I need help!

Hello All! I have just started a dramatic lifestyle change and definitely need help! I have over 100 lbs to lose and hove no idea of how to start effectively. I work about 60 hours a week and am in grad school too. I do like fruits and veggies, but don't like exercise. I am looking forward to changing that though! I welcome all suggestions and if I can help in any way, please let me know!


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    personally i started by just managing food and calories..then slowly added in excercise ..*walking*..im sure you will find as you lose weight using these methods that you will enjoy some form of excercise even if its not the "gym"
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Hello and nice to meet you! I have 40 pounds to lose, and I don't like exercising either. My suggestion, would just make sure when you're snacking that you're snacking on those fruits and veggies that you like. Though I should probably take that suggestion and use it myself. lol :laugh:
  • wifey76
    Welcome to MFP !!! this site really does work..unfortunately it's our own lifestyles and habits that make us fail or succeed.. i am just getting back into the swing of things on here myself... it's been almost a year for me since i've been actively participating on here.. i missed it. I knew in order for me to get that success back I need to be on here... start tracking and getting exercise back into the daily routine.. i hate exercising as well.. my friend just lent me a belly dancing video that i'm going to try tonight... i get bored very easily and so belly dancing sounded fun.. and the calories that you lose while doing it is amazing.. so i'll let you know how well I did and if it's worth trying :) good luck to me!
  • want2BthinRN
    Like a previous poster abover said...just start with your calories and then ease into exercising....I also HATE to exercise but am slowly learning to like it.:laugh: Good luck with your goals!
  • Vee16
    Vee16 Posts: 1
    Hi. I'm new to this too and don't like exercise either. Since I like music I started doing Zumba. It might be something to consider. It is fun to do and it really is a workout. Good Luck.
  • Nevrmorluv
    Thanks for the advice! I hope the gym is for me one day...
  • JustDoIt1973
    JustDoIt1973 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello and welcome! I have 85lbs to lose and I dont like exercise either. I started by changing small things..like replacing sugary carbonated beverages for water with or without crystal light, bringing baby carrots, cukes, celery and cut up peppers to work and leaving them there so when I'm tempted I grab those. I do love to bike so I am looking forward to doing that when the weather gets a bit warmer, but until then I'm going to try to do Wii early in the morning (5:15 am) its the only time I can fit it in (work 2 jobs), but I have to make time to exercise. Start off with small goals and take one day at a time, one hour at a time. You can do this!
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome!!! I think the first thing that helps is watching your calorie intake. I too don't like exercise, so try to find things you like to do. For me I play EA Active 2 on my Wii, jump rope, hula hoop, kettlebells, walking, steps and my latest mini trampoline. Oh and I also wear my pedometer everyday to make sure I get at least 10,000 steps a day. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!!
  • hilmar1977
    I too started Zumba because I hate exercise BUT luv to dance! Start slow... don't overwhelm yourself w/ diet AND exercise or you will get burnt out! Good luck!
  • johnandholli
    Hi and welcome to mfp! I started this website with my brother and one other friend in December. I seem to b the one to help find the tools and know the right information, but everyone else is doing better. I tell my brother, do what I say, not what I do. He has lost 30lbs until now, my friend lost 28lbs in the last 6 weeks in YMCA weight contest. I want to quit making exuses! I want to follow what I already know and lose weight and be healthy too. I work only part-time, working on my AA, and volunteer. My kids are grown. My excuse for going is the exercise makes my arthritis ache.. I still gotta move. I'd like you to be my friend! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    When I got off the road 18 months ago I started losing weight just by cutting down on portion size. I lost 45 pounds and plateaued. That's when I started running. I hated it at first but kept going because I knew it would work. It took a couple months to build up to more than 30 minutes a day but that is when I started dropping 2.5 pounds a week. Tendonitis from building mileage too much too fast put me out for a couple months but the weight didn't pile right back on because my metabolism was still amped up from the muscle building. Eventually I put on 15 pounds and started running again and maintained until I could build the mileage again. I'm back at it and dropped two pounds this week. Find some exercise you like or hate to do and do it because you KNOW it will work. You might grow to like it. I am training to run a marathon later this year. Below you see my mileage goal for January. Next month is 185, March 217.... You can do it. I can tell by what you wrote in your post. Friend me if you like. I'll help ya.
  • johnandholli
    Lol. I get bored exercising too! Bellly dancing should be fun. We do a little of it in Zumba class. I would like to add you as my friend ok. Holli

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome. You can do this. There are many people on this site who have lost 100, 150 and even 200 pounds. It is not a magic place, but it is a very supportive place for dieters who have all different weight loss goals.

    First, add as many MFP friends as you can. I know that there is a thread for people looking to lose 100 pounds or more. Use the search feature and try to find that thread. Read through it and then try to find MFP friends who have been successful losing that much weight.

    You can lose by just cutting down on your calories. However, exercise helps so much! You will lose faster and you will be able to "eat" the calories that you burn.

    The idea of MFP is not only to lose, but to be healthy during your weight loss and after your weight loss. To do this, you really have to increase your activity level. Others have done it so successfully and I know you can do it to.

    Next: study the calorie counts in various foods that you really enjoy. If you can, substitute low calorie versions for the high calorie ones. Examples: there is a whole line of ice cream called Skinny Cow. They have low fat versions of bars, sandwiches, etc. Get the no sugar ones if you can.

    Further: the program works very well but it does take time and intense concentration. You've got to do the "work." There really are no short cuts!

    Good luck in getting started and with your weight loss goals. I would love it if you would add me as a MFP friend!
  • kathiej13
    kathiej13 Posts: 11 Member
    portion control is the key thing, try using smaller plates and bowls, fill 1/2 with fruits/ vegetables; 1/4 grains; 1/4 protein and see if that helps. I know that you can do it, but it may be a slow process. I try to aim for no more than 2 lb weight lose per week.
  • suemcroberts
    First, find something you like, anything. Make that your exercise. Walking around the mall, biking, dancing, walking the dog, whatever. The gym can be a very intimidating place. That doesn't have to be your exercise place. Just move, whatever you need to do to move. I highly recommend you just start with walking. It might be from your house to the neighbor's house and then you can build up to 3 houses, 5 houses, etc. Walking is the easiest thing on your body. Swimming burns a ton of calories. Lots of people LOVE Zumba. I know lots of women who've lost weight doing that. Find a friend to exercise with, someone to hold you accountable. MFP is great but having a real live person with you during your exercise sessions is a must. I've been fit most of my life and I swear I wouldn't be if it weren't for my friends.
  • Wendles0380
    Hi, I'm new too. What I like about the site is the support you get instantly from other users, its very motivating. It makes calorie counting so easy too and less of a chore! I started structured exercise at the gym, for the first time since I was 20, about 2 months ago (but was ill and missed 4 weeks). I thought I'd hate it but you feel so good when you have a full work out, not only because of the endorphins but also because of the achievement. You notice the difference in fitness really quickly, within 2 or 3 half hour sessions I noticed I didn't get out of breath as quickly. Losing the weight is slow and can be frustrating when you just want the excess fat to disappear but its better to lose it slowly. I hope MFP helps you, remember to ask for support if you need it. Good luck