Peanut butter or cottage cheese on toast.

Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
Lately I've been having a slice of brown toast with cottage cheese as a mixed carb/protein snack, but I've heard things about peanut butter. Which is better in terms of overall health and protein? Thing is I've never tried peanut or almond butter before and would like to try but is it a good staple for a diet?


  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    Peanut butter is great, but it is way more calorie dense than cottage cheese. You really need to be careful of your quantity, or it can get away from you. Other than that, it's perfectly fine in a healthy diet.

    Toast and cottage cheese sounds weird to me, but if you like it, I'd stick with it.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Honestly, cottage cheese is your better choice if you are looking for the protein. Per 1/2 C, it's got about double the protein of 2 T of peanut butter and only about half the calories (give or take on both depending on brand).

    I wouldn't necessarily call it a diet staple because it is about 100 calories per Tablespoon (nut butters have a good amount of fat), but I think it can easily be part of a healthy diet. That being said, if you could use some extra fat/calories in your diet, peanut butter is delicious!
  • Wavy1985
    Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you guys.

    This is my current food diary, would you guys say this is a healthy diet? I'm 5ft 8, 155lb and want to tone my body.
  • MinervaShine
    Low fat houmous on a wholewheat toasted pitta is an option too (I grill the pitta on both sides until it splits, then slice it in half, (the whole thing is way too filling) :). Chuck a few cherry tomatoes and a slice or two of red onion on for good measure :D
  • Wavy1985
    Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
    I do have reduced fat houmus with carrots as a snack, and I sometimes have chicken or tuna wholemeal pittas for lunch. So that's something I will look at doing soon.

    Thank you for the suggestion Minerva. Though I'm not a fan of tomatoes, but I do like peppers so may even use them. :)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Peanut butter is a pretty good snack with a decent amount of protein, but just make sure you are buying a peanut butter made from 100% nuts and has no added sugars or oils. Most peanut butter brands have a bunch of crap in them that can ruin your diet, but the stuff made from 100% nuts is just fine. On a side note, I personally find it very easy to go overboard with peanut butter, so when it's in the house I have to be careful. Something to keep in mind.

    What I like is toast with a fried egg on top.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Not me. If I'm having toast it's strawberry jam and Country Crock margarine with coffee.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Meh. Healthy is in terms of overall diet and not individual foods. I love peanut butter, so I'd pick that over cottage cheese any day. In terms of protein per calories, you can get far more with cottage cheese.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Most peanut butter brands have a bunch of crap in them that can ruin your diet, but the stuff made from 100% nuts is just fine.

    Most peanut and nut butters are relatively the same number of calories (approx. 180-200 per 2 T) whether they are just 100% ground nuts or have stuff added. The additives aren't going to "wreck" a person's diet. I personally prefer a peanut butter that's made from roasted salted peanuts and has a very slight amount of sugar added - the calories on it are actually 10 less per serving (1.5 g lower fat, 1 g higher carbs) than the "all natural" 100% peanut butter, so it's actually more diet friendly than the all natural stuff.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    Peanut butter, but just use it more sparingly. I can't imagine putting cottage cheese on toast. My food has to taste good as well as being nutritious. (Don't look at my diary for today though... fell off the wagon and went for something that just tasted good at the time.)
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    This may sound weird, but I put BOTH - its has a super creaminess to it that IMO mixes really well (esp if the toast is still warm and heats up and melts the PB). Funny enough I got it from a body building food board for ways to mix up cottage cheese, and havent look back since.

    However, I cut out the toast, not the PB (NEVER the PB :tongue: ) and eat the cottage and PB with some crackers and fruit.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    If you like it, why consider switching? Unless you need more calories or fat in your diet ... either is good if it fits.
  • opoliakova
    opoliakova Posts: 7
    I love cottage cheese on toast (whole grain rye toast). Since I grew up in Russia, I never acquired taste for peanut butter. Nuts in general are high on calories.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I thought Alf liked cats
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Peanut butter is a pretty good snack with a decent amount of protein, but just make sure you are buying a peanut butter made from 100% nuts and has no added sugars or oils. Most peanut butter brands have a bunch of crap in them that can ruin your diet, but the stuff made from 100% nuts is just fine. On a side note, I personally find it very easy to go overboard with peanut butter, so when it's in the house I have to be careful. Something to keep in mind.

    What I like is toast with a fried egg on top.

    wait, what? You're not going to wreck your diet buying Jif Peanut Butter on the wal-mart shelf just because it's not 100% nuts. That's so ridiculous.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Peanut "butter" is mostly a fat source. I'd go with either cottage cheese or better yet a reduced fat mozzarella or other cheese because they have more protein and calcium for less overall calories.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    I used to have cottage cheese on toast because it is a better choice for protein. Now, though, I have peanut butter every single day.
  • Wavy1985
    Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you guys, I'm going to stick with cottage cheese, I really enjoy it. And find it perfect to go with a Scottish oatcake or 2 as a snack.