Looking to build an awesome Support Team

DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
Hi Gang!

Like so many others, I have been on the weight roller coaster my entire life. A few years ago, with the help of MFP and the support I found here, I lost 35 pounds and was on track for a much healthier me. Unfortunately, life and a medical situation derailed me. I found the weight I had kicked to the curb plus a few other stragglers -- dang it!

But, I am back at it and more determined than ever.

Unless I am traveling for work, I will be on here every day and I promise to cheer on your victories and be a should to lean on when you need one.

Let's do this together!


  • Cin46
    Cin46 Posts: 5
    Hi! Welcome! Ive only been here for a short time and Im always up for new friends and support. Feel free to add me if you wish! :smile:
  • MrsPorter72
    MrsPorter72 Posts: 9 Member
    Snap! Been up and down - feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • sairafaberpike
    sairafaberpike Posts: 2 Member
    I didn't realise that MFP had this community - silly me! I have just motivated myself to write up my profile and intend to check in daily....so will be able to cheer you on and support you all when you need it xx
  • Hi!! I've been on here a very short time as well.. Maybe a month or a little over a month. I've started at 175 and now I am 160.
  • Need encouragement. Going through peri menopause...have developed the required bloated stomach. It's beyond a muffin top, more like a fluffy angle food cake. Actually, for those of you who know the Little Rascals, it reminds me of the cake that had something in that kept ballooning out...wheep whaw. Willing to cheer anyone working on getting their life habits healthy.
  • JenMatney79
    JenMatney79 Posts: 10 Member
    Me too!

    Lets do this!!

    Jen :)
  • Need encouragement. Going through peri menopause...have developed the required bloated stomach. It's beyond a muffin top, more like a fluffy angel food cake. Actually, for those of you who know the Little Rascals, it reminds me of the cake that had something in that kept ballooning out...wheep whaw. Willing to cheer anyone working on getting their life habits healthy.
  • I've just updated my profile, after joining 2 months ago, logging religiously for a week then giving up..(Again!!) . I've been here a million times before, always just to 'use the tracker, cos I don't need other people to motivate me'............Well I've realised that, actually, I do need other like minded people! Accountability is a great kick in the backside, so if you'll have me on board, I would love to be 'one of the team' :D
  • Yeah!! I am reworking my habits. Today I will start by counting calories, getting more water and less caffeine.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    If you are serious and want to join me for this ride, any of you are free to add me. I am on daily and post the good and the bad. My group of friends and I motivate and challenge each other daily.
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    Look at the amazing people I've met today! I am so excited and cannot wait to get to know you all.

    We will be victorious in our battle. A new life awaits us, friends. LET'S DO THIS! :glasses:
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    I've recently joined and started posting in here for that exact same reason! I'll keep you motivated if you help me stay on track too :)

    Pleasure to meet you!