Women.. I've got a TMI question

PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
Those of you that have a heavy, horrible period, do you still exercise during that week?

I used to, but it led to more heaviness, cramping, and a lot of times, bad clotting and I've since stopped even thinking about doing much at all during this week. I've always had bad ones, but used to push through it, but is it really worth it if THIS is what happens? I don't know what else to do besides just stay away from my treadmill, but I feel guilty. Exercising, even just going grocery shopping while it's that time of month, I come home and it's just awful.

I don't even know what's causing these issues, I've never had clotting before my 3rd baby was born.. he's 9 months old now and the past 6 months, I've had heavier, crampier, and clotty periods than I have in my life.. It just worries me.

Sorry for the TMI, just no where else to ask :blushing:


  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I bleed heavy a couple of days and I continue working out as normal. I actually am stronger in my lifts during that time :huh: Not sure why.
  • SarahLou2990
    SarahLou2990 Posts: 15 Member
    I do still exercise but I tend to have a lot less energy, so if I fancy doing some aerobics I don't go too hard at it, just a moderate intensity and over time it seems to have made my periods more manageable, I don't get so many cramps and I feel better afterwards.

    However, if your not in the mood for jumping about, when I had really bad cramps and first started working out, I tried very low intensity stuff, like gentle strecthing, especially the lower back area. Have you tried any yoga or pilates, they work wonders when I'm on, make me feel a little less stressed out, and again over time I don't have as heavy periods.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My exercise routine is light by most standards so my period doesn't really interfere in any way. I would probably think twice about a longer or more challenging hike or bike trail during my heaviest day or so...otherwise not a big issue for me. However, I can almost guarantee that if I went to a gym or did an organized fitness class I would probably skip on my 1-2 crampy "bad" days of the month. I see no shame in that either.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sorry for the TMI, just no where else to ask :blushing:

    Not true.

    Exercise as much/little as you feel comfortable with, but discuss this with your GYN. There are treatments available and you need to make sure this is not a symptom of something serious.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I'm just going to add, it's not that I don't WANT to do the exercising, it's that I don't want the clotting and heavy bleeding afterwards. It's so crampy I cry... I never WANT to do the exercise LOL, but I push through on normal days, but the clotting, severe cramping, and all that... yeahhhh..
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Sorry for the TMI, just no where else to ask :blushing:

    Not true.

    Exercise as much/little as you feel comfortable with, but discuss this with your GYN. There are treatments available and you need to make sure this is not a symptom of something serious.

    No insurance and I am poor
  • redmagpie91
    redmagpie91 Posts: 77 Member
    If you aren't opposed to birth control, you should seriously consider it. Even on just the pill you get lighter periods and can even set it so that you only get it every few months. I do not have insurance either, but there are LOTS of options. There is PP, a local women's clinic (usually cheap or free) and even walk-in clinics. There are lost of low-cost options. You can also check if your state has expanded medicaid. Lots of states have and anyone who is low income can qualify, you no longer have to be a parent.

    My town does not have a PP or a women's health clinic so I go to a a walk-in doctor for $50 a visit. I only have to visit once a year and my pills are only $20/month. Totally worth it for lighter periods! I have endometriosis and get ridiculously heavy periods and now it's way better.
  • pyronymph1
    pyronymph1 Posts: 18 Member
    I definitely take that week off, every month. There is no possible way that I can workout through my period. I've tried, I've gotten yelled at, I've even nearly lost jobs due to my heavy, painful periods. It's sucky.

    You SHOULD go see a gyn soon, just to rule out anything major. Most will work with you on payments. I don't have insurance either, and am also quite poor. But when things started to change for the worse I made a point to get things checked out. The possibility of cancer is not something that I want to fool around with. I still don't have a true diagnosis, but I know I don't have cancer, so I'm okay with dealing with it (I've been dealing with it for the last 20 years almost, what's a few more?).
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    If you aren't opposed to birth control, you should seriously consider it. Even on just the pill you get lighter periods and can even set it so that you only get it every few months. I do not have insurance either, but there are LOTS of options. There is PP, a local women's clinic (usually cheap or free) and even walk-in clinics. There are lost of low-cost options. You can also check if your state has expanded medicaid. Lots of states have and anyone who is low income can qualify, you no longer have to be a parent.

