
wonderish Posts: 89 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Soo. Im on day 6 of good eating, and day three of exercise.
Heres the deal.
I work Mon-Fri 830 - 430.. I get up at 7am, and leave the house at 8am, and I get home around 5pm.
My Fiancée works 7pm to 2am. I am on the one who picks him up at 2am. Soo basically I go to bed at 9pm, and then wake up at 1:45am and then go get him and then come home and am back in bed by 215..

I did it fine not working out or anything.. I dont know if this weird sleep schedule is going to screw with me losing weight??
Today I ate dinner at 5:15 and then 7-8 I worked out..
I also just got a Merina IUD and i've heard that im going to gain anywhere from 10-30 pounds with it!!!!!! WTF!?

Does anyone have any advice/insight?
Sorry if this doesnt make any sense.. just a bunch of thoughts all jumbled together. :flowerforyou:


  • I would suggest your fiancee find another way home in the middle of the night. Add more exercise into your day to help compensate for the weigh gain from the IUD. i have never heard the weight gain thing from an IUD?? Did you get that info from your Dr.?
    Good luck...keep going!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Gaining weight from any form of hormonal birth control is not necessary. You can avoid it easily with a healthy diet and some exercise. The average weight gain from all forms of hormonal birth control is 3 pounds a year, the same as the average American weight gain. It's true that some women do gain significant amounts of weight while using hormonal birth control, but you have to take a look at their eating and exercise habits. It's not the fit, healthy women that gain!

    As far as your sleep schedule goes, yes it can affect your weight loss. You need 8 hours of sleep in order for your body to function well and a lack of sleep interferes with weight loss. Is there some reason your fiancee cannot drive himself?
  • My husband works from 2:30 pm to 2:30 am and we only have 1 vehicle. So if I need the truck I take him to work then I go pick him up on his "lunch" break and he takes the truck back to work. I don't need to go out after 9 at night so that keeps me from having to wake up at 2 and go pick him up. If you're fiance can't drive I would have him check to see if he could get a ride home with someone else. I know that when I get woken up in the middle of the night I have trouble going back to sleep.. and that's not good...
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Sorry I didnt clarify. He grew up in a big city, so never got his drivers licence. He had his learners when he was like 16, but it has sense expired.
    He doesnt drive. We've looked at other options, i.e cab .. would be about $400/month.. getting his drivers lisence would take a minimum of 1.5 years so even then im looking at it for another 1.5 years! erg. The job pays EXTREMELY well so im not going to make him leave...
    he basically works out of the guys house...its a family operation. He's the only employee.

    Were going to try to move closer to his boss's, so he can take a cab that will be under $10 because that is more realistic. He only needs to do this during the winter, in the summer he can ride his bike home or jog/walk
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    The weight gain from the coil is due to an increase of the hormone which causes hunger. I can't remember the name if it, but it's the hunger pangs and giving in to them that causes the weight gain, not the coil itself.

    Just follow a healthy diet, try a bit of exercise and try to leave enough calories for quick snacks when the hunger hits you.
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