What is your morning ritual to get you ready for the day?

Now that I've finished college, I've been thinking about changing my habits, especially when it comes to walking. Walking in a suburb can be really boring, but I've recently started waking up in the morning and going for a walk for an hour, regardless of distance.

The difference was incredible. Walking let me sort out my own thoughts, and it felt like I was coasting into a state of calm that people don't always have in the morning (rushing out for work, battling through traffic to drop your kids off to school, etc.).

I came home, ate breakfast, and the rest of the day was productive and I carried that walking mindset through the rest of the day. I'm going to do it again tomorrow.


  • marleyskye05
    marleyskye05 Posts: 138
    1. coffee
    2. work out
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I get up, brush my teeth, dress, go to work. Not much to it. I exercise usually in the evening.
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Weekdays: fall out of bed, throw clothing on in some manner resembling decency, and go to work. Work is where my morning ritual kicks in, but that's boring and full of paperwork. :(
    Weekends: wake up, poke at the internets, go to the gym if it's a gym day. If it isn't... continue poking at internets until chores drag me away.

    Boring, boring, boring - but I don't need much to get ready for the day!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member

    If I do not have my morning coffee, I am a grumpy bear. Haha.

    Edit: Just in case you aren't a New Englander....Dunks = Dunkin Donuts.
  • at_night_bookstore
    at_night_bookstore Posts: 249 Member
    waking up
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    coffee, internet news, bathroom, miles under feet.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member

    MFP news feed, News (complete news junky), pee, weigh then the dogs freak and want breakfast....shortly after daughters are up and crabby.....without coffee, nobody in my home may survive :drinker:
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I get up at 4:30 and take my dog for an hour long walk.
    Get on the computer/watch the news while I drink my water.
    Make my protein shake.
    Shower, get dressed.
    Wake up husband, who does NOT want to get up.
    Wake 4 year old son who does NOT want to get up.
    Make him frozen waffles and chocolate milk while he watches TV.
    Go to work and swing by Starbucks on the way.

    It was so cool this morning when the sun was finally high enough that I could see the snow capped Rockies over the town.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Depends on whether it is a work day or not.

    Work Days
    ~Wake up at 4 AM...shower, brush teeth, get dressed, etc...
    ~Make up meal bag.
    ~Out of the door by 4:45-5:00 to get to work by 5:30.
    ~Eat breakfast and then sit on my butt for 12 hours by radios.

    Non Work Day
    ~Wake up 1/2 hour before sunrise, so right now wake up is about 5:50 AM, brush teeth, get dressed, etc...
    ~Have a cup of coffee.
    ~Out the door for a run, or head to YMCA for group class/strength/etc...get there about 6:15 ish.
    ~Get home between 7 AM and 8:30 AM and make breakfast.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,494 Member
    Up, pee, weigh, shower, dress, yell while looking for shoes, grab lunch from the fridge/freezer, out the door 20 mins after the alarm went off.

    I don't think I'll EVER be able to morning like a grown-up. Breakfast happens around 9:30 at work, at my desk. I have "the most time in bed possible" down to a fine art...
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a morning person! So I like to get up before the rest of the house and turn on sportscenter while i have my coffee and fix a healthy breakfast. By then it's time to starting getting ready and off I go...