fitbit zip

Hi everyone, just needed a bit of advice if anyone can offer me any? I got my fit bit zip yesterday, Ive synced it to mfp and my smart phone and ipad. so far Im loving it, but it seems to track without clearing data daily? can I reset it daily? also my cal in cal out on fitbit are slightly different to mfp.

I feel I would have clearer information if each day was a new day? any help greatly appreciated.

cheers guys


  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    It should "reset" every night at midnight,when you wake up in the morning it will have a calorie burn for the cals burned as you slept. So the only time it should be 0 is when it changes at midnight.
  • Chriscut7163
    the cals burn was reset, but nothing else, my clock is not right either? I have no idea how to put this right?
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    hmm is it a new zip? perhaps try contacting fitbit, they have amazing customer service.
  • Chriscut7163
    Ive found my mistake!! I hadnt downloaded the download from the web! Now I've done that everything is perfect!! thanks guys !