Any other Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers out there?



  • LANitschke
    LANitschke Posts: 2
    I am 53 yo and after years of trying to figure out what is wrong have I been finally diagnosed. I hate this disorder, I hate the pain and I am looking for natural "cures" and looking for a detox to thoroughly cleanse my system without making myself sick.
    I do Zumba to loose weight and always end up with more. I am getting them on my thighs and one on the inside part of the elbow. My scars are s bad that do not want anyone to see my body, not even my husband and I am not a prideful person to start with.
    I am gluten free because of Celiac's so any help, suggestions and just knowing there are others helps.
  • Zoiiya
    Zoiiya Posts: 9
    I haven't even officially diagnosed but I think that's what I have. Over rage last few years I've been getting boils underneath my arms, genital areas, thighs and stomach. It's so embarrassing I haven't sought treatment and have feared the worse...some kind of terminal disease. I'm glad to know I don't suffer alone.
  • Hello fellow brother and sisters I also have H.S. I understand your pain the misery being a prisoner in your own body I have had them for over ten years I'm only 24 but ive done a lot of my own research thru internet and trial and error on myself I'm still learning new things and I want to share them with you because none can understand the life we go thru unless you go thru it yourself anyways now I'm rambling...
    What has worked for me :
    I only use Nubian (tea tree/lemongrass the green box) sopa or Safeguard (beige) sometimes I can't find Nubian since its a little hard to find but i prefer Nubian anyday.
    Boil Ease cream when an abscess does arrive if possible with a large bandaid to cover
    Triple Anti-biotic ointment when abscess explodes if needed with bandaid to heel the raw wound
    Any Organic Tumeric you can put in your diet do it! Even supplements makes sure its real no imitations
    Gluten Free diet
    First Aid Antiseptic spray w/pain relieving is good for minor irritations in small areas and for prevention
    Draw out salve can help for over sized abscess that are taken forever to explode it can speed up the process the black tar looking kind

    Things to avoid:
    Aloe soaps
    Moisturizing soaps
    High intakes of suger
    Powder on skin
    Tight clothing
    -yes i know these things are hard to avoid thats why H.S is such a living

    These are things ive tried and make life a little more managable theres no quick fix we just have to take precaution with everything we do those of you who work out and live active lifestlyes i hate to tell you but you need to slow down i understand your not lazy nor do you want to be but the reality is H.S is going to give you limitations the pain really isnt worth it slow down keep from sweating eat right stay away from gluten drink alot of water intake plenty of tumeric even cayenne pepper can help since its an anti inflamitory . Hope this helps someone
  • Hello fellow brother and sisters I also have H.S. I understand your pain the misery being a prisoner in your own body I have had them for over ten years I'm only 24 but ive done a lot of my own research thru internet and trial and error on myself I'm still learning new things and I want to share them with you because none can understand the life we go thru unless you go thru it yourself anyways now I'm rambling...
    What has worked for me :
    I only use Nubian (tea tree/lemongrass the green box) sopa or Safeguard (beige) sometimes I can't find Nubian since its a little hard to find but i prefer Nubian anyday.
    Boil Ease cream when an abscess does arrive if possible with a large bandaid to cover
    Triple Anti-biotic ointment when abscess explodes if needed with bandaid to heel the raw wound
    Any Organic Tumeric you can put in your diet do it! Even supplements makes sure its real no imitations
    Gluten Free diet
    First Aid Antiseptic spray w/pain relieving is good for minor irritations in small areas and for prevention
    Draw out salve can help for over sized abscess that are taken forever to explode it can speed up the process the black tar looking kind

    Things to avoid:
    Aloe soaps
    Moisturizing soaps
    High intakes of suger
    Powder on skin
    Tight clothing
    -yes i know these things are hard to avoid thats why H.S is such a living

    These are things ive tried and make life a little more managable theres no quick fix we just have to take precaution with everything we do those of you who work out and live active lifestlyes i hate to tell you but you need to slow down i understand your not lazy nor do you want to be but the reality is H.S is going to give you limitations the pain really isnt worth it slow down keep from sweating eat right stay away from gluten drink alot of water intake plenty of tumeric even cayenne pepper can help since its an anti inflamitory . Hope this helps someone
  • I suffer as well, trying to go off nightshades seems to be helping! it is great to have a support group here. I was suicidal one time and I told the doctor to send me to an island because I felt like a leper, but we are NOT lepers nor disgusting, or anything else, we are beautiful people who deserve love and respect and dignity.
  • tygerlili
    tygerlili Posts: 6 Member
    I've been here for a few years but just found this thread, wish I'd found it sooner. I have suffered with this since I was a teen, but was finally diagnosed maybe twenty years ago (I'm 55). I get it mainly under my arms, but it hits other places as well. Looking forward to reading the entire thread as soon as I have a chance.
  • Nightshades also include sneaky little Pimentos and Paprika, I have found there are many foods that have these ingredients but it is worth it to me to try and go off all Nightshades to see if this helps, so far about one month into detox and I am feeling better but not in remission, I am going to look at the sugar issue and am taking all tips I read and making a word document to remember all the helpful hints. May we all live without this crap! We can overcome!!!! Peace and Love Denise xxoo
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    I have had it for the last 20 years, but when I tried cutting out gluten my flare ups pretty much stopped. They had been increasing in frequency and severity, but now I might get one a month? I am also sweating more than I ever have, but that's not making any difference for me. Good luck you guys, it's just horrible and so painful :(
  • Showing progress!!!! since I've been off nightshades my left axilla is symptom free, the lesions in groin which have been symptomatic and recently started hemorrhaging have started closing up and swelling is going down. I am excited. I am also cutting down on refined sugar, hope to stay off it all together, it helps for me to be very aware of my body, most of my life all I cared about was trying to get thin and not really in tune with who I was. I have hope for the future and sending positive energy to fellow sufferers.
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    Great news Denise.
  • Findingmeg
    Findingmeg Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kat. I see there are 112 replies, and I haven't read one yet, but I am DYING to befriend anyone else out there with this condition who understands what it's like. I broke out in 2001, but it wasn't until around 2004 that I was diagnosed. By that time, I was in the moderate range, and was thankful we caught it before it became severe, however I am disfigured by horrible scarring.

