What was your HighSchool Weight? How far are you?



  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I was around 100 lbs. in high school, now around 120. I was very thin and sick all the time, not because I was starving but I was working and going to school and very stressed.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    I think I lied too much about my weight in high school to know for sure but, I think I was about 150 ... Now I'm 159. But still in better shape than I was then.... :) and still working on it!!
  • deliberatelyliz
    deliberatelyliz Posts: 3 Member
    I weighed 110 pounds in high school. I'm now 134, my goal is to get back down to my weight of a year ago, 120, but to become physically fit in achieving that. :)
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    I was 98 lbs at 5'7" in high school...I'm at roughly 127 lbs now, and not planning on going any lower than 125...want to stay healthy so I can have kids safely
  • 5Lloyd90
    5Lloyd90 Posts: 12 Member
    It'll have been 6 years since I graduated high school on May 28th. I weighed 278 then, I weigh 198 now.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    High school I was 286lbs...now I'm currently 175lbs

  • AllMyUsernamesRTaken
    AllMyUsernamesRTaken Posts: 91 Member
    140 in High School....soooo far away yet so close. I am not weighing myself until I can get comfortably into my old sizes again. I'm going by the way my clothes fit, and baby I can't get into that size right about now. Soon though.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I was around 120 for most of high school (I am and was 5' 1"). I was pretty active, I did cross country and marching band. I did track one year but didn't really like it so I was usually closer to 118 in the fall and closer to 122 in the spring. I thought I was really fat, and I guess I was chunky compared to most of the girls in high school, they were all so small...

    Now I am 145 which is obviously overweight. I made my way up to 145 by the end of freshman year of college and stayed there for years, but I got really healthy again in 2011 and at the end of 2012 I was down to 116, less than I was in high school. Anyway, when I was at 120 I actually looked pretty good and I don't know why I thought I was so hefty back then, I guess it was just comparison to other people.

    Anyway I've gained it all back and now working on losing and being healthy again.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I was at least 170 in HS. Hovering around 133 now.
  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    In high school I was 132lbs. Now I'm up to 165lbs. I don't want to get to my highschool weight, I'll be extrly happy to lose 20lbs and be 145lbs.
  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    I'm doing the same thing. I have these jeans that I'm determined to fit into again.. We can do it ????
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    I was like 175 in hs, and my lowest weight has been 138.
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    In hs i was 150 some and out of shape now im way better! :drinker:
  • trmatthewsphatgirl
    trmatthewsphatgirl Posts: 21 Member
    I was 180 lbs solid... I am now 5'5 217 lbs... 37 Lbs, I need to get it together I will love to be that weight again or 175 lbs solid
  • trmatthewsphatgirl
    trmatthewsphatgirl Posts: 21 Member
    I just want to get under 200 lbs and it is soooo hard to do
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am 5'7 and now 120 pounds...I was 109 pounds in high school so I think being my age with 3 children I am doing ok.
  • _Lovely77_
    _Lovely77_ Posts: 993 Member
    I was 125 the day I graduated hs now I'm 174. Was 212.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    104 in high, now...128! GRRRRR!
  • fitnessbabe90
    fitnessbabe90 Posts: 122
    120 lbs before, now 93.2lbs:bigsmile:
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    125lbs. Now 145, down from my heaviest of 191lbs! :smile: