Sweet cravings

NS81 Posts: 192 Member
I love fruit, I do - I eat fruit as a "desert" when I'm feeling a sweet tooth coming on ... but sometimes, particularly once a month, I want chocolate... :devil:

Anyone have any sweet tooth tricks, or healthier options that will satisfy the chocolate craving?


  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    The only thing that satisfies a chocolate craving for me is chocolate. I would walk naked uphill in a raging snowstorm to get chocolate when the cravings hit. I'm a milk chocolate lover, but have moved to dark chocolate to satisfy the cravings....less calories and actually good for you in moderation. If you aren't doing a death by chocolate binge, a little in moderation won't hurt you. Satisfy your craving with the real thing.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Chocolate pudding. I do the sugar free cause I have to, but even the regular stuff is pretty low. If I make it myself from the box I add a couple tbsp of cold coffee to the milk to bring out the chocolate flavour.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Have some chocolate. There are tons of healthy low calorie recipes out there to get your chololate fix. Look at today's Blog
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm in to get some good ideas, too.

    I have stopped using artificial sweeteners (mostly) but now there's HONEY in my pantry. It calls to me...all the time.
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Chocolate pudding isn't a bad idea maybe... I never eat pudding, and it actually never crossed my mind!

    Thanks all!
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    I find honey works pretty well for me, as well as Options hot chocolate. But I do allow myself the odd chocolate bar here and there, cause you only live once!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I eat probably 200-300 calories of sweet every day. No problem.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    Just eat what you want (in moderation) and make sure it stays within your calorie or macro goal!
  • GillaMahogany
    GillaMahogany Posts: 133
    I eat chocolate very nearly every day, just got to 25 pounds lost today. Especially at the time of the month, just eat the stupid chocolate, if you end up bingeing by accident, just do better tomorrow.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Chocolate Protein Powder in Greek Yogurt ***FLEXES***

    cocoa powdered almonds are good, but not really any less calories than chocolate. Healthier though.

    sometimes I get the unsweetened cocoa powder and use it to flavor things. It has like 10 calories per tablespoon.

    Hershey Kisses, Special Dark Fun Size, Starbucks Flourless Chocolate Cookies...

    Honestly, it really depends on what about the chocolate you like. Why do you crave it? If you can figure that part out, you can address it. For example, I used to eat butter a lot. Then I figured out that what I was really wanting was the salt in the butter. If you gave me unsalted butter... well thats just gross and I won't eat it, but if you give me salted butter, I'll eat it. So, now, things that I used to butter, I just add a little salt. Sure, I get strange looks at IHOP when I salt my pancakes then put syrup on them! I know added salt is "bad" too, but it is better than added salt AND added fat.
  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    I get cravings for chocolate as well. So to alleviate it, I buy small bars of Dark chocolate @ 85%. Use the rolling pin and bash it into small bite size pieces, then put in the freezer. You have to suck each little bit as its hard and lasts ages.
    I also use Philadelphia chocolate cream cheese. Its lovely.
    Also Low fat chocolate mousse is nice.
    I haven't given anything I love up. I think if you do you end up wanting it more and binge.
    Good luck.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Dark chocolate almond milk satisifies my chocolate cravings.
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Great ideas! Thank you!
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    Skinny Cow chocolate candies are yummy, chocolate almond milk is great too.

    Sometimes I just need a hershey bar so I have one, it doesn't hurt to have some good old fashioned chocolate once in a while
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Chocolate Protein Powder in Greek Yogurt ***FLEXES***

    cocoa powdered almonds are good, but not really any less calories than chocolate. Healthier though.

    sometimes I get the unsweetened cocoa powder and use it to flavor things. It has like 10 calories per tablespoon.

    Hershey Kisses, Special Dark Fun Size, Starbucks Flourless Chocolate Cookies...

    Honestly, it really depends on what about the chocolate you like. Why do you crave it? If you can figure that part out, you can address it. For example, I used to eat butter a lot. Then I figured out that what I was really wanting was the salt in the butter. If you gave me unsalted butter... well thats just gross and I won't eat it, but if you give me salted butter, I'll eat it. So, now, things that I used to butter, I just add a little salt. Sure, I get strange looks at IHOP when I salt my pancakes then put syrup on them! I know added salt is "bad" too, but it is better than added salt AND added fat.

    I really appreciate this thought... I usually add a small amount of butter to my brown rice at lunch, and I thought about the salt comment... It really is mostly the salt taste that I'm looking for, and could easily cut the fat a bit by just using salt... We can both get strange looks - Thanks!
  • LoveLeePatriot
    LoveLeePatriot Posts: 3 Member
    Sweets are my vice. Especially after quitting smoking two years ago. I agree that you should not give up the sweets, especially if you love them. Just make sure you are aware of how much you are eating and definitely use it as a treat/reward. I treat myself after lunch. I just tried Skinny Coe's Divine Filled Chocolates with caramel filling. There are 3 candies per package, at 130 cals. Oh. My. God. They were so good, plus the caramel is salted, so it hit my salt craving too!
  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member
    I love chocolate and usually crave it everyday so this is what I do:

    Vega One- all in one chocolate protein powder, mix it up and then partially freeze it, then enjoy with a spoon bc the sides have frozen so you scrape them off and its like a chocolate snow cone...but good for you:) lots of protein

    Vegan chocolate pie made with silken extra firm tofu!! OMG!! If i could lick the blades off the blender I think I would...so rich and chocolaty... the only downfall...to keep it at one slice:)

    Follow me on pinterest on my Vegan board I have lots of good stuff there:)


    coming soon with lots of great recipes www.healthyandfit.guru
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I eat chocolate! My favorite are the Lindt Hazelnut Chocolate squares - a serving size is 10 (!) squares(42g) for 230 calories. I just eat 5 squares and I'm fully satisfied.

    I also eat Special K chocolate and caramel protein bars. I know some people don't like "protein" bars, but these are my desserts - the protein is just a bonus.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Yeah: really good chocolate.

    Buy chocolate that comes in individually wrapped pieces and allow yourself one a day, or however many your calorie allotment will allow you.

    We went to a chocolate shop the other day and I bought a bag of habenero chocolate (white, milk and dark). It's so good, but I can really only tolerate one piece!

    I also like the Godiva dark chocolate mint pearls. You can have 5 for 25 calories and it satisfies me.
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    Lately for chocolate cravings I like:

    -jif has a whipped peanut butter and chocolate spread that's 150 calories for 2 tbsp. great with apples.

    -cocoa dusted almonds or cinnamon roast almonds. i used to hate nuts but these are a great snack. like someone else said, not much difference in the calorie department but they're much more filling. a 100 calorie pack of cinnamon roast almonds satisfies me more than any other 100 calorie pack.

    -sugar free chocolate pudding