    I have been able to actually reverse my stage, which doctors didn't think was possible, as I learned that this could be an auto-immune disorder. Because I was allergic to eggplant and zucchini, I learned that they are both in a family of plants called "nightshade", which includes tomatoes, which changes the acidity of your blood. I also take turmeric and zinc supplements daily, and as soon as I have a boil that I cannot clear, I immediately begin treating it with an ointment for staph infections.

    I have to do daily cleanings of "tracts" under my breasts. You know what I mean...substance collects in tunnels under the skin. Every single day, I go through a process of expressing the tunnels. If I don't, they become "deep set" and untouchable, with infection set in. I apply an anti-fungal as well, to keep the under-bosom dry, as I am very heavy chested.

    In my groin area, I do once a week inspections. These pre-eruptions, I have learned to detect and clear, but they are very hard to see. I have seen pictures of other HS sufferers, and I see that they are covered in these pre-eruption markers, which I can best describe as blackheads. They are almost imperceptible, but as you pull the skin and look in the mirror, you may see a tiny black dot. That is what will become a boil. In fact, when I have been unable to cleanly get a clear removal of it on the first or second try, I know that I'm in for it, and I should preventively apply the anti-staph ointment now. I roll the black dot between my (clean!) finger and finger nail of another finger, and you will see a worm-type shape come out...fairly solid, with a dark tip, which was the visible black part. If you smell it, it's disgusting. It's no wonder that substance, if left in the body, rots and becomes pus.

    During my last examination, I was told that it seemed that my daily maintenance under my breasts is so effective, it doesn't look as though I have HS anymore at all. It's sad, because I go through so much every day to make it that way, but not being in pain is worth it. It's not as pretty a picture in my groin. The damage was so widespread, so excessive, though I am able to keep from getting boils often (knock on wood), the pitting and purple scarring has left my inner thighs ravaged, and this takes a horrible toll on my sexuality, being a single woman who wants to put herself out there and date, but would never want a lover to see this horrid disfigurement adjacent to my womanhood/sexuality. It really is no surprise to me that suicide rates are high among sufferers. Not a single soul in my family knows I have suffered from this condition for the last decade of my life.

    I'm really so relieved that something was said here. I would love to be part of a community related to this topic. We should no longer continue to suffer in silence.

    Anyone who reads this, please feel free to respond here, privately, and/or send a friend request. It's really encouraging to me to see this being discussed. My heart jumped into my throat when the page loaded and I saw the topic. Take good care, Meg
  • Zamabell
    Zamabell Posts: 1
    Hi All.

    Thank you so much for sharing your HS journeys. I self diagnosed about 5 years ago, but I've been suffering for about 21 years now. I'm 29.

    My HS is most prevalent on my pubic area, and on my buttocks. I'm not certain what stage I am. I am currently experiencing a flare-up, it seems what was a single abscess on my labia (pre-menstrual cycle) has teamed up with two other abscesses to create a marble size abscess making sitting (something i'm forced to do 8 hours in a day) an extreme sport! But I am hopeful.

    After reading all of your posts, I think I'll try cancelling a few elements to my diet. I've never heard of the night shades issue, but I'm open to trying anything. I've found turmeric capsules have regulated my flare up's quiet nicely. I'm now down to 3 every 4 months or so.

    Thanks for your openness, its comforting knowing i'm not alone
  • nicole_nikki91
    nicole_nikki91 Posts: 16 Member
    I found this thread when I was looking up information about hidradenitis suppurativa, it was a wonderful thing to come across.

    I suffer from hidradenitis suppurativa, I self diagnosed a few months ago, but have been largely suffering for 8 years. I've seen doctors, dermatologist, and surgeons and no one could ever diagnosis it, or help me to treat it. I was given antibiotics, steroids, countless types of creams, and none of it worked or helped me. I have started looking into more natural types of treatments, and things I can do within myself to help control the condition. I know many people say you shouldn't self diagnosis but I have done countless research into this, and have knowledge in the medical field.

