Yawning while exercising followed by light headedness

Hi guys! Just wanna get advice from u guys/gals. I got back to my weight loss wagon for a week now and I notice when I exercise I started to feel light headed and at one point I see stars. Which is a surprise to me becos before I got sick I did the insanity workout (for two weeks then I fell sick & stopped exercising due to *health condition) & I was fine. So now that my health has got better I thought I'll start with my usual Hasfit 10min jump rope workout. I could only last for 2-3mins before I feel like I'm passing out. I was fine when I decided to lose weight last year. I could finish it albeit the lack of shape.

So I thought maybe this is too hard so I try the low impact/beginner workouts - I couldn't finish & had to stop midway cos I was breathing so hard I thought I was getting asthma attack (which I don't have a history of) and again I feel light headed.

Here's another thing. When I workout I notice when I got halfway through the exercise I tend to yawn. Yeah, yawn. Isn't this weird? Is it due to lack of oxygen while I exercise? When I have yawned a few times, I couldn't do anymore exercise cos I was breathing too hard. This has never happened before. I am getting scared. Should I go for a check up with my doctor?

*health issue: after I had the fever, I fell sick for a week & had trouble with severe coughing that lasted for more than a month-almost 2months actually. My doctor told me to stop exercising becos I can't breathe well becos of the coughing.So I was out of exercise for like maybe 3-4months. Then I fell sick again. Thankfully not long. Just a week. So this week I started cos I feel better after a month of resting. Hmmm...now that I recounts everything that means I'm out for like 6 months?

But I started last year and I did fine. When I started, the last time I exercise was about 10 years ago. & I can do an hour beginner workout. This time I was only off for not less than 6 months & I feel like I'm about to get a mini heart attack. Help please!

PS: I hope u understand what I'm tyring tosay here cos English is not my first language.

Thank u for ur help! Appreciate it very much.


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    My initial thoughts are:
    1) Are you getting enough sleep?
    2) Are you eating enough to sustain high exercise demands on the body?

    What's your daily calorie goal?
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey! This happens to me sometimes, and it always tends to happen when I haven't had enough carbs! That's why I workout in the evening vs. morning (though I know this doesn't suit everyone's lifestyle). Just make sure you get something down you around an hr before you work out.

    E.g. on days I work out I'll typically have Branflakes for breakfast, salad with a small amount of new potatoes/noodles/rice on the side and then a Nakd/cereal bar around 3:30PM. I get to the gym at 6.

    Also, because you were ill recently it's probably just a bit of shock to the system.
  • shq86
    shq86 Posts: 7
    My initial thoughts are:
    1) Are you getting enough sleep?
    2) Are you eating enough to sustain high exercise demands on the body?

    What's your daily calorie goal?

    1) I always have difficulty sleeping. For eg; if i go to sleep at 11, i would still find myself awake at 1/2. I just deduce that i finally asleep at 3.
    2) I never figure out how to count calorie so to make it easier for me i just have a smal bowl/plate.

    @katielou112 - i cut out all rice n just eat protein like fish/chicken with green veges. I learnt i need to avoid rice to lose weight.
    Snacking is where i always have trouble. When im busy i completely forgot about snack time. Not till my stomach growls in hunger but i found its close to lunch time so i ended up having lunch with my snacks.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I've come to the same conclusion as everyone else; 1) not meeting suggested sleep 2) amount of carbs. Maybe on those days (and some on the day before if it's a particularly high-impact workout) up your calories some more. You'll feel tons better! Good luck :)
  • shq86
    shq86 Posts: 7
    Just a report on my progress. I can go through almost an hour of workout now though not really high in intensity. I think my body just need time to adjust. And I think you guys are right about my body goes into shock since I've only recovered from illness. I have also taken your advice on adding a little more carbs-I eat oats/whole grain cereal in the morning & eat small portion of white rice for lunch. I avoid carbs at night. I'm just confuse bout this losing weight. I thought we should avoid carbs as much as possible if we wanna lose weight. Can anyone please clarify this for me?

    I'm going to slowly raise the intensity and maybe add in weight training - like serious heavy lifting to break plateau. So far I did a lot of cardio just a basic weight training using a 5lbs dumbbell. I bought a 8lbs and it's seriously heavy. My left arm were like dead and immovable. But I feel the satisfaction cos my work shirt feel lose especially on the sleeves. I don't feel 'stuffy' anymore. But the scale hasn't move though. Still stuck at 80kgs. Really frustrating. I think I'm gonna find ways to better measure my progress. Thanks for the feedback guys.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Get to the doctors! It could anything; Iron deficency, low blood pressure, sleep, etc etc
    Get checked out instead of trying to guess and then you can get back at it a damn sight quicker hun:flowerforyou:
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    And the #1 thing you can do to ensure you lose weight is to buy a food scale and start weighing/logging everything. If you've never measured your food servings before you're in for a huge eye-opener.
  • Sparklysmiles
    Sparklysmiles Posts: 2 Member
    HI, this has happened to me many times over the years and the reason for it (with me) is low blood pressure. I regularly yawn during exercise and sometimes (although not so often now that I manage it) the room goes a bit spinny and hazy. I am used to it so know I need to eat little and often and if I rush from work to a hiit workout without eating the right foods I know what will happen. I also need to keep my water intake regular as well. The one time when I find it's trickier to manage is in really hot weather. It's fine if I'm in an airconditioned gym but if I'm training outside or the studio gets too hot it can happen. That said the doctor advised me years ago that hot weather would make me more lethargic and to be honest I've always managed the condition without too much problem. It may sound like I'm stating the obvious but I've found the healthier I am, and that includes getting sleep and reducing/managing stress then the less likely it is to occur. Good luck, I hope you manage to sort it out and it's just a short term condition.
  • shq86
    shq86 Posts: 7
    And the #1 thing you can do to ensure you lose weight is to buy a food scale and start weighing/logging everything. If you've never measured your food servings before you're in for a huge eye-opener.

    I have thoughts of investing in one but I have no idea how to use it. I mean what is the guideline - eg; if I eat oats how many grams of oats I should eat? This stuff I don't really know so there's no use of buying if u don't know how to use it. The scale would just end up collecting dust. I think I would appreciate it if you could give me links that can help me. Especially for total noobs like me.

    @emblu - last time I checked my blood pressure is normal. Not sure about iron deficiency. Maybe I should go check. I think sleep is the likeliest suspect since I have difficulty sleeping.

    One more question. Can I try fat burners like Hydroxycut/Lipo6 to boost metabolism? I'm thinking of trying it cos I'm jealous of people that's able to lose 10kilos in 1month. How the hell do they do it? It took me 3 months just to go down to 10kilos and now I'm stuck.

    Thanks for the feedback guys!
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    "One more question. Can I try fat burners like Hydroxycut/Lipo6 to boost metabolism? I'm thinking of trying it cos I'm jealous of people that's able to lose 10kilos in 1month. How the hell do they do it? It took me 3 months just to go down to 10kilos and now I'm stuck."

    They probably won't keep it off though! Slow and steady whens the race. :happy:
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    I have problems with yawning too much and not being able to breathe right also.

    Mine occurs in daily life and is made worse by exercising, and it is called hyperventilation syndrome, caused by anxiety/stress. You should look it up. Maybe you have this too? Maybe not, though.