
Hey guys i would love some insight on the advocare cleanse and line of products. I have a good friend who sells them and swears by them. Im kinda skeptic and believeing its only trying to "cleanse" my wallet lol. But i woul love to hear some people who have used advocare!

thank you!!


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Im kinda skeptic and believeing its only trying to "cleanse" my wallet lol.

    You have it right.
  • IJones4177
    IJones4177 Posts: 6 Member
    I've had someone I know use it and it has worked for him. I used to use the Spark energy drinks and I love them. They are pricey but from the results my friend has made, I can see that it does work.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I've never used the product. I'm sure it does help lose weight when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise.

    But I can say that I've lost 60 pounds without the need of buying any sort of "program." I watch the calories I put in my face and exercise.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    Hey guys i would love some insight on the advocare cleanse and line of products. I have a good friend who sells them and swears by them. Im kinda skeptic and believeing its only trying to "cleanse" my wallet lol. But i woul love to hear some people who have used advocare!

    thank you!!

    Advocare, Herbalife, Body by Vi, and Shakeology are all the same crap. People start a cleanse, get great results, start selling it and promoting it claiming its the "end all be all" as if it's the answer to everyones weight loss problems. You can achieve good results without spending money on all this over hyped crap.
  • sehancock27
    I'm on day 8 of the cleanse portion and so far so good. I did start because of one of my friends being a rep, but I must admit that the energy I have during the cleanse is amazing. The only problem I'm running into is taking in enough calories during the cleanse so that I don't get headaches\etc when exercising. The foods you can eat during the cleanse are strict, but it's manageable.

    The Spark drink is definitely my favorite, and I'll probably keep using that afterwards
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I'm on day 8 of the cleanse portion and so far so good. I did start because of one of my friends being a rep, but I must admit that the energy I have during the cleanse is amazing. The only problem I'm running into is taking in enough calories during the cleanse so that I don't get headaches\etc when exercising. The foods you can eat during the cleanse are strict, but it's manageable.

    The Spark drink is definitely my favorite, and I'll probably keep using that afterwards
  • Jaymeoww
    Jaymeoww Posts: 5
    thank you for the infomation!!
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    It's a load of bollocks.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Cue all the first time posters.
  • swoldiergirl
    swoldiergirl Posts: 15 Member
    I've been looking into Advocare....My biggest concern is that all their protein products seem to have a high sugar content. Personally I don't believe in cleanses, depriving your body of proper nutrition, you're simply doing yourself a dis-justice. You could also consider taking a more healthy approach and eat clean. Eliminate all sugars, dairy, processed foods from your daily eating.
    Simply a suggestion. But you'd only be investing in good clean healthy foods instead of supplements, something your body doesn't require with proper nutrition.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    OP, your gut is right on this one. This post will soon be full of people with no profiles or posting history raving about the product, and your inbox will probably be flooded with MLM salespeople- take it with a grain of salt.