Arrrggghhhhh, Aging and still learning lessons

So, I wasn't going to introduce myself here, but this morning and I woke up to Jeansuza and her amazing success story and what struck me most was that she put herself out there and shared her walk. In doing so, I think that she gave us all a gift. I don't know that I will be helping someone else in sharing my journey, but who knows.

I'll be 57 in August. That number doesn't bother me, but in the last few years, I feel like my body has taken over and is doing just what it wants to do and not a bit more. Things that I always had no trouble doing are now a great problem for me and this isn't the way I want my next years to be. So, the battle has begun.

Unlike Jeansuza, and many success stories that I've been reading, I did not start out a heavy child. Most of my adult life, I carried 20-30 extra pounds and although it was aggravating, it was doable. Once in a while I would get to a point to losing weight and I'd go out and do it and the subject was over. No so any more. So for me, I am not in the position, of my mind adjusting to my new fabulous and freed body and maybe all the attention it gets, I'm shackled with a body that I don't know how to get around in and it's harder and harder to lose that foreign entity. It used to be pound by pound, now it's ounce by ounce and it's not enough to count calories and exercise, it's make sure that the calories I take in are balanced nutrients and choosing exercise that won't do more harm than good.

My breaking point this time was when my husband and I traveled out of state to see my oldest son and his Family. I didn't realize how hard it had gotten for me to get around. He and his wife have 3 active boys and it was spring break, so activities were planned. I kept up the best that I could but by the time that we landed back home, my knees were shot. I've never experienced this and the every day that comes with it. Now, I didn't need to rush to the doctor to realize what I needed to do to quit hurting. That was the end of March. At that point I'd earned the weight of 196.6 on a 5'5" small frame. I was bigger than when I was pregnant with twins! Well, no wonder.

Just before this, I had moved into my Mom and Sister's home for a week to help out after they both had surgeries. It was a short, temporary move but really opened my eyes to what I might be headed for. Now, with my knees giving me what for, I made the decision to fight it with all my might. Pain and that picture presented to me so graphically, is all the motivation I need! I'm 57 years young and this isn't what I'm going to stand for.

It's now May 19th. I weigh in at 178.6 today, and although I have twinges, my knees are allowing me to work in the yard, walk on the treadmill, and use the stationary bike daily. I sculpt concrete, and lifting the work is not an issue now. I'm far from where I need to be, and my new/old body is rebelling with every once, but I'm learning how to work it. Any suggestions for the "old lady" crowd would be greatly appreciated. I want to chase Grandchildren and be of service the years I have ahead, not be the one dependent on the service of others.....not quite so soon anyway.....

On those days when my hubby, who has lost 70 lbs., brings home a splurge I'm having trouble avoiding, I've taken to reading success stories and listing all the things that I am missing by letting my body dictate my downfall. Those two things, and staring at my "target dress" online seems to help me be good to myself and walk away from the table.

Good luck and God bless -


  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Great story SlimTerri. You told it like it is. No excuses, no "it's not my fault". Just, choices I made got me to this point and I don't want to be here any longer.

    18 pounds in 6 weeks is awesome. You are well on your way to reaching your goal.

    I reached my point when I tore a meniscus in my right knee and gained 30 pounds in about 3 months. Kept up the excuses of not pushing my knee and stayed at that weight for almost a year before I finally got fed up enough with where I was at. I just stopped and looked at myself in the mirror and said, "You won't look like this in 12 months."

    Since then I've had downs (weight) and ups, but mostly downs and have enjoyed every new accomplishment I have. Just got rid of my size 14s this past weekend and I'm finally feeling like I want this life journey to continue with all the successes as well as the times that I just enjoy life with friends or family. If I eat too much, well that just means I was hungry that day. I don't get down on myself simply because my body needed something off the menu. I just keep on track as much as possible, but still enjoy a bowl of sherbert when I want.

    Life isn't supposed to be tolerated, it's to be enjoyed. Enjoy every day whether or not it's a successful one.