    My town does not have a PP or a women's health clinic so I go to a a walk-in doctor for $50 a visit. I only have to visit once a year and my pills are only $20/month. Totally worth it for lighter periods! I have endometriosis and get ridiculously heavy periods and now it's way better.

    I was on the pill, and it didn't help. My periods are also very irregular and it still was even with the pill. I was 8 days late last cycle, 4 days early this one. Annoying... also, the closest planned parenthood to me is in Charlotte NC somewhere, at least 30 minutes away and it's not possible to get there for me. I have a certain insurance that covers birth control only, but everything else I pay out of pocket, like the doctor visit itself. I have a script for the pill, but I won't take it anymore since it didn't help and what's the point of adding hormones and screwing up my body more? (I'm also dealing with autoimmune diseases).

    I can't even afford 20 a month to be completely honest.. It's pathetic! I'm glad it works for you though, because endometriosis sucks. My doctor at my last visit suggested I get checked out for that because it sounds like I could have it as well, so I asked if he'd like to pay for me to go to the specialists and he chuckled. Thanks Doc. He didn't offer much insight since he's a pcp, not a gyn.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I definitely take that week off, every month. There is no possible way that I can workout through my period. I've tried, I've gotten yelled at, I've even nearly lost jobs due to my heavy, painful periods. It's sucky.

    You SHOULD go see a gyn soon, just to rule out anything major. Most will work with you on payments. I don't have insurance either, and am also quite poor. But when things started to change for the worse I made a point to get things checked out. The possibility of cancer is not something that I want to fool around with. I still don't have a true diagnosis, but I know I don't have cancer, so I'm okay with dealing with it (I've been dealing with it for the last 20 years almost, what's a few more?).

    Ugh, that sucks. I'm paying off my credit card now from seeing my doctor about my thyroid disease. It's maxed and I can't afford more bills. I've had a heavy period since 12 (I'm 27 now). I've been looking for a job for months now just so I can have insurance if nothing more.
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I have PMDD and horrible, heavy periods. My energy waxes and wanes depending on where I am in my cycle, so even though I strive to walk 5 days a week, I might take it a bit easier on myself if my hormones are making me feel lethargic. I still walk though and am always glad I did it :)
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    I've always had heavy periods with serious cramping sometimes even fever and sweats. After I had my daughter 6 years ago they've somewhat eased but when I have a strict healthy period of eating I find I can exercise from day one to the end of my period without any pain little discomfort but compared to before very manageable. This is something I've just realized for the past three months since I've been really strict with my diet in terms of chemically processed foods. Eating tonnes of greens and upping my water intake have truly helped.
  • OnTheGround
    OnTheGround Posts: 78
    FWIW I had the same problem after my 3rd. I ended up having an ablation and it was a miracle to get done.

    You're going to get really weak and iron deficient if you keep on this way. At the very least, please try to get some iron and cal/mag supplements. Also, Bcomplex and Evening Primrose supplements can really help too. If you have a RiteAid or Walgreens, they usually have a "buy 1 get 1 free deal" once a month or so on their supplement.

    As for your question....I'd still try to get SOME work out in. I feel like I'd feel crappier just doing NOTHING, you know?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I definitely take that week off, every month. There is no possible way that I can workout through my period. I've tried, I've gotten yelled at, I've even nearly lost jobs due to my heavy, painful periods. It's sucky.

    You SHOULD go see a gyn soon, just to rule out anything major. Most will work with you on payments. I don't have insurance either, and am also quite poor. But when things started to change for the worse I made a point to get things checked out. The possibility of cancer is not something that I want to fool around with. I still don't have a true diagnosis, but I know I don't have cancer, so I'm okay with dealing with it (I've been dealing with it for the last 20 years almost, what's a few more?).

