Any Tips for people with Under Active Thyroid

Nicsta04 Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself

Hi there,

Im Nic.


  • If you believe you have a low functioning thyroid you need to see your family doctor and have your blood drawn to test it. If it is found low there are medications to correct it.
  • Thank you, but i should have made myself clearer. I do have an underactive thyroid. It was overactive before it went badly the other way and i was still on medication for overactive when i should have been on thyroxine instead. I put on about 24kgs really quickly and had no idea why it was happening to me. I am on thyroxine now but i find it really really difficult to lose weight....not through lack of trying or motivation to do it. I have tried everything!

    Does anyone have any tips for losing weight with this condition??
  • dd1224
    dd1224 Posts: 11
    I have low thyroid as well, I have heard from other people who have said they have greater success with (mood, energy level, clear thinking) on natural thyroid hormone replacement like "armour" maybe try looking into that? You need a doctors prescription but I think naturopaths will prescribe it (at least in Canada). Try not to focus too much on what you have going against you, best of luck!
  • MVJudd
    MVJudd Posts: 4
    Hi Nic....I also have an underactive thyroid and am also on the same medication, unfortunately this is the first time since being diagnosed about 6 years ago that I have actually started to try and lose the weight that I gained (mainly due to the thyroid, but not completely :) ] I just started trying to lose the weight last week so I don't really have any tips or advice at this point but it is good to know that I'm not in the only one, keep in touch and let me know if you find out any info and I will do the same.....

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • Thank you for responding.

    I heard from a lady named Patrice who said she has the same condition and she has got onto a diet called THE BELLY FAT CURE and its working for her and she hasnt looked back.

    I have already looked at it and downloaded menus to try it. Basically, it cuts sugar out of your diet, but once you get over the cravings you will be fine.

    You should check it out too.

    Best of luck!
  • Hi there,

    I have heard of it before while doing my own research and it came up with some really terrible long term effects and people found it really hard to get off.

    I got onto an American Company called and they have a natural product called thyroid helper which i have tried (and i went off thyroxine to really test it) and my blood results improved on it. It is alot more expensive then thyroxine but it is natural and it works.
  • I'm on thyroxine too. I've noticed that when I'm off of it, I feel terrible. It's accidentally happened a few times. It almost feels like an antidepressant to me. I'm looking to change things in a while, after dieting for the rest of the month. I don't want to diet and change thyroid medication all at once, I think that would be too hard on my system.
    Keep me posted and I'll do the same on information we find. And good luck!
  • Hi Nic,

    One thing to consider is what your TSH levels are. That's where I would start. For some reason most general practitioners seem to think anything under 4 (depending on the units) is acceptable. However an endocrinologist would say more like under 2. I have Hashimoto's (my body is basically eating my thyroid) and for me I don't feel normal unless my TSH is around 1.

    Also have them test your free T3 and free T4, and your iodine level.

    I would also recommend taking a B12 (or B complex) vitamin.

    The amount of thyroid hormone you need to take varies greatly with your weight as well as your thyroid hormone function. So if you've gained a lot of weight (or lost it!) then you need to check your blood levels again.

    Yearoftherabbit - Thyroid hormone deficiency effects a lot more than metabolism! Actually hypothyroidism is frequently misdiagnosed as depression.

    As far as amour the difference is that thyroxine is chemically synthesized and is the exact same chemical structure as the hormone in your body. Natural thyroid meds are actually from the dessicated thyroid glands of animals. The major difference is that the natural meds don't provide as exact a dose, so the dose can vary from day to day etc. There's no scientific evidence that one is better or worse than the other.

    Wow, OK sorry for the lecture. I did a lot of research into this a few years ago when I was diagnosed.

    For me it takes longer to lose the weight. But I believe I will get there, and I think you will too!
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