    Best of luck to you.
  • lindamcintosh370
    lindamcintosh370 Posts: 7 Member
    I am rooting for you because I am 62 started this 59 days ago have lost 14 lbs I am doing this because I am fed up with being the fat Grandma I want to be able to do things with my Grandchildren I am 5'2 and have over 100 lbs to lose struggled with weight all my life losing on diets and gaining everything back so this time I am doing it slow and steady
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Hi Terri I hope you are feeling better...I shot my knees by just being on the treadmill, having it to high. So now I use the elip instead and the recline bike...Hoping to building up the muscles....
    I have three meals a day and two snack (not treats) and one treat and I find I don't get tempted to much....
    I hope you find your balance....
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    You are beautiful! Your story is very motivating, and I hope you have continued success. I'm 65 (66 in October) and have lost 82 pounds while on MFP. Hopefully, I"m building better habits about my eating.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    Well slimterri, you sound like you are on the right track. I am 67 so I know how difficult it is to drop those pounds. When I was younger I could drop 5 lbs. in one week. Now, like you said, it is ounce by ounce. I'm glad to hear you have a treadmill. About a month I go I bought one also. I make myself get on it at least once daily. When I first started, I did 15 minutes at a time several times a day. Now I can do 3.2 miles at a clip. So maybe you could increase your exercise by doing several short spurts a day??? Some people may tell you it is okay to "splurge" a little when your husband brings home a goody. But if you are like me, as soon as I take even one bite of a sweet, I just can't seem to stop. I have 30 lbs to lose and have set my mind that it is going to take a while. No unrealistic goals. Like you, I began this journey primarily so I could be healthy for my grandchildren. (I have 5 and they are all small children) I also found I could not work in my yard like I used to. Here is another tip. I don't weigh myself every week. Since the loss is slow, I don't want to be discouraged. I weigh in every two weeks. That works better for me. I also bought a "Life Trak" watch that measures my steps, calories burned and heart rate. It does other stuff but to say I am electronically challenged would be putting it mildly. I try to get in 10,000 steps a day. But at least 7,000 a day. Sometimes I walk in place while watching TV just to keep moving. I hope some of this helps. I really just wanted to say, set small goals and know that you CAN do this. I will send you a friend request if I can figure out how to do it. Good luck and think positive.:smooched:
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    WOW!! You have inspired this 67 year old body! Thank you. I was beginning to think that everyone using MFP were young mothers.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    I think that it's the fast weight gain that has hurt both you and I. If you gain slowly, I think your muscles have time to catch up. Not that I'm encouraging weight gain, but I see people so much larger than I who are not destroyed like I was. But congrads to us for seeing what needs to be done and doing it! I think that MyFitnessPlan is great because it does help you figure out what your body needs before it becomes an issue. I didn't realize just how little protein that I was taking in until I logged everything in. What I've found helpful too, is when I know I must eat out, I try to figure out what I'm ordering before I go and then stick to it. Anyway, congrads and keep me posted okay? How do you 'friend' people on here?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I will be 58 in the fall. Like you, I was never heavy until adulthood and it kept creeping up on me until I realized I couldn't enjoy life any more (add in undiagnosed gastric bleeding and resultant severe anemia and I could do nothing). My wake-up was when I finally got to the doctor and found out that my breathlessness and lack of energy wasn't just being severely out of shape and also that the stress it put on my body in addition to the extra weight I put on tipped me over into T2 diabetes. I had a choice: deal with the medical issues NOW and lose weight so they never come back or deal with the medical issues all of my resulting short life. I hated what I had become so I decided I needed to take action and become the person I once was.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    Just sent you one. Click on the little arrow next to the name on a post that inspires you. Click on "go to profile" and you will see "add as friend".
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    The great thing about being our age, is we were taught to own our situations. So, we will own this too! The best of luck to you and eep in touch!
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    How do you 'friend' people on here?

