When should you "time-out"

Last Monday, we worked with the yoga balls,and did some posterior and anterior roll outs (back and to the side) and I know, I popped something that night, in my right knee. That next day it was nasty and swollen, so I know I sprained something.

I asked my trainer for advice and she basically said to ice it and act like normal, not to baby it or anything. Ok, so I did, I went to class 3 days that week, and after each class it would hurt but I did my best to suck it up. I also worked this weekend and cleaned out the cooler so alot alot of squats and up and down, and I'm dying. Ugh. It's not bad enough to go to the doctor, I say that because I don't really have insurance and I can't afford to go this month. Just cant.

Should I rest it this week? Should I stay away from class this week? I'm really done sucking it up. I struggled getting up and down the stairs at home with laundry, I can't afford to sit at home, I'm the only one there to do everything.

Or do I just shut up until something really does break? I dunno, I've watched the gal that's a couple years older than me hobble thru 3 knee surgeries, becuase they won't replace hers.


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That is BS advice. Hurt knees are never good. Don't go to class. If you can, go to the gym and just work upper body stuff. If you can, go see a sports medicine doctor rather than your General Practitioner.
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I'm not a doctor, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night. My experience is limited to paying my orthopaedic surgeon enough to put a couple of kids through college. You could have anything from a minor sprain to a meniscus tear. Rest is your friend if you want it to heal and not get worse.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I'd say just rest it and come back fresh.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Wow. Your trainer is an idiot.

    Rest, rest, REST your knee and when you can get to a doctor or even go to an after hours clinic to get it checked out. They aren't that expensive and they take cash (my husband had to go there for a sprained ankle and it was less than $100 for the appointment and $100 for x-rays).

    You can still do upper body work but rest your knee as much as possible. At the first sign of swelling and pain I would have stayed off of it.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    RICE- rest, ice, compression, elevation. It works, trust me:)
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I will agree that we butt heads alot, but since this is a new kind of hurt for me, it's just frustrating that her "all or nothing" mindset/attitude gets in the way of truly listening to what I'm saying.

    Ok this makes me feel a little better about not being a wuss about it. :) And Kr1ptonite - yes!!! Those were my thoughts exactly, or how I imagine it to work (want it to work) give it a time out, then come back rippin ready to go!!!

    Varda - I'm actually looking thru the phone book now to see if we have a sports medicine doctor around here. I know we have the PT/rehab place but I think you have to be refered to them.

    Thanks all for the info!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I will agree that we butt heads alot, but since this is a new kind of hurt for me, it's just frustrating that her "all or nothing" mindset/attitude gets in the way of truly listening to what I'm saying.

    Ok this makes me feel a little better about not being a wuss about it. :) And Kr1ptonite - yes!!! Those were my thoughts exactly, or how I imagine it to work (want it to work) give it a time out, then come back rippin ready to go!!!

    Varda - I'm actually looking thru the phone book now to see if we have a sports medicine doctor around here. I know we have the PT/rehab place but I think you have to be refered to them.

    Thanks all for the info!

    Call your regular doctor and ask if they have a recommendation
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I never mess with the shoulders or knees because they have very little blood flow and can take a long time to heal if really damaged. Ice it, and take a couple day off. Do not push through it if you have pain. If the pain lasts after a couple of days of rest, then get an MRI. If it's just sore and goes away after a couple of days, take it easy and work back into it.

    Edit: I've torn my shoulder and knee ligaments snowboarding, and working out definitely aggravates my healed injuries, but there is a definite difference between torn, sprain, and just inflammation. Give it a couple days.
  • Kyle47BC
    Kyle47BC Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, like many people have said you need to rest! Any aggravation will cause more inflammation which constricts blood flow and delays the healing process. While you rest do very gentle stretches to promote blood flow. You can also use cold and compression wraps to relieve inflammation faster and a blood flow stimulator to encourage greater blood flow without the risk of re-injury. After I got back on my ankle too early after a bad sprain and 8 years later still have an ankle that gets aggravated easily I have stuck to rest and using these wraps.