Looking to lose 100 and get back to superior fitness

Hello, I am a 27 year old veteran, looking to get back in the shape I was in back in my Army days. I am looking to lose 100 pounds and be able to pass the APFT (and excel at it.) I am just looking for some people to share idea's and help motivate each other.

I am 4 years removed from being in great shape and saw my fitness deteriorate quickly. I am not under the impression that magic diets/pills/etc will work. I am looking to improve my life as a whole. Hopefully I can get a few good people to join me on this journey.

EDIT: "Ranger" is a reference to a very lofty end goal. I was training with the goal in sight to become a Ranger and watched my score improve day by day. I figure if I see "Ranger" every day it might help motivate me to get there.


  • chngn2grow
    chngn2grow Posts: 4
    I want to lose 80 pounds. I have a similar "visual" with recognizing I haven't changed and I have just gotten bigger. Now I'm at an age where it will be more difficult but I keep seeing it can be done. I hope to get motivation from other people who are having to change their life too. good luck
  • rkalin779
    rkalin779 Posts: 14 Member
    I need to lose 70. I am many years removed from my fitness best and I am looking to realize that "me" again. Feel free to add me.