Looking for friends with similar goals

I've been using the app for 3 weeks but am new to the forum. I'm 36, 5`2` looking to ultimately lose 70lbs. I have my calories set at 1200 & am trying to exercise daily. I'm a new mom w/a one year old son. I've dieted/exercised off & on most of my life but am coming off a 2 year hiatus. The app has really helped but I'd like to chat with others in a similar situation. I'm wanting to get healthy most of all to for my son :smile:


  • 13holly13
    13holly13 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep up all the hard work. I'm there for you :)
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there! Welcome to MFP! I joined a few weeks ago after a series of half-effort diet and exercise binges over the past few years. I'm also looking to meet some friends on here to help me stay on track and keep me honest. If you ever need encouragement or support, let me know, I'll cheer for you!
