Advice for staying motivated?

I'm just talking out loud - So many people are 'back at it', and 'starting over' - myself included - what is the key - do you think - of staying in the zone? Only a small handful of us will be successful. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive, like minded people is a good step - but what else? What are those keys that will keep me working towards this goal a month from now....a year from now....

I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it -

I many times a day say I want this more than anything - yet I must not want it worse than the cookies I ate on Sunday - and I know all the 'you are just human', and 'you have to have a cheat meal' blah blah - I want to want this more than I wanted that cookie....


  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Watching your progress is a good motivation to be honest. As well as the 'before' photo. I hate looking at it but I keep it there just to remind myself what will happen if I start eating junk again. Maybe you have some old/new clothes you don't fit into yet? Those can be a motivation as well. But you will notice feeling better if you're doing your diet/exercise right. I've got so much more energy now, I just don't want to go back to those days when I couldn't force myself out of bed anymore.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    My advice: Stop looking at it as something you can "quit" or "get back at." You're building a sustainable way of life for yourself. Don't cut out "junk", eat it in moderation. Log everything you eat, even if it is more than your daily goal. If you look at this as something you constantly stop and start, you will end up one of the people who are like "Oh well, diets over, time to eat a whole cake!"

    This is why most people gain all the weight back after losing. Remember, weight loss is not linear.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think this is the magic question of the day. I've seen LOTS of posts similar to yours, and have even been there the last year myself. If we could bottle our "bad self" and just take a dose whenever we need to, we'd be rich!

    I've just been coming to a lot of realizations lately and reminding myself/telling myself:

    **This IS the path I'm on.
    **Let go of the idea that other people have an easier ride than me; I don't know what they have going on in their lives.
    **Want it for you. Not because your kids won't have mommy around or because your family wants you around - but because YOU want to watch your kids grow up; YOU want to be around your family.
    **Set SOME sort of goal. It doesn't have to be skydiving, or maybe it can be. Something you always wanted to do. In 2011, we set a goal to go to Disney World in June 2013. I wanted to be able to walk around without it being a big deal, and it was great! We've set another goal to go in 2016. Sooner if we can afford it and if I hit my next goals. While you're striving for it, be sure you're saving whatever you need to afford it financially too.

    Biggest bottom line is: You have to be willing to be uncomfortable.

    There's an old story about a hound-dog laying on his owners front porch bellowing. A neighbor happens by and asks the owner what's wrong with the dog. Owner says the dog's laying on a nail. Neighbor says, "Well why doesn't he move?" "Because it doesn't hurt him enough yet."

    So many people are waiting for something to really come along that'll be the greatest thing to weight loss or the key component to motivation and staying focused. In my mind, it takes determination (to not quit), being willing to be uncomfortable, and paying attention to the right people (whoever they are).

    You can do this!!
  • Kris_Lyn
    Kris_Lyn Posts: 8
    Thanks so much for your honest writing! So good to hear other people with similair thoughts and struggles...yes, we have to "want it" more than the cookies. Well, maybe not more than ONE cookie, we gotta enjoy life, right? I guess for motivation I'm going to need to have a good mantra for myself when temptation arises - like "Which is going to feel better, eating the second helping or not having those squishy muffin tops anymore?" I really like the reply below with the story about the hound dog on the porch...
    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!! :happy:
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I'm on it - I feel good about it, even.

    I'm losing slowly - but I'm losing.

    I know that I'm doing it "right", but I've done it "right" before.

