HELP! I need protein!

It's 11:06 at night and I'm trying to set up the next day, but even when I try to add in foods I think have a lot of protein, it's not enough, and the fats and carbs are always way above the proteins. My macros are 50/20/30 proteins/fat/carbs. I'm putting in nuts, nut butters tofu, tempeh, vegetables, eggs- anything that's listed to have a lot of protein, but it's too low. I'm not sure if I should worry about carbs because technically, it's in everything, but the fat is way beyond proteins.

I do use whey/protein powder, but I've recently ran out.

I should probably note that I'm a vegetarian (not vegan, I do eat eggs an non-milk dairy products).


  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    ugh, i'm in the same boat - vegetarian for most of my life and just realizing how far i am every day from getting anywhere near what i need for protein (and trying not to eat much processed food, like fake meat and whatnot). i'll be curious to read any helpful replies!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I can't help you there, the answer is to start eating meat and fish to easily solve the problem, but I don't know your reasons for being vegetarian, so only you can make that decision.

    I'm sure there must be a group here for vegetarians, maybe have a look there. Keep your snack protein only, boiled eggs and egg white are fabulous for an afternoon snack and are easy to transport.

    Or google vegetarian protein sources.
  • salgalruns
    salgalruns Posts: 83 Member
    My afternoon snack is always a Quest bar - they have 20 or 21g of protein and are also low in sugar. They run anywhere from 160-210 calories each and are amazing!!!! Not sure about whether or not all the ingredients would work for you or not.

    I have one on my way to training in the afternoons - about an hour before my workout so that I've got some protein in my system. I find that these are higher than other bars. I get mine at GNC, but you can get them at vitamin stores or on Amazon.

    I always have egg whites in the morning - about 2/3 cup, but then the rest of my day is meat sources - I'm generally way over on my protein, which I don't see as a problem for me. Good luck to you!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The following list might have some options for you:

    Cottage cheese
    Greek yoghurt
    Edamame (steamed soya beans in meals or dried beans as a snack)
    Eggs / egg whites
    Green veggies such as broccoli
    Soya 'meat' or Quorn
    Low fat cheese sticks
    Nutritional yeast added to meals
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Hiya - can I ask why did you set your protein to 50% of your daily input?
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Hiya - can I ask why did you set your protein to 50% of your daily input?

    It was what was recommended. Should I set it a bit lower? It does seem like a large number now that I think about it... I wanted a lot more protein than fats and carbs.
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    Stop stressing, protein is in nearly all living foods!!!!

    I have had no meat today and my protein is at 116 grams
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Stop stressing, protein is in nearly all living foods!!!!

    I have had no meat today and my protein is at 116 grams

    No meat apart from the bacon... plus you got most of the protein from 2 shakes... theres nothing wrong with that, but i dont think you should make out like you got all your protein from food when you supplement with shakes!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hiya - can I ask why did you set your protein to 50% of your daily input?

    It was what was recommended. Should I set it a bit lower? It does seem like a large number now that I think about it... I wanted a lot more protein than fats and carbs.

    recommended by who? as long as you are eating your bodyweight in lbs x 0.8, you're getting enough protein.
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    Stop stressing, protein is in nearly all living foods!!!!

    I have had no meat today and my protein is at 116 grams

    No meat apart from the bacon... plus you got most of the protein from 2 shakes... theres nothing wrong with that, but i dont think you should make out like you got all your protein from food when you supplement with shakes!!

    I haven't had dinner yet, so no I haven't had meat yet.

    But protein is so easy to come by why do people stress?! I have only just started a meal replacement diet, but even when I didn't, normally I would have over 100 grams of protein. How? Lentils, mushrooms, chickpeas, vegetables, dairy, fruit, smoothies, any meat I eat, nuts and seeds, do you want me to go on?

    There is no need to have a harsh tone.
  • eatonize
    eatonize Posts: 6 Member
    The nuts and nut butters will send you way over with fat intake and so will whole eggs. It seems a waste but you might have to consider throwing away your egg yolk's. Almost all the protein is in the whites and all the fats in the yolk. An egg white omelet with 6 egg whites will give you around 25 grams of protein with minimal calories (provided you only add low cal ingredients). Also legumes would be a good source like lentils although watch them too because although they have a higher protein count than most grains they could still be considered a carbohydrate.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Hiya - can I ask why did you set your protein to 50% of your daily input?

    It was what was recommended. Should I set it a bit lower? It does seem like a large number now that I think about it... I wanted a lot more protein than fats and carbs.

    Sorry - I don't actually know the best ratios for you (I'm still working on mine) -- But If those numbers are right for you then I'v found this link to a set of 50:30:20 meal plans that might help you.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Stop stressing, protein is in nearly all living foods!!!!

    I have had no meat today and my protein is at 116 grams

    I noticed that most of the proteins are from shakes that I have no money for, lol.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    The nuts and nut butters will send you way over with fat intake and so will whole eggs. It seems a waste but you might have to consider throwing away your egg yolk's. Almost all the protein is in the whites and all the fats in the yolk. An egg white omelet with 6 egg whites will give you around 25 grams of protein with minimal calories (provided you only add low cal ingredients). Also legumes would be a good source like lentils although watch them too because although they have a higher protein count than most grains they could still be considered a carbohydrate.

    I only eat egg whites now.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    You can buy a carton of just egg whites. I use then now b/c my husband was getting tired of me wasting all those yolks :)
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Hiya - can I ask why did you set your protein to 50% of your daily input?

    It was what was recommended. Should I set it a bit lower? It does seem like a large number now that I think about it... I wanted a lot more protein than fats and carbs.

    Sorry - I don't actually know the best ratios for you (I'm still working on mine) -- But If those numbers are right for you then I'v found this link to a set of 50:30:20 meal plans that might help you.

    Thanks for that, I'm trying that out.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    You can buy a carton of just egg whites. I use then now b/c my husband was getting tired of me wasting all those yolks :)

    I was just thinking about that when I realized the eggs were almost gone. Going to get some cartoned egg whites during the weekend.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I supplement with whey protein powder and bars, but I get a lot from cottage cheese, eggs, greek yogurt and whole milk. Feel free to look through my diary for ideas if you'd like. I also like string cheese and kefir.

    Regarding your ratios, 50% protein is really high and has to be next to impossible to hit on a vegetarian diet. You need a minimum of 0.8-1g of protein per pound of LBM. If you don't know your body fat percentage, I'd try going with a ballpark of 25% just to get an idea. Just making up numbers, say you're 150 pounds with 25% body fat. You have 112.5 pounds of LBM, so you'd want 90-112 grams of protein.
  • Amy3935
    Amy3935 Posts: 94 Member
    1/2 cup lentils has 25g of protein!
  • SnatchPosse
    SnatchPosse Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry if someone has mentioned this, but you could consider quinoa. There are several different kinds and for vegetarians (I am one, and I don't eat eggs) it's a good way to add protein without adding a lot of fat. I'm also considering adding fish back into my diet since I eat out a lot and veggie options are often full of cheese and pasta, but I'm not sure yet. It would sure make it easier to have healthy low carb, unprocessed meals.