Sooo I had a major binge last night, advice welcomed!

I know I did a thread last time saying that I binged and purged a couple days ago... And I did good to resist it. I could have done better. Something made me snap last night, I don't know what but I guess it is what it is. I had my usual 1550 caloric intake, but after eating dinner, I had a major caraing for something sweet or something in that manner. I had about 3 peanut butter and jelly banana sandwiches( although I will admit I didn't try to over do it I tried to only cover thee bread), 2 cups of no flavor regular almond milk. And some oatmeal bon bons I have made ( this includes the ingredients 2 1/2 cups of oatmeal, 6 oz of yo-plait yogurt, 1 cup of egg whites, 1/4 cup of peanut butter, and a small amount of raw walnuts). I know I over did it, MAJORLY, might i add, but I am trying to maintain my sanity. I just don't know what to do. Should I eat? Should I not eat. I have not eaten breakfast. I am not really planning to eat for the rest of the new day (since the binge took place before I went to bed). I did not throw up, I resisted hard to do that. While this binge took place, I kept repeating it's only for today, it's only for today, it's only for today. Any comments? Questions? Advice?


  • ElBriano
    ElBriano Posts: 10 Member
    Get back to your normal meal plan as quickly as you can. It is okay if you eat a little less the following meal if you are less hungry, but don't starve yourself or you will find yourself craving again in no time. A once in a while binge isn't a bad thing and your body should recover within a week. I find that if I binge I don't see the weight hitting me until 2-4 days after the fact. If you feel a binge coming on, try and include healthy, bulkier foods with the binge to keep from overeating the decadent stuff. Like low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit. I am not a nutritionist or anything, this is just what works for me.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Not eating is only more likely to trigger another binge. Eat normally today and put that binge behind you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i agree, restricting your calories will probably just lead to more bingeing.

    also, look at why you binged in the first place - generally speaking people who binge are eating their feelings.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I think that you need to dust yourself off, get back on track, and eat something reasonable the very next time you get hungry. :)

    I have been in your shoes many, many times. And I flogged myself with so much guilt every time, and punished myself (sometimes by stuffing down even MORE food, if that makes sense...) Thankfully that does not occur as often any more (maybe a couple of times a month as opposed to several times a week), but it does still happen. But two things that changed for me are the fact that I no longer beat myself all to hell when it does happen, and my way of thinking about it as a whole- I read a few books by Geneen Roth (check her out, she is very first-hand experienced in the binge/diet rollercoaster and is all about self-care as well as weight and well-being) and one thing she recommends that stuck with me was that even after a binge, start back on your plan again at your Very Next Meal, no matter when that time is. Don't continue to punish yourself, don't wait until some far-off, vague re-start day or time. Eat something the next time you are hungry.

    I think it has something to do with teaching yourself that you CAN be trusted to feed yourself when necessary. Maybe I'm not explaining it right. But I definitely know that my thinking has shifted, and while I'm still not perfect, I'm binging less (and let's face it, that may never stop completely) and I'm losing weight. My favorite book of hers is "When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull up a Chair." It is an easy read and has some really nice things to say.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Cut yourself some slack but don't make excuses. Why did you eat? Was it because you felt hungry all day? Was it because you particularly wanted any of these foods? It sounds really carb heavy, so have you been trying to avoid carbs or sugar? If you figure out the reason behind your binge, it will be easier to deal with in the future.

    Don't try to starve yourself today. Just go back to your 1550 calorie goal and learn from yesterday.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Just put it behind you and try to move forward. I would personally, just eat normally today. I would eat my normal calories and definitely not restrict calories today. it could lead to another binge.
    I would also seek treatment for eating disorder asap.just my opinion.
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    Drink lots of water, get a decent workout in today, eat as usual. In the long run you've only put yourselves back a couple days at most. Most importantly try to figure out why you've been bingeing. For me if I want to eat ALL the food it's either because my protein isn't high enough, or I skipped breakfast. Hangovers also cause me to want to eat all the food.
  • Heaven2017
    Heaven2017 Posts: 15 Member
    Do not give this any power. So what? Right back on the horse you go! It's only a big deal if you let it stop you.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Give yourself one 24 hour plan. Just one. Do it, see how you feel. Give it a day without it and consider doing it again. Then again.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Log it, forget it and move on. I totally over ate and drank loads of Pimms yesterday, am pretty disappointed in myself but today am just moving on...
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    A free day will not hurt you. I believe it does you good. Call it a nice memory and get back with your program.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    drink water and get over it, no point dwelling over the past.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    Oh honey, I have been there. I struggled for years with an ED which still haunts me from time to time. So I know well the panic after a binge and the urge to purge. I'm not sure if you have an ED or not but your use of the terms "binge and purge" suggests to me that you might identify with having one. My apologies if that's not so.

    My advice re: last night's binge is - don't do anything about it. Don't skip meals today or eat less or exercise more than usual. In the grand scheme of things this is just a bump in the road ad you have to look at it that way. If you did this kind of binge every day, it would be different, but you don't, and it's okay to sometimes overeat. IT'S OK. Seriously, it won't make a difference long-term.

    More important is keeping your body healthy and properly fed. Skipping meals SEEMS like a good idea but it isn't. Your body needs food on a regular schedule! If you start eating at irregular intervals and ignoring hunger, that's when you damage your body and that can be a trigger for more disordered eating as well (i.e. bingeing). Skipping meals is also bad for weight loss or maintenance.

    So don't stress over it, don't beat yourself up over it. It all evens out in the end. Just carry on as usual and eat your normal amount today.

    It helps to stick to an eating routine if you are struggling with cravings. That is - eating similar-size meals at the same time of day. Your body will anticipate the routine and you will find you won't have as many cravings, hunger pangs, blood sugar dips, and so on at strange times of day. Also try to eat balanced meals with the right proportion of protein, carbs, and fat in each one.