    It's just hard - LOL
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm in it for the long haul -
    just wishing I could be more confident in my journey some days...
  • jesskawelmacher
    jesskawelmacher Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how everyone feels, there are days where it is SO hard to stick to the diet, or having to motivate yourself to get up and go to the gym! But I took a before pic, from the front and from the side and I made it my lock screen on my phone, so that every time I get on my phone, I see it. Some may think I am torturing myself with it, but I feel like it motivates me to get to my goal, to lose weight and to be healthy. Like everyone else said, you fall, you just have to get up, brush yourself off and say, "Yea, I made a bad choice with that meal, but I can make up for it by eating better." We are all in this together and if we motivate each other, eventually with hard work we will meet our goals! ♥
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Is very hard. I am in this until I die. I want to feel good, happy, be healthy and strong for as long as I can. When I am consistent I see results and I love it. We are humans and we will fail, fall, and quit but we do get up and move on. One day at a time and as you can see you are not alone; we are all in this together!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Ask yourself these questions: Do I want to stay out of shape? Do I want to have a lower quality of life as I age? Do I want to be physically dependent on others? Am I tired of repeating the same cycle? Just do it.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    I needed to see this post, thank you.
  • MzzNkki
    MzzNkki Posts: 57
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    Go to a nude beach or resort and spend a weekend. That is plenty of motivation, both in seeing people you want to be more like, and people you NEVER want to look like. I spent a weekend at one a few weeks ago, and its amazing what it did for not only my appreciation of what I have, but also my motivation to work hard to keep it.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    Ask yourself these questions: Do I want to stay out of shape? Do I want to have a lower quality of life as I age? Do I want to be physically dependent on others? Am I tired of repeating the same cycle? Just do it.

    Exactly! I need to Just do it... :)
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    Go to a nude beach or resort and spend a weekend. That is plenty of motivation, both in seeing people you want to be more like, and people you NEVER want to look like. I spent a weekend at one a few weeks ago, and its amazing what it did for not only my appreciation of what I have, but also my motivation to work hard to keep it.

    I am going to have to work up some confidence to try something like that -
    I'm just getting comfortable being the fat chick busting her *kitten* at the
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm in it for the long haul -
    just wishing I could be more confident in my journey some days...

    so here's the thing.

    You keep coming back to your feelings about it.

    Stop feeling about it.

    Commit to the thing. It is not good or bad- warm and fuzzy or motivated- it is emotionless- it is what you DO. the successful people are successful because they trust the math- and science and they stay consistent even when the path feels shakey.

    Stop looking for motivation. Look for discipline and determination instead.

    You can do it- you just have to put your head down and lean into the collar and keep pulling.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    sign up for a race.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm in it for the long haul -
    just wishing I could be more confident in my journey some days...

    so here's the thing.

    You keep coming back to your feelings about it.

    Stop feeling about it.

    Commit to the thing. It is not good or bad- warm and fuzzy or motivated- it is emotionless- it is what you DO. the successful people are successful because they trust the math- and science and they stay consistent even when the path feels shakey.

    Stop looking for motivation. Look for discipline and determination instead.

    You can do it- you just have to put your head down and lean into the collar and keep pulling.

    THIS...THIS... THIS.....(and that's coming from a former navel gazer :))
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    The thing is, we have to make up our mind what we want and stick to it. Stop yo yo-ing. I feel so much better when the weight is off, even though it's only a little. When I stop paying attention and put 8 to 10 lbs. back on I can feel the difference in my feet and knees. I am tired of starting over or making a new beginning. The time is now, the time is forever, no stopping. This is for me, I can and will be better each and every day!
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm just talking out loud - So many people are 'back at it', and 'starting over' - myself included - what is the key - do you think - of staying in the zone? Only a small handful of us will be successful. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive, like minded people is a good step - but what else? What are those keys that will keep me working towards this goal a month from now....a year from now....

    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it -

    I many times a day say I want this more than anything - yet I must not want it worse than the cookies I ate on Sunday - and I know all the 'you are just human', and 'you have to have a cheat meal' blah blah - I want to want this more than I wanted that cookie....

    What keeps me motivated is achieving small goals I set for myself, Every time I achieve one I think to myself wow, I really just finished that!
    Another thing I like to so is when MFP says you will weigh **** in 5 weeks if you keep eating like this I mark it down on my calendar. Every time I have done that I end up beating what MFP says I am going to do.
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm in it for the long haul -
    just wishing I could be more confident in my journey some days...

    so here's the thing.

    You keep coming back to your feelings about it.

    Stop feeling about it.

    Commit to the thing. It is not good or bad- warm and fuzzy or motivated- it is emotionless- it is what you DO. the successful people are successful because they trust the math- and science and they stay consistent even when the path feels shakey.

