends here has helped me so much and I am so grateful! Kudos to you for all that you are doing and hopefully you will save you doc from any further "freak outs"! Go get em! :bigsmile:
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Well, first of all....good job and all the best in reaching your goal this year! ***Cheers**** to the healthier you!

    Sometimes I think it is where the males lose it first opposed to where females generally lose it first that give the visuals. I think I have read that men lose it first where they put in on last and women lose it where they put it on first(please dont' quote me!
    But as you said. it is hard and is work! It takes alot of inner strength to keep focused. No matter what number we need to lose to reach our goal..we are all here for the same reason. To lose weight and/or maintain and to gain support and encouragement. Make this your year! So here's to one day reading your complete success story !!

    All the best
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    You're right... It is a struggle for sure and it varies from person to person. You'll get inner satisfaction in knowing how hard you've worked to get healthier. I know I do- it's the only validation I need. Good luck!
  • texexscott
    Hey roylawrence87!
    You lost 64 lbs??!!! Man--that is beyond awsome. Any secret to success or just determination and will power. I have lost 38 lbs (from 135 to 197) and I already feel better and fit into clothes better--even a couple of waist sizes down. But my weight has got to go down alot more--I am only 5ft. 9in. and that height does not feel or look so good at even this reduced weight.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement-your success speaks for itself! We will kill 2011 and make our goals happen! Nobody else can do it for us!
  • texexscott
    Hi dancer77:

    I'm glad one female agrees--it is such a mental thing--and metabolism apparently isn't my strong point! It sucks that other people that don't have issues with this make comments like that. It is bull--we know how we look and feel and we are the ones that have to live in our skins so we have to just let it go when stupid insensitive people say stupid things that do NOT help.
    You are on a start--and I am too. I am down but have alot more to go! Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • DragonTamerBrat
    The mental part is as difficult for men as it is for women. The getting up everyday and hitting the gym, trail, road, whatever you do for exercise. The watching of calories. That's all willpower. Neither gender has the cornerstone on that.

    However, as men have larger amounts of testosterone running about their systems, the results of the willpower are greater than in women. So, for every pound I lose (beating feet, pushing weights), a man doing the same things with the same conviction will lose a greater percentage than I will. That's ok. Biologically men may have an advantage. Mentally? I'd say women do come out ahead in that game.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "If a man wants to lose 5 pounds all he's gotta do it skip lunch and take a (bathroom break)"
    Rosanne Barr,

    My wife and I have been doing this together for 2 years. I lost 70 pounds, got laid up for a while and gained about 20 back (working on it now). She has lost 74 pounds. We've done this together, worked hard, sacrificed together, exercised together. We're pretty unseparable.

    I can tell you categorically, after watching what I did and the results I achieved and what she did and the results she's achieved - that in my house at least,,, losing weight and gaining fitness is much much easier for the man (me) than for the woman. Her health and her physiology attacks her at every turn. If she'd made the mistakes and had the slips that I've had she'd be the size of a house.

    I'll agree that men and women can both make great gains at this,,, but in my experience it really is easier for the guys. We have big muscles and big furnace metabolisms and our bodies do not fight us tooth & nail holding onto every fat gram preparing for the next famine or pregnancy. It's for real.
  • DragonTamerBrat
    I'll agree that men and women can both make great gains at this,,, but in my experience it really is easier for the guys. We have big muscles and big furnace metabolisms and our bodies do not fight us tooth & nail holding onto every fat gram preparing for the next famine or pregnancy. It's for real.

    Yeah men are biologically programmed to be out running around chasing down dinner. Women, not so much. Our bodies are programmed for keeping the species going. Which, lets face it, means fat in those curvy places men like so much.

    I'm married to a skinny man. You of those people who can eat a whole pizza and not gain weight. Some say this is awesome. Let me tell isn't. He has as much of a struggle GAINING weight as I do losing it. I am however down 19 lbs since September 1, and on track to hit my goal weight by my 40th birthday, Sept 1, 2012.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I'll agree that men and women can both make great gains at this,,, but in my experience it really is easier for the guys. We have big muscles and big furnace metabolisms and our bodies do not fight us tooth & nail holding onto every fat gram preparing for the next famine or pregnancy. It's for real.

