Stitches, banged heads and college: a rant

Ariadne83 Posts: 36 Member
Hi everyone,

So I'm feeling down today and thought it might help to write it down and get some thoughts on my situation.

1. Last week I had to have stitches after a very minor surgery. I'm fine but the stitches mean I can't run, go to the gym, stretch, do yoga, lift or slim. I've been walking every day to make up for the lost gym time but I just feel a bit down about it as exercise really helps lift my mood. Also I'm trying to build muscle which isn't going to happen until the stitches are out.

2. I'm a mature (or immature, depending on your perspective!) student at college studying art and design. The course is pretty good but one thing that always happens in every class that literally drives me up the wall. In every class the tutor goes round the students, asking them about their projects and giving them advice. For some reason, no matter which tutor we have, 90% I have to wait last for my turn to speak to them. What is that about?

Last night they were advising us about our exhibitions. As usual last week I had to wait til the end slot to talk to the tutor. But last night the tutor was going round the table and my turn was coming up so for once, I wasn't going to be last. But or some reason, when it was my turn she goes 'Oh, I was going to talk to ........... next as I've not seen her in a while, do you mind?' to me. I felt like saying 'are you ****ing kidding me, I'm always last and yes I do mind!' but I had to grit my teeth and just pretend I was OK with it when I was secretly FUMING.

Meanwhile all the other students head home early, every lesson. I was so mad at being made to wait yet again I just left early, which meant I didn't get a tutorial about my exhibition. I'm now worried my exhibition and grade will be rubbish despite all the hours I've put in to it.

3. When I got back from college I banged my head really hard by accident against the door and now have a big lump and a headache!

Thanks for anyone who read that, sorry to rant. The injuries are just life and I can deal with those but the college stuff feels so maddening even though I know it's petty. Any thoughts, advice would be good. Thanks!


  • awomaninsane
    awomaninsane Posts: 75 Member
    Nice to get things off your chest isn't it, i hope it made you feel a teeny bit better.

    In regards to the college thing... you need to speak up and let your tutor know that you do mind. I think what often happens is that mature students are well behaved and organised that tutors just think you're ok and don't need help, where the younger ones need more support/prompting. This is no excuse though but i hear where you are coming from especially as i work in a college, and a one in the north east of England!
    I'm sending you a friend request!
  • Ariadne83
    Ariadne83 Posts: 36 Member
    Nice to get things off your chest isn't it, i hope it made you feel a teeny bit better.

    In regards to the college thing... you need to speak up and let your tutor know that you do mind. I think what often happens is that mature students are well behaved and organised that tutors just think you're ok and don't need help, where the younger ones need more support/prompting. This is no excuse though but i hear where you are coming from especially as i work in a college, and a one in the north east of England!
    I'm sending you a friend request!

    Ah thanks so much that's really cheered me up. I just feel really baffled why they choose me last. I've already been to university once and this never happened there, not sure what it is about this particular college. The other students are actually older than me, by about 30 years (they are retired!) and I wonder if maybe they email the tutors each week to ask to go first so they can leave early? Even so, the tutors should try to balance it out regardless. It has to be more than just coincidence. Anyway thanks for the friend request, accepted!