    Also, maybe you could explore what might have triggered the binge. Usually it's not actual hunger but it could be any number of things. Perhaps it's physical, like you're not meeting your nutritional needs on your diet. It could be emotional as well, some stress or something in your life. I mean, only you know for certain, but it bears looking into so you can learn healthier ways of dealing with it.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I know I did a thread last time saying that I binged and purged a couple days ago... And I did good to resist it. I could have done better. Something made me snap last night, I don't know what but I guess it is what it is. I had my usual 1550 caloric intake, but after eating dinner, I had a major caraing for something sweet or something in that manner. I had about 3 peanut butter and jelly banana sandwiches( although I will admit I didn't try to over do it I tried to only cover thee bread), 2 cups of no flavor regular almond milk. And some oatmeal bon bons I have made ( this includes the ingredients 2 1/2 cups of oatmeal, 6 oz of yo-plait yogurt, 1 cup of egg whites, 1/4 cup of peanut butter, and a small amount of raw walnuts). I know I over did it, MAJORLY, might i add, but I am trying to maintain my sanity. I just don't know what to do. Should I eat? Should I not eat. I have not eaten breakfast. I am not really planning to eat for the rest of the new day (since the binge took place before I went to bed). I did not throw up, I resisted hard to do that. While this binge took place, I kept repeating it's only for today, it's only for today, it's only for today. Any comments? Questions? Advice?

  • I've been there! Here's what really works for me:

    1) Forgive yourself. What is done is done, you're not going to gain weight just because of one binge. The worst part is over, its a new day, you can only improve from this point forward.
    2) Get rid of the binge food. THROW IT AWAY! I personally know that my binge triggers are peanut butter, oatmeal and bread. I don't incorporate them in my house until I've been 90 days binge free. When I used to feel like bingeing and din't have any "binge food" I would look at a list I made of things that I could use to distract myself. (Ex. take a bath, call a friend, paint my nails, watch a tv show) This helped me immensely. Instead of going out like a maniac to buy food I would do stuff from my list. Having no binge food reduced my binges by a lot. Out of sight = out of mind!
    3) I know how harsh large binges can be to your body (back aches, swollen belly, slugish etc) so I usually exercise and eat a light breakfast. Depending on how large the binge was I would skip some snacks BUT always go back to eating "normal" for lunch and dinner. Believe me, I used to do "liquid fasts" and it just made it worst! the best best best advice is do some cardio, it makes me feel soo much better like 10000x better.

    Hope this helps! good luck xx
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Lift your a*ss off today and turn those calories into muscle
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    Move, definitely! I too had a high calorie night last night when i ate an entire large blended ice cream thing with snickers in it. I'm just eating normally today. Restricting your intake to try to "make up for" a binge will only make things worse
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    If one day is all it takes to change progress in a weight loss plan, then people shouldn't lose weight at all since even just regular fluctuations increase it.
    It's a bad day, just like having one at work, one with the family, etc. Great thing is you can just restart and chalk this up to more learning.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    Just wanted to say I understand. I have severe pmdd/pcos so I almost always binge at least once or twice when my hormones are at their most haywired. Just keep going. If you aren't starving today yes you could eat less to compensate for some of those cals but don't do it unless you just aren't hungry. If you are hungry you need to eat your cals or you may end up binging again. I know from experience.
    Good luck and don't be mad at yourself
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    I know I did a thread last time saying that I binged and purged a couple days ago... And I did good to resist it. I could have done better. Something made me snap last night, I don't know what but I guess it is what it is. I had my usual 1550 caloric intake, but after eating dinner, I had a major caraing for something sweet or something in that manner. I had about 3 peanut butter and jelly banana sandwiches( although I will admit I didn't try to over do it I tried to only cover thee bread), 2 cups of no flavor regular almond milk. And some oatmeal bon bons I have made ( this includes the ingredients 2 1/2 cups of oatmeal, 6 oz of yo-plait yogurt, 1 cup of egg whites, 1/4 cup of peanut butter, and a small amount of raw walnuts). I know I over did it, MAJORLY, might i add, but I am trying to maintain my sanity. I just don't know what to do. Should I eat? Should I not eat. I have not eaten breakfast. I am not really planning to eat for the rest of the new day (since the binge took place before I went to bed). I did not throw up, I resisted hard to do that. While this binge took place, I kept repeating it's only for today, it's only for today, it's only for today. Any comments? Questions? Advice?

    First and foremost - good for you for resisting the urge to purge. I know that is probably really hard for you to do, but it shows serious growth and a desire to change your overall health. That is the single, most important thing to remember in a circumstance like this so good for you. You should be very proud of that.

    Secondly - as for today - what I'd recommend is taking the next 24 hours to reset and refocus yourself. Drink lots of water, stick to your 1550 calories to a tee, and maybe go for a jog that you hadn't previously planned on. You need to refocus your mind on your ability to be in charge of your health rather than use today as a means of punishing yourself. This goes back to the first point - you should never punish yourself for eating.

    Finally - it seems like you are having some real struggles with portion control and your body is asking you to eat more. That is totally normal, and likely you should consider a new strategy of eating to try to help feel more satisfied. Have you ever heard of calorie cycling? I also struggle a lot with days where I just want to eat everything. I have implemented calorie cycling and it helps - I will have one day with a 2000 calorie allowance, and the next 1200... the average at the end of the week always is within my deficit but I listen to my body and find that not trying to cookie-cutter each day really enables me to enjoy a lot more food and lose weight.

    You are okay - everyone binges. Just take a few deep breaths, have some water or tea, and enjoy a nice, healthy breakfast that will set the tone for the rest of your day. Food is fuel - not a tool to punish yourself.