Mom of two needing motivation!

arumia Posts: 14 Member
I gained 50lbs with my first, then lost 30 of it. Then I gained 60lbs with my second. I'm working on getting back to my "prime" weight, but it's tough. I need a kick to keep at it for these last 15-20lbs. I've hit a plateau and am SO tired. I'm tandem nursing both of my kids, so the calorie estimations get a bit wonky. I was doing well for a while, but now, no matter how much I eat I'm always hungry!

I guess I just need someone to tell me to buckle down and keep at it. :)


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello :-)
    what are your calories set at? Are you hitting your macros? Nursing isn't easy and it's hard work! :-) you can do this though! There was times in my journey that I felt like I was always tired and hungry as well. I would raise my calories up to maintenance for a little bit and then drop them down later. It worked for me, but it might not work for you.
    As far as motivation goes, for me after doing something over and over it kinda becomes my routine. After something is part of my daily routine, I.just do it without giving it much thought. So it definitely becomes easier after it's just part of your daily life. So keep going and it will stick :-)
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Good advice above.

    Find something you enjoy and then start doing it. Make it a routine and it will become a habit. Motivation is great at first, but rarely stays around for the whole process. Build solid healthy habits around eating and exercise. I pushed my daughter in a stroller every day and it was something we both enjoyed.

    Nutritionally, you have a lot on your plate. Pay close attention to meeting your calories and macros. It's important - especially while breast feeding.
  • arumia
    arumia Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you both so much for the replies! :)

    I have my base set at 1200, then I add 800 for breastfeeding (toddler and baby), and my Fitbit gives me a substantial calorie adjustment for steps (300-500 per day depending on how active I am, taking the kids out in the wagon, etc). I also hit the gym for 30 minutes (all I can really do, husband watches the kids) three times per week.

    Somehow it's still not enough to get over this hump! I snack a lot because things are so hectic. I snacked a lot while pregnant, too.

    I know it's a whole lot of little things. Husband buys snacks (cookies/chips), and I end up sneaking a few every day (not a lot!). But I also sometimes forget to log my cooking oil or a mid-day snack when I'm away from my phone/computer. I end up eating my toddler's leftovers so there isn't any waste, which doesn't always get logged.

    I know it's just a matter of willpower (hide the cookies!) and me being better at scheduling. But life with two kids 2 and under is pretty crazy. A good kind of crazy, but it makes it hard to make healthy choices. :)
  • arumia
    arumia Posts: 14 Member
    I think the nursing calories are just throwing me off. It's so hard to calculate so that I eat just enough to lose weight and maintain a good supply, without over-eating. :/
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It's a hard balance, I remember that feeling. You just Gotta find your groove and go with it. Try new things, like kettlebells. They are great and don't cost much money or require much space. Once you get into the habit, you should be fine. But yes, the struggle is real!! When it comes to having little ones in the House :-)