Carb's, Protein,Fats?

If carb's are 4 calories to 1g then why is this very veggie salad mix only 20 calories to 85g? Then they say lean meat protein's are 4 calories to 1g. 1 chicken boneless,skinless tender 112g is 120 calories, fats 9 calories to 1g. virgin olive oil is 120 calories 1 tbsp 15ml.. I'm getting a bit confused here with this eat healthy diet.. Now maybe someone can shed some light my way and help me out cause i lost 40 pounds in the last 100 days but now my weight is in the yo yo stage.. I'm 43 and 5'8 weigh 219 and my BMI is 35. I need to know how much i need to eat a day to lose 2.5 pounds a week. I workout 7 day a week burning 700-800 calories a day doing it. Other then that i sit at a PC looking for work the other time of the day. Very BMR Cal i use says something different and IDK what i should check as my act level. But i'm thinking something along the lines 2000-2200 calories maybe less a day.. Some help would be nice.. Thanks..


  • hiraethed
    hiraethed Posts: 26 Member
    For the veggies, it's because a lot of the carbs in vegetables are from cellulose. Cellulose is a sugar that humans can't digest (this is what fibre is, it passes through the digestive system without being absorbed.) It is technically a carbohydrate but we acquire no energy from it. This also explains how horses/cows etc can fuel themselves on grass, because to them grass is as high energy as a bowl of pasta to us. Veggies also have very high water content, so a lot of those grams are just water.

    Water would also account for the chicken, there are approx 23g of protein in a chicken breast and 2g of fat, which adds up to 110cal. And as for the olive oil, I'm honestly not sure about that one. It may have something to do with the difference between fats and oils.

    700-800 calories a day, 7 days a week sounds like far too much to me. You are likely overtraining, which may be why you are experiencing a plateau/yo-yo effect. You need a couple rest days or you may get injured. Strive for a lifestyle that is sustrainable long-term :). From what it sounds like, to lose weight you should eat around 2000-2500cal a day.
  • michaellarcom1
    michaellarcom1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the info and help..