    If you click on their name, you will get to their page. Then just click on "Add Friend" button. You can either send a message, or just the friend request. They will then accept you or not. To accept a friend, on the web, at the top of the page is an outline of a person. Beside that icon (if you have any requests) will be a number. Click on the outline and it will bring you to the page to accept their request.

    On the phone, touch the MyFitnessPal title at the top of the screen and then select Friends and then Request.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    I've been doing 30 minutes on the treadmill (Whimpy settings) and 30 minutes on the recliner bike (again, Whimpy style). The season lends itself to my working in the yard for at least 30 minutes as well so I think for starters I'm not doing bad. I take care of my 2 year old Grandson on Wed.'s and that is getting easier too. One thing that I do for myself now is that I go and buy as wide a variety of produce as I can every two weeks and dehydrate it, then pulverize and store it close with a scoop. Sometimes I log on to and order a powdered something, like sea kelp, hemp protein, whatever and to it. The green mixes that you buy are so expensive and still you might be missing some great nutrients. Anyway, I can add it to yogurt, tea, water, soup, juice, whatever and give myself a great, low calorie, high nutrient boost. Since I've been doing this, I have gained a lot of energy and don't get as hungry for unhealthy things. I'm growing my own produce some now and much of that will go to my mix. NOTE: if you try this, don't turn down those things you might not otherwise eat because when it's mixed in with everything else, you can't taste it and the texture that might not be agreeable is no longer there. Some fruits don't lend themselves to this, so read up. And Tumeric is wonderful stuff for aches, pains and more so add that!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you! What an encouragement you and the others are. I hope that we Grandma's can show the younger set that might be struggling that we still got what it takes and can lead by example. Congrads to you.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    I've been looking at a LifeTrak or something similar. I'm not sure how it all works, but I'm pretty good technologically, so Ill investigate. I'm interested in how they can log your sleep as well. I never know how much sleep I'm actually getting and I'm hearing that this has a lot to do with our goals. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I started this conversation because after reading a wonderful successful MFP's story, It dawned on me that we need to share as part of the process. I didn't think I had all that much to share but followed her lead. I am overwhelmed by all of you and so blessed. Thank you thank you! I'm new to this site and didn't know that you could 'friend' people. Now I have to get it together and learn because we need each other.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    See, we do need to post and share. I didn't do this right away because I didn't think I had a story to share. So, the bible tells us that the older women should teach the younger women. God in his humor knew that by doing so, we would also be teaching each other. This is a life lesson to me. So come on ladies, lets reclaim our bodies and do our job of helping encourage ourselves as well as setting the pace for the youngin's. You have all encouraged me so much this morning.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't you hate it when this alien takes your body and leaves you with one you don't even recognize? Well, it's time to take back ourselves and show it what for. We can do this ladies and as you mentioned, there is so much more to it than just the weight. I love the nutrient values at the bottom of the daily food list you type in. That helps. I'm told that we older ladies need to make sure we get enough protein to make the weight loss work. I thought I had that nailed and boy was I surprised. I am finding that when your body gets what it needs, your appetite is satiated and you don't get the hunger pains or cravings. This changes my mindset. I tell myself, if a splurge comes to mind, that I most certainly can have that, just as soon as I put into my engine what it actually needs first and guess what? When I do, I'm not so interested in that splurge when the time comes.....
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you so much!. I'm so blessed by you already.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Love your topic title! It's great that you're still learning. We all should be. I'm not quite as old as you are, but I can identify. I'm a runner, and I have gradually moderated my mileage to take care of those knees. FWIW, treadmills are harder on my knees than the streets in my neighborhood. I know one day I'll switch to a non-impact alternative like swimming, but I dread the day. I've found that while maintaining my weight has gotten harder physically (oz. by oz. instead of lb. by lb., as you say), it has gotten easier mentally as I (and my relationship with food) have matured. Best of luck, and thanks for sharing!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you so much. I had no idea there was such a support system here!
  • Deedle7544
    Deedle7544 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey, we have a great group of over 50 ladies, y'all should joini us, its the "50 plus and growing better challenge"