Hey y'all

Hey y’all :flowerforyou:

I am looking for some motivated, up lifting friends to add to help with this journey. I know it is not an easy journey to take but I am wanting to do it the right way and was successful the last time I was on MFP, but due to….well laziness and using what was/is going on in my life as excuses, I have found myself right back in the same situation as I was in this time last year…I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how it all went wrong and what I have come up with is that I was looking at the big number rather than acknowledging the accomplishments I had made. So this time I am setting my goal weight at “stepping stones”…to begin with I have a goal of 40 pounds so that is what my goal weight is set at, once I reach it I will take it down another 40 pounds until I reach my ultimate goal weight (100 pounds). I will not be doing any fancy diet…simply calories in equaling less than calories out. I am going to try to do at least 3 (20-30 mins each) days of “structured” exercise a week (meaning Zumba, timed walking, Tae-Bo) but the fact is even though I am very overweight I am not one who sits around on my butt doing nothing all day…we have a very active life, I just tend to put too much food in my mouth and it is rarely anything good for me! I am starting my new journey today…I woke up this morning and decided I am done with excuses, I am done with waking up every Monday morning thinking “I really need to do something about my weight” then by lunch time forgetting it and eating crap! A couple of weeks ago a co-worker was talking to me about how he lost all of his weight and he said something that has stuck with me…he said that he looked at himself in the mirror and said “I have allowed my taste buds to control my life for the past 28 years, it is time for me to control my taste buds.” Well mine have controlled me for 31 years and now I am going to control them! Would really love to have some friends who are on this same journey to be able to help and to get help from!!


Clay’s wife :happy:


  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Hey there and it's great to hear that you've decided to change your life around. The feeling of all the extra weight sitting on you is not nice at all. Perhaps for some motivation to keep at it even after reaching your goal you could take some 'before' photos, and then some at your stepping stone goals. And keep them around, to see the progress, and to remind yourself what it would be like to eat unhealthy again.

    As for the taste buds controlling your life, well, just because you're going on a diet doesn't mean you can't have nice things! Hope you can find some recipes that are healthy and taste good as well! Good luck!
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member

    As for the taste buds controlling your life, well, just because you're going on a diet doesn't mean you can't have nice things! Hope you can find some recipes that are healthy and taste good as well! Good luck!

    I agree with this! Just because you're trying to lose weight don't think that means you can't eat good stuff. I think one of the main keys to success is not depriving yourself of the things you love. Cut back, sure. Cut out, no way. It has to be do-able long term for it to stick!

    that said. I'm trying to lose close to 100 pounds too. I've only been back here for a week now. I was here, stopped, tried Weight Watchers, tried South Beach and decided this is where I prefer to be. I'd love to be friends if you'd like to add me!
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been back for 3 days, never had success before but I have some much bigger motivations this time around! I have over 100 lb to lose also, feel free to add me! I try out new meal plans every week so if you're looking for interesting food I can share some recipes :)
  • TriEmma
    TriEmma Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Clayswife and others,

    I had never heard of MFP until a few days ago so I am very much new to it all. I have 20lbs to lose but they drive me NUTS! I intend to carry on eating all my favourite food just more mindfully and in smaller quantity. I would love to have some friends to share the journey with.

  • clayswife13
    clayswife13 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey all--just wanted to clairify that I am not cutting out the food I like (actually had a small slice of pizza for lunch). What he said just kind of hit a spot for me...as in my tastebuds screaming for sweets 24/7 and me giving it to them.....I still very much intend on having the foods that I love, just have to find ways to prevent the over eating of it and his comment really hit it on the head...... :happy:
  • mjbself
    mjbself Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats on your goal to be healthy and lose weight.

    Small steps ar ethe best way to go. Making small changes will help the change stick because it is not a diet, its a lifestyle. One big step - cut out soda. Doesn't matter if it is diet or regular, its all bad and you can lose 7-10 pounds just dropping it. Try fresh brewed iced green tea with a little honey or if you need the bubbles, try seltzer water.

    Get your fruits and veggies in!! 5 servings a day is tough unless you want to be a rabbit (for me anyway), so I make smoothies for breakfast and it accounts for 2 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit for me.

    Try scrapping the processed foods - this one is the hardest because they are everywhere and its the stuff that tastes good. Don't deprive yourseld, just make a better choice. Want chocolate - pass the milk chocolate and go for something dark with at least 70% cocoa in it. I opt for 85%, but I like dark chocolate.

    Most important - One day at a time!!!
  • a302b188
    a302b188 Posts: 13
    Clay's wife:

    I love how you said your tastebuds were in control of your life! I feel like mine have their days were they demand me to eat cookie dough all day long... haha! Congrats on the first step of your journey- that is always the hardest. Just remember you deserve this, and how great you will feel once you reach your goal!!

    For inspiration you can add me and read my story! :
