

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Almost anything is toxic if dosed too high. Saying something "could" be dangerous if you have "too much" is therefore fear mongering and useless information unless you provide specifics about dosage in terms of mgs per kg. If that information doesn't exist then more study needs to be done and until that study is complete it is actually rather easy to be skeptical of claims of toxicity. In fact, I would argue, skepticism is the correct response.

    Arsenic is something that everyone views as a poison largely because the mgs per kg dosage for toxicity is very very low. That said arsenic is actually an essential nutrient that our body needs for its survival so if you could avoid it completely (which isn't really possible) that would actually be fatal to you as well.

    Sodium is "bad" for you if you have to much of it but is essential as well. Its only when you know the mgs per kg in terms of dosage that is unhealthy long term can you give useful information about how to correctly incorporate it into your diet.

    Fructose is found in things, such as fruit, that are an important part of anyones nutrition. To just say "fructose is bad for you" without giving any sort of mg per kg information is more than useless its irresponsible.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's all fine and dandy to tell someone that too much fructose can cause negative health effects but if you can't tell someone how much is too much then the statement is useless.

    He has explained multiple times why he thinks too much fructose is bad. It increases AGE and triglyceride levels. Theres a lot of research being done whether or not they cause certain diseases.

    To mock him like he is some 'avoid sugar, it's toxic" nut (like OP) seems a bit too far. You could say while on a normal diet it's not harmful. Doesn't mean that his statement of the byproducts of glycation being bad is false.

    It's an interesting topic actually, deserves better than "so how many apples will kill me".

    I don't' usually get annoyed but this one is getting close. Why can't anyone on that side of the discussion tell me how many grams of fructose is too much? If you don't have the answer, just say so.

    I'll even accept the hypothesis for the time being, that too much fructose is harmful to the human body. Now, at what level of intake does it become harmful?

    I'll award over 9000 internet cookies if someone can give me a backed up number.

    Best of luck on your noble and righteous quest. May you be satisfied in your search for an answer more quickly than I have been in my search for the name of one toxin that is eliminated in a dietary cleanse that isn't otherwise cleared from the body while continue to eat food.

    Godspeed, bold and noble truthseeker. Godspeed.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    It's all fine and dandy to tell someone that too much fructose can cause negative health effects but if you can't tell someone how much is too much then the statement is useless.

    He has explained multiple times why he thinks too much fructose is bad. It increases AGE and triglyceride levels. Theres a lot of research being done whether or not they cause certain diseases.

    To mock him like he is some 'avoid sugar, it's toxic" nut (like OP) seems a bit too far. You could say while on a normal diet it's not harmful. Doesn't mean that his statement of the byproducts of glycation being bad is false.

    It's an interesting topic actually, deserves better than "so how many apples will kill me".

    I don't' usually get annoyed but this one is getting close. Why can't anyone on that side of the discussion tell me how many grams of fructose is too much? If you don't have the answer, just say so.

    I'll even accept the hypothesis for the time being, that too much fructose is harmful to the human body. Now, at what level of intake does it become harmful?

    I'll award over 9000 internet cookies if someone can give me a backed up number.

    Best of luck on your noble and righteous quest. May you be satisfied in your search for an answer more quickly than I have been in my search for the name of one toxin that is eliminated in a dietary cleanse that isn't otherwise cleared from the body while continue to eat food.

    Godspeed, bold and noble truthseeker. Godspeed.


    I know I'm not going to get an answer since one doesn't exist. /sigh Time for me to step away from the keyboard.

    Thanks for the snarky reminder that my truthseeking was a doomed quest from the start, I needed it. :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's all fine and dandy to tell someone that too much fructose can cause negative health effects but if you can't tell someone how much is too much then the statement is useless.

    He has explained multiple times why he thinks too much fructose is bad. It increases AGE and triglyceride levels. Theres a lot of research being done whether or not they cause certain diseases.

    To mock him like he is some 'avoid sugar, it's toxic" nut (like OP) seems a bit too far. You could say while on a normal diet it's not harmful. Doesn't mean that his statement of the byproducts of glycation being bad is false.

    It's an interesting topic actually, deserves better than "so how many apples will kill me".

    I don't' usually get annoyed but this one is getting close. Why can't anyone on that side of the discussion tell me how many grams of fructose is too much? If you don't have the answer, just say so.

    I'll even accept the hypothesis for the time being, that too much fructose is harmful to the human body. Now, at what level of intake does it become harmful?

    I'll award over 9000 internet cookies if someone can give me a backed up number.

    Best of luck on your noble and righteous quest. May you be satisfied in your search for an answer more quickly than I have been in my search for the name of one toxin that is eliminated in a dietary cleanse that isn't otherwise cleared from the body while continue to eat food.

    Godspeed, bold and noble truthseeker. Godspeed.


    I know I'm not going to get an answer since one doesn't exist. /sigh Time for me to step away from the keyboard.

    Thanks for the snarky reminder that my truthseeking was a doomed quest from the start, I needed it. :flowerforyou:

    NOOOO! You can't just give up like that! This is your calling...your reason for being...the thing that will drive you to continue on even in the face of (online) adversity. You can't just choose not to be called to this endeavor. This is what you must do! This is who you now are!