    Yeah men are biologically programmed to be out running around chasing down dinner. Women, not so much. Our bodies are programmed for keeping the species going. Which, lets face it, means fat in those curvy places men like so much.

    I'm married to a skinny man. You of those people who can eat a whole pizza and not gain weight. Some say this is awesome. Let me tell isn't. He has as much of a struggle GAINING weight as I do losing it. I am however down 19 lbs since September 1, and on track to hit my goal weight by my 40th birthday, Sept 1, 2012.

    You know I think we are married to the same man! In the last couple of years I've lost 50lbs and hes gained 10lbs, we both started around the same time, he can eat whatever he wants and not have it effect him. Most of the weight he has gained is muscle weight because otherwise I suspect he might not be able to gain weight! We might struggle for different goals but I am glad he is there to support me and that I can support him.
  • countjackula
    The higher testosterone (might help) and greater proportion of lean muscle help too.
  • texexscott
    Agreed. I do know about the Testosterone "advantage" and biologically it is true I am sure. Still, just getting to the point
    that one can override the mental tendancy to eat this or that is for anyone-and for me has in the past been something that for some reason I just didn't I guess really give enough respect and suffered the consequences--more weight. Or--lose-gain-lose-gain. And you are probably right on the mental advantage of women. So--this inspired me to challenge a couple of women in my office to a sort of competition--but really more of keeping each other honest and motivated and accountable to someone! We all were brutally honest and shared our weight. I was 235 I am 197 I need to be 170 I want to be 160. And they did the same--we all have the same goal---1-2 lbs a week so we will see what happens!
  • texexscott
    Hey CasperO :
    I know what you say is true--and the testostone helps build musles which eat more calories and you are a witness to that. My point is that a pretty large percent of actually being successful losing weight is the mental mind set to do so. If both a man and a woman work side by side and each eats the same and works out the same--you are probably (well-more like really are) right. BUT--for those of us who do not work the gym as we should and especially do not have a partner like you do (and Im sure you appreciate that!) it isn't so simple of a comparison. What is that mental switch that makes us not only work on this but keep on working on it until it happens--and more than that stay that way? I don't know but given that I agree you speak the truth--it is hard as hell for me and I think alot of people to do what it takes and do it long enough. So when I say its hard for guys too-that is what I mean. Once started and if continued and all other things being equal--than sure it is true. Still it just isn't as simple as the biology of it. Thats all I meant and when someone just says "Oh is just so easy for guys to lose weight" I take issue with it. It is not easy. But
    thank God not impossible either!
  • texexscott
    Man would I love being that skinny many you all know! I used to be and weighed about 155 for years. Then I turned 40 and that was the end of that. Some people are just skinny and stay that way--women too! That said--some or most of us are not so lucky as to be skinny and eat anything and stay that way. Its more like eat the same and gain more. Just LOOK at ice cream and put on a pound!
  • Reese2008
    Great to see so many guys posting on here! Hope everyone continunes to do well with their goals in 2011! :) Reese
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ya,,, you know, I wouldn't want to be an ectomorph. Eat eat eat,,, do anything you want, still be trim and thin and look like an ostrich. Ok, the trim part is good - you never wrestle with your weight. On the downside, you look like a frickin' ostrich! :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :smile: :laugh:

    I've known a lot of guys like that who wanted to be big & buff, and it's very very hard for them.

    If me and stickboy both decide that we want to look pretty much like Jean Claude Van Damme,,, I've got to cut to 7% bodyfat. That's it. I've got the muscle mass, I've got the bone structure,,, good portion control, hi-protein lo-carb diet and a little cardio and I'm there dude.

    Captain ectomorph OTOH has to pile 20 pounds of lean muscle mass onto a frame that doesn't want to carry it and working against a metabolism that does not want to build it. And it's never really gonna work 'cause his shoulders are just too narrow - and the gym don't chage bones that much. And he's got to stick with it pretty much daily, training like a demon, forever. 1 year after he quits the gym he'll look like an ostrich again.

    I've watched a lot of guys fight that battle and lose. Nope,,, none for me thanks. I can win the battle of the bulge more easily than they can do what they gotta.
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