Bad decision tonight...tomorrow is another day, right?

So, tonight I more than doubled my daily calories by gorging myself on pizza just like I used to. And then eating almost 400 calories worth of ice cream. And then more pizza. And more pizza as a chaser. I did log everything in my diary, though. I won't make excuses as to why I did it...suffice it to say that I feel like crud at the moment. So how to get back on track? At this point, I'm assuming I'll just have to sleep on it and start again tomorrow. Any words of advice for these falling off the wagon days?


  • carmenlampman3
    carmenlampman3 Posts: 10 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day but it helps to think about what was going on that caused you to binge eat. I have those days also and I can ALWAYS recognize what set me into that mode, when looking back. It helps to really examine that because the next time you may be able to self talk until you reconsider your choice. I am getting better at talking myself off that cliff. I remind myself that eating too much is not going to change a thing but empowering myself not to lean on empty calories does help. You can do it too!