    You can do this.

    I believe in you.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It's all fine and dandy to tell someone that too much fructose can cause negative health effects but if you can't tell someone how much is too much then the statement is useless.

    He has explained multiple times why he thinks too much fructose is bad. It increases AGE and triglyceride levels. Theres a lot of research being done whether or not they cause certain diseases.

    To mock him like he is some 'avoid sugar, it's toxic" nut (like OP) seems a bit too far. You could say while on a normal diet it's not harmful. Doesn't mean that his statement of the byproducts of glycation being bad is false.

    It's an interesting topic actually, deserves better than "so how many apples will kill me".

    Just one, if it's thrown at someone's head in just the right way...
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    That was my point. You were pushing him on information that doesn't exist, just so you could say "see I'm right" or some other mocking statement. Which is fine if that's how you want to discuss things :laugh:

    Just because there's no pinpointed range for toxicity doesn't mean you can't mention or discuss AGEs. Just debunk it if it's that wrong, or give your view on it. Does it even fall under toxicity? Isn't it raising oxidative stress? Do AGEs have benefits? (genuinely asking, I'm no expert that's why I found his posts interesting). I'm pretty sure the AGEs from burning food and smoking are not very helpful.

    in be4: so how much fruit can I eat? :wink:
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Someone forgot to tell my body that fructose converts to fat. I eat 80% carbs and virtually all of those come from fruits.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Joanne just pm'd me. She said 17 apples is the limit. These are regular sized apples not those crazy massive ones they have in Japan for example. If you eat 18, you will get fat. If you stick to 17 or under you will be crazy fit and will be able to do KB windmills with the best of them.

    Hope that helps.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Here is my take on this. Those who put so much effort into avoiding particular foods would be better served putting that effort instead into exercise. Fruit isn't going to make you fat and ruin your health, Fruit loops isn't going to make you fat and ruin your health....worrying and sitting on your *kitten* is going to make you fat and ruin your health.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Now I want cereal. Screw you guys.
  • apeacefulway
    To the person eating tons of fructose from fruit - switch to high fructose corn syrup and see what happens. LOL.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Is this news?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Joanne just pm'd me. She said 17 apples is the limit. These are regular sized apples not those crazy massive ones they have in Japan for example. If you eat 18, you will get fat. If you stick to 17 or under you will be crazy fit and will be able to do KB windmills with the best of them.

    Hope that helps.
    Phew.....Thank god. Because I've eaten 16 already today and had 2 more planned for desert tonight.

    if I ate 17 apples a day I think I would have other problems...
  • JoeyIbz
    JoeyIbz Posts: 13 Member
    As a rule of thumb, natural sugars present in fruits like Fructose are ALWAYS OK to eat as long as you stay on your daily macros. Artificial sweeteners are the ones that should be avoided AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE... these include Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame K, Saccharin, and all that crap they put in the so called "Diet Products" or "0% Products"... Always read the labels of what you're about to eat, not just for calorie count..

    Get your nutrients from mother nature as much as possible, stay on your macros, exercise, rest properly and behold your progressive transformation...
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have seen a lot of these style posts from the OP, sensationalist articles, highly contentious post title and days of argument and counter argument about the accuracy of the claims and the interpretation of the research, if any is included!

    As has been said before the OP very rarely, if ever comes back into the topic to argue for or against any point that has been made, but then why would she?

    All of this argument keeps the topic up in the recent post list, meaning more and more people have a look at it, many not getting past the first post and if just one of them joins the OP's group then I suspect the post will have done its work!
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    As a rule of thumb, natural sugars present in fruits like Fructose are ALWAYS OK to eat as long as you stay on your daily macros. Artificial sweeteners are the ones that should be avoided AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE... these include Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame K, Saccharin, and all that crap they put in the so called "Diet Products" or "0% Products"...

    Why do you believe this? (Cue naturalistic fallacy)
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Joanne just pm'd me. She said 17 apples is the limit. These are regular sized apples not those crazy massive ones they have in Japan for example. If you eat 18, you will get fat. If you stick to 17 or under you will be crazy fit and will be able to do KB windmills with the best of them.

    Hope that helps.
    Phew.....Thank god. Because I've eaten 16 already today and had 2 more planned for desert tonight.

    if I ate 17 apples a day I think I would have other problems...

    That happens too me if I drink too much apple cider.

    Does anyone know if Joanne has an apples to cider (oz) conversion tool to make sure I dont go over the 16 apple mark?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    As a rule of thumb, natural sugars present in fruits like Fructose are ALWAYS OK to eat as long as you stay on your daily macros. Artificial sweeteners are the ones that should be avoided AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE... these include Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame K, Saccharin, and all that crap they put in the so called "Diet Products" or "0% Products"... Always read the labels of what you're about to eat, not just for calorie count..

    Get your nutrients from mother nature as much as possible, stay on your macros, exercise, rest properly and behold your progressive transformation...

    Right. And what is wrong with Aspartame again? Or any of those you listed for that matter? Besides that they are not "natural" whatever that means (nature is chemistry too you know).

    Nature isn't your buddy, if anything nature wants to kill your @ss so I'm not sure why people get so kumbaya over anything "natural".