    Ugh, that sucks. I'm paying off my credit card now from seeing my doctor about my thyroid disease. It's maxed and I can't afford more bills. I've had a heavy period since 12 (I'm 27 now). I've been looking for a job for months now just so I can have insurance if nothing more.

    Are you in the US? In most places I've lived there's been a state health office that will do women's exams for free or for a very small fee that can be paid whenever you're able.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    I bleed heavy a couple of days and I continue working out as normal. I actually am stronger in my lifts during that time :huh: Not sure why.

    Me too - weird isn`t it ?! I feel like crap but everything I do is usually sightly better - lifts, run pace etc -
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Are you in the US? In most places I've lived there's been a state health office that will do women's exams for free or for a very small fee that can be paid whenever you're able.

    This, definitely this, and I'd also call planned parenthood and see what they can do for you. Often they can get folks into an OB on a sliding fee scale, so they only expect you to pay what's reasonable based on your circumstances. Clotting can be indicative of something being wrong, so I'd really try to get in to see someone. At least a pap, you know?

    I have really heavy flow the first three days and occasional clotting, but my cramps are manageable with meds. Even so, I take it easy that week. Elliptical, stationary bike, some gentle swimming. I tend to phone it in on zumba if it falls during one of my three days. I mind my deficit, but I really load up on spinach and salmon, and if I feel like I need it, I say **** it and grill up a steak. I think it's more important to take care of myself than to really force that extra pound off, tbh.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I bleed heavy a couple of days and I continue working out as normal. I actually am stronger in my lifts during that time :huh: Not sure why.

    Me too - weird isn`t it ?! I feel like crap but everything I do is usually sightly better - lifts, run pace etc -

    I know...maybe it's more aggression :laugh:
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Sorry for the TMI, just no where else to ask :blushing:

    Not true.

    Exercise as much/little as you feel comfortable with, but discuss this with your GYN. There are treatments available and you need to make sure this is not a symptom of something serious.

    No insurance and I am poor

    Try searching for free women's healthcare in your area. You never know until you look. Try Planned Parenthood, I went there when I found out I was pregnant...15 yrs old, a freshman and no money or insurance, they helped me out with birth control even after I had my daughter. They do wellness exams and physicals for women too.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    FWIW I had the same problem after my 3rd. I ended up having an ablation and it was a miracle to get done.

    You're going to get really weak and iron deficient if you keep on this way. At the very least, please try to get some iron and cal/mag supplements. Also, Bcomplex and Evening Primrose supplements can really help too. If you have a RiteAid or Walgreens, they usually have a "buy 1 get 1 free deal" once a month or so on their supplement.

    As for your question....I'd still try to get SOME work out in. I feel like I'd feel crappier just doing NOTHING, you know?

    I do take extra iron during this week because I know I feel weak and I become anemic easily as it is. It took one time of blacking out for me to realize something odd was going on..

    As for others saying to get checked, I don't know of any areas that I'd be able to get to in order to do it. And, if I get checked, then what? I have no insurance and no money, sooo I'd then just possibly have an awful diagnosis and no way to treat or fix it. I was hoping i'd have a little luck with finding a job, but this area is poo for job hunting.
  • jojo37696
    jojo37696 Posts: 93 Member
    I use to be like you and thank God I'm old now (LOL) and don't have that issue anymore. Anyway I had endometrioisis. Extremely painful, lots of clotting, very irregular periods all my life. Had to have a hysterectomy at 28 yrs old because of the endo and the fibrosis. Doc said I was millemeters away from having it attach to my bowel. If it had done that I would have had to wear a bag the rest of my life. Glad I got rid of it. I need to say get it looked after but I'm in Canada therefore I was covered by OHIP. There must be some agencies that can help you make the payments. At least I certainly hope so. Good luck to you