Weight Loss After IUD Removal



  • I am so happy to be rid of the mirena, got it removed 2 days ago and alreadyhave lost 3kg. Water and fluids I am sure but at least the scales are moving down for a change. I was at my wits end in the last few month exercising and eating sensibly and still seeing the scales move up and up. I know everyone reacts differently but definitelynot for me. I gave it 2 yrs, worst decisionever!
  • deblevine
    deblevine Posts: 1
    thank goodness, i'm dying with this and gained 15 lbs in 7 months. tried all kinds of diets and nothing works…..i went from 119 to 133. any words of encouragement? i'm calling my dr 1st thing tomorrow morning
  • gogetter369
    gogetter369 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I gained 9 pounds while being on Mirena during the first 5 weeks. Week 6 I had it removed. After removal it took 4 months to have a period and now, 7 months after removal, I cannot get rid of the weight. I eat well and exercise at least 4 times a week for 60 minutes, high intensity. I ride my bike 10 miles a day at least twice a week (to work and back) and I cannot even shed a pound. Not only that, on weekends I hike and back pack, last weekend doing 15 miles with a 30 lb back pack. I'm getting married in less than 3 months and have all this extra weight on me and i don't know what to do. I am in tears just thinking about it. I graduated with an exercise science degree, nutrition minor and have been active my whole life. I am at a loss of what to do and the doctors look at me like I am a nut job and don't believe how much I exercise and how much I control my food intake.

    Anyone have experience like this and if so, success on getting your hormones in balance so that the weight can drop? I need help, and fast.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    Why the **** do people make accounts just to revive old threads about Mirena?