Trying to lose weight for real this time

npmckee Posts: 17 Member
Hi all, my name is Nate and I've spent years telling myself I was going to lose 30 pounds but never committing to actually doing it. I'd work hard for a couple of weeks, lose maybe 5 pounds, and then either stop losing weight or would lose interest and gain it right back. The last 4 summers in a row I've been so embarrassed with my body that I don't go to the beach or the pool anymore and I hate that feeling. I joined MFP in hopes of helping myself stay on track and maybe meeting some like-minded folks that can help me stay motivated in return for me helping to motivate them too.

I just recently learned about my body's "starvation mode" which actually probably explains why I would stop losing pounds after a week or so on my past diet attempts. I think I was trying to cut calories way too drastically and didn't realize that it was actually slowing my metabolism down. I'm trying to avoid that this time by watching my calories and making sure that I'm eating enough after (and before) my workouts so that I don't end the day with too big of a deficit.

Thanks for reading and say hi if you wanna be MFP buddies!


  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Hi Nate!

    Welcome to MFP! In terms of thinking about your goals etc. you might want to start thinking about how you want to live your life for a long time (a lifestyle) rather than treating it like a hobby (really interested for a few weeks, then losing interest). Hopefully while you are here you can figure out ways so that eating better and being more active arent so boring after a month or so. Figure out which foods/meals you like and activities you like to do all the time and enjoy.

    Also, if you stick around long enough you will find out some really good info on these boards. Such as "starvation mode" and the myth surrounding it, how sugar may or may not be evil, and a million ways to use cauliflower to replace any food ever. So hopefully you like popcorn so you can sit back and munch on that as you enjoy your journey!

  • 7ricarico
    7ricarico Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Nate!

    I'm in a similar boat. I've gone through ups and downs. I've successfully lost weight before, but in the past couple years I've gained it back and then some. I'm attempting to do things right this time (rather than cutting back on the calories too far). It's time to really focus on making a lifestyle change that incorporates daily exercise and eating right!

    Good luck!

  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member

    Thanks so much for the encouraging and informative response! I'm excited to be here and I've really decided to go all in this time. My better half and I have both committed time in our evenings for regular workouts, we're eating MUCH healthier foods and having an easier time with it now that we're BOTH doing it, and I've invested a little bit into getting more out of my workouts too. I'm a road cyclist but never paid much attention to heart rate or cadence and now I'm learning about how to monitor my body to make sure I'm training properly and getting the most out of my time to achieve my goals. The missing link for me had always been making the exercise and diet parts work together instead of just one or the other. I'm hoping to make this part of my life instead of just something I do for 6 weeks this summer, so I'll probably be seeing ya around these parts!

    Thanks again, and nice to meet you!
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member

    Sounds like we've followed similar paths and maybe we're just what each other needs to stay on track! If you're anything like me, feeling like you're part of a community can really help you stick to your goals. That's why a lot of people seem to like group workouts and exercise classes for the bond you make with the people around you. I'm more of an introvert in that way and prefer to workout on my own but having this online community will be super helpful for me, and hopefully you too!

    Please to meet you!
  • Hi Nate
    I am a grandmother who worked 50 to 60 hours a week for 25 years. I kept gaining weight basically because I hod no clue how much I was actually eating. I am now retired and since December 2012 and now I have lost 75 pounds. Entering all food I ate helped me see why I was having trouble loosing. Counting calories is not enough you need to limit your carbs and eat more protein. Each person tolerates carbs differently. Keep at it you will get there. Everyone hits a plateau when that happens try adding more protein for a day or two. Watch your calories, carbs and fiber. GrannyB
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Long version of great info:

    Short version:

    calorie deficit
    weigh/measure all the food you eat
    meet macros/micros
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Nate
    I am a grandmother who worked 50 to 60 hours a week for 25 years. I kept gaining weight basically because I hod no clue how much I was actually eating. I am now retired and since December 2012 and now I have lost 75 pounds. Entering all food I ate helped me see why I was having trouble loosing. Counting calories is not enough you need to limit your carbs and eat more protein. Each person tolerates carbs differently. Keep at it you will get there. Everyone hits a plateau when that happens try adding more protein for a day or two. Watch your calories, carbs and fiber. GrannyB


    Thanks so much for the info about the protein/carbs situation. I've heard a lot about how it's not just calories themselves but also the quality of the food you eat and the ratio of where the calories come from (fat/protein/carbs). All of that sounded so complicated until I found this MFP to do it for me. I ordered a food scale the other day so later this week I should be able to accurately track the foods I'm eating and keep myself honest that way too.