    I have never personally met another person who suffers from hidradenitis suppurativa, and had never heard of it until I started researching. I haven't been able to find it in any of my medical books, or medical dictionaries. It can be very embarrassing to deal with and very frustrating because it really puts limits on what you can wear and how you feel about yourself.
  • I believe I have had this since puberty to some degree. In the past two years my "flare ups" have gotten much worse. I've had a persistent one for about 6 months now and I've noticed 90% of the goo I drain out of it is oil and blood. Has anyone tried a drug called Robinul? It has been successfully used to reduce excessive sweating. Am I wrong to think that a reduction in apocrine sweat gland production might keep the gland from clogging. At the very least wouldn't it reduce the amount of drainage? I plan to ask my doctor about it at my next appointment but thought I'd see if anyone here had tried it.
  • I am beyond excited to find this post! I know there are other people out there but have never found any. I have had HS for what seems like forever. Mine is mainly in the groin, upper thighs, butt and under my breasts. The most embarrassing thing I have done is when I gave birth and had a room full of strangers staring at my bumps. It was mortifying. I hope that we can talk more whether encouraging or sharing tips! So glad I found yall!!
  • Hello everyone. I also have suffered with this since I can remember in hs... It wasn't so bad then but years later after having my second child I started getting the kind that need to be lanced every month. After the first 4 times I I was getting desperate because of the pain. Two yeas later I don't need them lanced still after those first fee times because as soon as I notice a tender area I get my cotton ball and vinegar out. I use brats apple cider vinegar. I leave the soaked cotton bsll with a band aid for two days total and it goes down on it's own... It really works I'm so thankful to my mom for that random idea when I was feeling do low. I too am going to try the paleo eating habits to get rid of this once and for all hopefully... Now thT I'm getting them more frequently. Trust me vinegar prevents the tender pain and brings it down overnight on the groin area at least.
  • wrenna21
    wrenna21 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello there I also have HS, 18 yrs suffering with this awful disease which has also helped to make me fat cause of not being able to move much and also having to take so many meds. I need to have surgery and they want me to lose weight Im like its kindof hard to exercise when most days I cant even walk or even raise my arms, for 2 yrs I was bedridden but yet they think Im suppose to go to a gym ok whatever. But anyway. ive been trying to diet so the weight of course is coming off slowly I did buy a treadmill 3 days ago and Ive been walking 20 mins the past 3 days very slowly but at least its something. so hopefully I will lose some so I can have the surgeries. Im hoping after the surgeries ill get healed and be able to exercise a lot and be able to function for awhile without all these lesions and lose even more weight.
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
  • jojovalcourt
    jojovalcourt Posts: 1 Member
    I have had hidradenitis apparently since i was about 12. I steadily gained weight for years until I got to 325 lbs. Now I weigh 205 and still achieving. I am 21 years old and I thought that they were heat bumps all my life but I realized with the my weight steadily declining that it wasn't improving so I did research. I never told my mom or a doctor. The only person that knows they are there is my significant other. I get them around my butt ox. It makes me self- conscious around my significant other. I've never had a problem with clothing because being a bigger girl I covered up anyway. I am avidly working to treat it now and hopefully rid myself of it one day.
  • KayleeKennedy24
    KayleeKennedy24 Posts: 1 Member
    O wow! I am literally in tears to see this post and see all that have opened up about this damn disease!!! You all are so awesome and I am thankful to have found this message board. I am 25 years old and have had HS for as long as I can remember. It started in my groin area and has since spread to my buttocks, underarms, and under my breasts. I just got diagnosed the beginning of this year when I went to my dermatologist before my wedding . He put me on Accutane (this is my second time being on it) and it doesn't seem to be helping again. It gets rid of my smaller pimples on face and back but as far as my HS under my breasts and groin and underarm area it seems to still be raging.
    I too kept this disease a secret for most of my life until I found out my sister had it and was going to the doctor for it also. I felt so much better knowing I was not alone and I was not some leper or something of the like. I still am very cautious about not letting others know that I have HS just because it is so embarrassing and people don't understand. Most think it's because of bad hygiene or some sort of STD. The only person to this day who knows the extent of my disease is my husband. He is very caring and doesn't want me to feel self conscious about it (which is near impossible).
    I am so thankful that there are so many brave people out there to post their feelings and stories about their experience having this debilitating disease.
    I just now heard of the night shades being linked to HS. I guess this is my next option to try and put this stuff in remission or at least reduce the amount of flareups.
    This disease completely sucks and I pray I don't have to live with it for the rest of my life. It feels so unfair that this is happening to so many good people that feel that they have to live in silence because there is no cure and sometimes it feels like there is no hope as well. It's like the doctors don't care and are not trying to find a cure. It is good that we have the internet and ways to connect with other people with HS. We need to stick together and be the support that each other needs. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for posting on this board!! We are worth so much more than we sometimes give ourselves credit for! Never lose hope!