    Stop looking for motivation. Look for discipline and determination instead.

    You can do it- you just have to put your head down and lean into the collar and keep pulling.

    Agree completely with this. While I haven't been successful every single day, I am committed to being healthy. Previously I've had unhealthy years of poor eating and zero excercise and those times have been significantly reduced. It is truly a commitment but the only person I'm committing to is me. My health and my fitness are one of the very few selfish things I allow myself. If I'm unwilling to let my kids down about something the least I can do is be responsible enough to myself as well.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Good advise so far.

    For me, it's realizing that I now have a new lifestyle. I've been reborn into a new way of living, the overweight guy from 2 years ago is gone. Every day, I can make choices that either nutures my body and makes it better (what ever better means) or I can destroy it. I choose to make myself better. And in so doing, I harness the ability to do things that I never thought I could do and quiet frankly, less than 5% of the humans walking the Earth can do.

    I choose a better way of life...why I still can.
  • lottylulu1969
    lottylulu1969 Posts: 16 Member
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Accept this one fact: Some days, you will fail and that's just a part of the journey.

    I think we all expect perfection - that every day we're going to exercise until we sweat the fat off our bodies and then eat healthy, nutritious food and stay under our calories. Every. Single. Day.

    This is just isn't realistic. Things happen. Holidays happen. Mood swings happen. Hormones happen. And that's okay. Just accept it as part of the process and when it does happen, forgive yourself and move on.

    I also find it really helpful to wallpaper my life with motivational quotes/photos/notes to remind myself on days I'm imperfect, why I'm doing this. It's been nearly 4 years now, and I still find notes and pictures extremely helpful.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I'm making a conscious decision to NOT QUIT no matter what happens - lose weight or not, have a bad day or a bad meal - just get back on it
    Do this and you'll be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I agree with you - taking the emotion out of the equation is probably going to make me more successful -
    I can do this = I know I can.
    Trust the process...

    I'm in it for the long haul -
    just wishing I could be more confident in my journey some days...

    so here's the thing.

    You keep coming back to your feelings about it.

    Stop feeling about it.

    Commit to the thing. It is not good or bad- warm and fuzzy or motivated- it is emotionless- it is what you DO. the successful people are successful because they trust the math- and science and they stay consistent even when the path feels shakey.

    Stop looking for motivation. Look for discipline and determination instead.

    You can do it- you just have to put your head down and lean into the collar and keep pulling.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    sign up for a race.

    I have a couple of 5K races I'm signed up for - one is a mud challenge in the fall that I'm preparing for -

    <what was I thinking?>
  • spirytwynd
    spirytwynd Posts: 141 Member
    This is an opportunity you can seize. It will not simply fall into your lap if you do nothing. You have the chance to improve your life. Yes, it will take work and lots of effort. That said, consider the humble postage stamp. The stamp is successful simply by virtue of sticking to it until the job is done.

    This isn't about the cookie you don't "get" to have. It is about all the other "gets" you will have. You "get" to make the choices. With healthier choices you will likely "get" more energy and be able to do more. With that, you "get" more fun with family and friends, and even by yourself. You get to LIVE your life rather than simply existing. Life comes with few guarantees, but your odds are better with healthy habits.

    And that cookie, by itself, won't change much. It is the other dozen cookies waiting to ambush you if you are not careful! Keep things in moderation. "Getting" that cookie may delay some of the progress you desire.

    Let's keep it simple. Figure out where you are. Figure out where you want to be. Decide how to get there, preferably in a healthy manner. Follow your plan. If you make a wrong turn, navigate back on to your path. The process will probably take longer than you want or hope. You can still make it there. You might be surprised at how many of us are making it there, one step and one day at a time. Won't you come along with us? :-)
  • sandrac148
    sandrac148 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for this post...I had a bad week, but I don't want to give up. I just have to keep going. It's not a diet, it's my life now.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for this post...I had a bad week, but I don't want to give up. I just have to keep going. It's not a diet, it's my life now.

    One foot in front of the other. Day after day. :)
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you everyone for posting - at the end of the day, we are all striving for the same thing - a healthy future - no matter how far we have to go or the road we take to get there :)