    Nice to meet you!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    OH NOOOO! He said "starvation mode!"


    Welcome Nate. Good luck on your quest.
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    OH NOOOO! He said "starvation mode!"


    I feel like I've accidentally triggered some hot button on these boards, and that wasn't my intention! I did, however, end up WAY under my calories goal on MFP the past few days and it displayed a warning about "starvation mode" so that's where the reference came from!

    That much being said, if I'm offending sensibilities, I apologize! (be easy, i'm new!)
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    Long version of great info:

    Short version:

    calorie deficit
    weigh/measure all the food you eat
    meet macros/micros

    This is super informative! I think i'm probably going to spend some time really digging into this information and all of the subpages listed here so I can better understand all of the components. Thanks so much for the link, and pleasure to meet you!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Long version of great info:

    Short version:

    calorie deficit
    weigh/measure all the food you eat
    meet macros/micros

    Yup...listen to Gypsy. She knows of what she speaks...

    Here are some other links too...

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above then ->

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member

    Thanks so much for the additional info, I think when I get a chance to sit down tonight and read everything I'm going to feel way more informed about how this all works. Pleasure to meet you, and I'll see you around!

  • mrsamedeka
    mrsamedeka Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Nate your story is so similar to my story. But this time For Real For Real I am losing this weight. I have reconnected with MFP and I am not disconnecting ever again. I am downloading the app to my cell phone also. I wish you much success on your weight loss and keep the weight off journey.
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member

    I feel you, this time it really IS for real for real! Thanks so much for the well wishes, and I'll be sending positive vibes and encouragement your way too, let's stick to it!

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Counting calories, unless you have some kind of health condition, absolutely IS enough for weight loss. Lots and lots of people on this website, myself included, have lost weight simply by restricting calories and not cutting any types of food out of our diets.

    Look, losing weight is hard, don't make it unnecessarily harder.
  • npmckee
    npmckee Posts: 17 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! I'm not trying to complicate anything, I just realize that I, personally, needed to do more than just change my diet...I need to start being active and eating better food and all sorts of things to make a positive impact. That much being said, i'm glad you've been able to lose weight and work towards your goal!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! I'm not trying to complicate anything, I just realize that I, personally, needed to do more than just change my diet...I need to start being active and eating better food and all sorts of things to make a positive impact. That much being said, i'm glad you've been able to lose weight and work towards your goal!


    And with that attitude you'll succeed. Remember it's about moderation not deprivation and making a lifestyle change.
  • You can do it, Nate! I have found that it does take a lot of commitment, but logging the food you eat will not only help you track your calories, but you learn better how to eat. I look at food, and I have a rough idea of how many calories are in a meal now, and I feel as if I am now an "informed eater." Now that I eat (mostly) healthy, when I do eat badly, I can really feel the affects on my body. I am not where I want to be now, since I am getting married soon and I want to be in great shape, but I know that with a little more persistance I can do it!

    I realized a couple years ago that my health is very valuable. I also realized that I am not getting any younger, so I may as well take good care of my body and look great! I hit 30 years old, and I decided that if I want to continue to feel young and attractive and remain healthy, I will have to take personal responsibility for it. The good fortune of my 20's is no longer on my side! I remember when I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. However, since I have changed my lifestyle to satisfy my vanity, I have also lowered my cholesterol (high choleterol runs in my family) and body fat percentage in the process. I am so happy when we have our annual health fair at work and my "numbers" show that I am very healthy!

    I support anyone who makes an effort to be healthy by doing it the *right* way, which is to have a healthy, balanced diet and a combination of cardio and weight training. Anyone who tells you there is another route to health and fitness is misinformed.