Arrrggghhhhh, Aging and still learning lessons



  • Lwayne
    Lwayne Posts: 18 Member

    We have similar stats and frustrations. I have gained 10 lbs in a month while consciously (though not conscientiously) trying to lose weight. I'm 54 and just peaked at 165.5. I cannot believe how hard it is too lose the weight. As others noted, I used to be able to drop 5 in a week no problem. I am very active, do a 4 mile run a couple of times a week, and use my fitbit diligently to ensure I get 15K steps a day. I really love healthy foods and rarely indulge on junk. I've come to realize that I just need very few calories - my husband says that with my metabolism, it'll be me and cockroaches surviving after any nuclear fallout.

    I'd like to share your journey, and mine, and will friend you shortly.

    We can do this, we must do this. I will think of my misery, the misery I have suffered for years, every time I see a piece of cake or think I might need seconds and remind myselfI have the power to end it.

  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Glad that you are taking precautions early. I was a very precocious child and as such got injured a lot. So, I was never great at running because of scar tissue around my toes on both feet. But I love to walk. We have a marina here that is an amazing and wonderful 2 miles around and beautiful. I try to get there as often as I can. Before my knees gave out, and if I had the time, I'd walk it 2 or 3 times around in one jot. Last time I got about a third of the way around and back but at least it was something. I'm pretty sure I can do it now but haven't been able to get there as the yard needed much attention and we are putting in a Grandchild playground, which as projects do, led to other projects in order to accomplish it. Good for you though, and I hope that you will be able to do what you love for a long time. I was always a swimmer, but really have a hard time doing it in a public pool. I might consider a water aerobics class at some point though.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Cool, thank you!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you friend. Along with my own physical battles, My Mom, who is only 19 years older than me, and my baby sister who is 52, are so unhealthy and I've walked with them more so lately than before. Between my own deterioration and seeing their quality of life, I will not have a problem, other than patience, in sticking to my goals. All of you are making it so much easier on me already. My Mom was a smoker and has to deal with the COPD she has as well as the residual of multiple back surgeries and my sister had a car accident that left her with multiple challenges but I hope that by creating a success for myself I can encourage them to stretch their minds around more. Thank you so much in joining me in my walk but also sharing yours. We can help each other....
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey - I'll be 59 in November. I was always slim until my late 30's when I had my children - even then - it wasn't too bad. Approaching my 50th birthday I decided I didn't want to be fifty and fat so I lost 40 odd lbs and felt great. Stupidly I let it creep back up. My hips were my problem - exercising was painful, swimming embarrassing as it was a long walk from the changing room to the pool side! My husband walked our dog for over an hour every day but I always found an excuse not to go - busy, painful hips etc. Then, sadly, last November our dog died - after a long illness. In January my husband said that he wanted to carry on walking but felt odd (and sad) walking without the dog so to help him, I started walking with him - just short easy walks. By February I had decided that the weight had to go so started back on here. I controlled my portion sizes, cut out the crappy food and we found challenging walks. At first it nearly killed me - we'd both be out of breath and struggling up the hills slowly. Since then I have lost 22lbs, have very little hip pain, never get heartburn and feel so much more energetic. It was so worth struggling at the beginning. I will never run a marathon, jogging is probably out of the question (never say never) but I can hike around the coast path, climb stiles and negotiate rocky hills. Hopefully this time - although older, I will also be wiser to not let it creep back on when I have reached my goal weight (about another 25-30lbs I reckon)

    Good Luck to all of us 'oldies' - perhaps we can still show the kids a thing or two - about determination if nothing else.

