Here's to a new year and hopefully a new me.

Hi Everyone,

Well here we are starting 2011 and I'm still overweight. I've tried every diet imaginable to man and although I do well in the beginning, I'm an emotional eater and I always seem to lose track and gain it all back.
I'm sick of being tired all the time and am hoping that this year I'll be able to finally get the weight off once and for all.:smile:


  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome aboard! You can definitley lose the weight. There's a lot of support here and we "got your back."

    Regarding emotional eating, try to identify the triggers that cause you to reach for food. if you're not sure what they are, keep a notebook handy and not was was making you emotional just before you grab that sandwich, candy, etc. I'm a stress eater and dealt with it by identifying and dealing with those stressors. I'm far from perfect, but being more consciously aware of it has helped quite a bit.

    Look forward to seeing you move from New Year Resolutionist, to Healthy Lifestylist!

  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there :-)
    I'm right there with you sister. I have been up to the same thing for let's see....16 years...yikes!:sad: I am an emotional eater too. I think it takes one to know one so to speak so, "I hear you".

    So what are your plans to do it differently this time?

  • jeepgrl0603
    Well, I'm happy to report I've lost 5 lbs so far. I know it's mostly water but I'll take it. I'm lucky to have a husband who is very supportive and friends willing to help keep me on track.

    I think the biggest motivator is finally "seeing" myself in a full length mirror. There are so many things I want to do and can't...simple things like just being able to walk up a flight of stairs and not being winded or going on a walking tour of Washington DC.

    Thanks for the's nice to have.