lost weight now its back, how to stay on track?

so a few years ago (about 4-5 years ago) i had lost 90 pounds from 235, but then things in life got difficult and i also was put on medications that make me gain weight now i am back to 218 and feeling very discouraged. have any ideas on how to keep thinks positive and have a variety without getting bored with trying to do the same things over and over?


  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    When you decide to lose weight, it should also be a life-style change as well.
    I had the same problem, lose about 60 to 70 pounds only to gain back all of it as well as more.
    Now I am not only trying to lose the weight, but also change my way of eating and to continue to workout at a min. of 3 to 6 times a week.
    What I believe we all have to realize, I know that I do for sure, is that once you lose the weight and reached your idea weight, the REAL battle begins.

    That is when you have to change your way of eating and at least try and continue to do some form of exercise (walking, running, workout DVD or join a gym).

    So if you can get back on that weight loss again, try and look at that once you reached your goal, now you have to keep it off.

    That is the secret to weight loss, getting the weight off is as hard as keeping it off once weight comes off.

    I hope this helps.....

    Keep the "FAITH"............
  • annnieb1
    I too lost a large amout of weight in 2001 125 pounds. I felt great and kept it off for 6 yrs and then had a knee injury, couldn't exercise for 4 months, put on weight during that time even though I was eating healthy became discouraged. and the rest is history. Now it is 10 yrs later and I have 65 pounds to lose.I joined MFP in the beginning of January but actually started on the 3rd I am logging my eating plan and exercise plan daily
    We have done it before and surely can do it again so lets work together. My personal goal is to keep to my food plan and go to the gym minimum of five days a week. I will gladly check in daily, any takers?