    ETA - slimterri - you look stunning - what a lovely profile pic :flowerforyou:
  • jenny11011
    jenny11011 Posts: 6
    Thanks for the inspiration!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Teri
    you're HERE and that's a great place to be! first suggestion... YOU ARE NOT IN "THE OLD CROWD". :happy: you already said the "number" is no biggie. stop thinking that way :heart: second.... join our group 'Menopause - taking action". it's full of great gals around the same age as you. we share inspiration, tips and our daily accomplishments. check it out :flowerforyou:
    hope to see you there!
  • newfie026
    newfie026 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 49, and I decided in May, 2014, that I wanted to be fit before turning 50.I gave myself lots of time. I thought 2 1/2 years would be ok.I made up all kinds of charts and lists and have several notebooks that I write in. I'm doing this by myself because no one I know has lasted as long as I have. I, unlike many others here, have always been overweight. Most times, obese. I lost weight when I was twelve because I wanted to look better when I went out to dances. When I was about 23, I was on this exercise/weightlifting kick and lost a lot, but it only lasted a few months. I am 5'2", and have usually weighed from 160 to 175 lbs. When I went up to 186 last May, I couldn't stand it any more. I had trouble climbing stairs, and my clothes didn't look or feel good on me.

    I applaud your efforts. Keep at it. I lose a pound every few weeks. I lose a bit more now because I am exercising and jog/walking a lot more. I have more energy, now. I'm not as tired as I used to be.

    My sister has horrible knee problems and she does stretching and tai chi moves and she says it helps. You can do it. you just have to be patient and never give up.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks for sharing today, SlimTerri! You are inspiring! I have been off track for several months now, but started back on track just yesterday. I am 51, have a few health issues, and have been struggling with this extra weight for 11 yrs. I think I'm finally at the end of my tolerance and tired of not being able to do the things I used to be able to do. I still have a couple of young children, so I want to be able to run and play with them. One thing I read yesterday said, "How do you lise 100 lbs? You lose 5 lbs 20 times." That really clicked with me and suddenly I felt like this 95 lbs I need to lose is doable. So today, my focus is on taking one step at a time and losing my first 5 lbs.Thanks again for your inspiring post and best wishes to you on this journey.
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 54 and have often wondered if it is too late to lose the weight. I would like to shed about 40#. Then I realize that it doesn't MATTER the age, it's still important, and there are still LOTS of benefits to dropping some pounds and getting more fit.

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Searched for the group and it doesn't come up. Is a challenge different than a group? There was one, I think it is called 50, Fit and Fabulous, that I joined. Could the challenge be a part of it?
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    While I was reading about your struggles, I remembered an article from the Jan./Feb. addition to Shape magazine that a friend passed to me. Petra Nemcova. She's only 24, so what impressed me about this was not so much that she's in terrific shape, but she is amazing in so many ways. Her heart is as beautiful as her exterior but that's for you to read if you can find it. But, she had extreme injuries which included her pelvis being broken in several places after getting swept away in a Thailand Tsunami. As you and I know, having injuries can limit your exercise options. Well, at the end of the article, it has a layout of exercises, especially created for her when she is travelling, which means you don't need a bunch of stuff to do them. I looked at them and thought, if she can do it with what she's had to heal from, I should be able to eventually hand at least some of them soon. Maybe your local library can help you find it. I thought it was great!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    You are very welcome! I learned today that even though you don't think you have much of a story, you need to share it. Share yours!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you, I'm there. I do agree that it's just a number, but just by the name of your group, you know it comes with different challenges. I'm proud of my years and wouldn't take any of them back.
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for your encouragement and suggestions. I will check it out!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    I love this! 5lbs X 20! In other words, you can eat an elephant on bite at a time. LOL. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    I plan on it! you have a great day too!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi Slim Terry SO much win in your post.

    So many things I want to say.

    1) you'll notice as you drop weight it will get easier and easier to move. Start slow and gentle with the workouts. The last thing you need is an injury or aggravation to sideline you.

    2) diet alone can do wonders for shedding pounds. rely on this as you start out.

    3) 57 is young. I'm glad you already know that. In my family people live SO long and so imagine when young 20-30 year olds come on here feeling like they have a "lifetime" of experience? well you still have one of those "lifetimes" ahead of you if you play your cards right. It seems like you are.

    4) finally, aging doesn't preclude us from learning. you know how people say they are "practicing" religion? it's because during our whole life here we don't actually get it. our whole life is a learning experience until our last day. just keep accepting every new thing you learn with the same enthusiasm of a kindergarten girl and you will be not only young at heart but primed for success.
