No energy

I'm am physically exhausted I never have any energy anymore and I get the right amount of sleep so do I just eat more ? I watch what I eat and eat all health foods


  • chloe0o
    Tiredness is generally:

    Deficiency: especially iron, b12, protein, potassium, maybe even iodine.
    Not eating enough calories, are you meeting your minimums?
    Not enough sleep
    Not enough high quality sleep. To increase sleep quality you need a good diet, some regular exercise even if it's just going for a walk, a healthy sleep environment (low sound, light, distraction).
    Stimulants, if you're caffeine or even large amounts of sugar during the day you will go through rush and crash cycles. You often feel worse afterwards than you did before. Especially cut these things in the 4 hours before sleep, as they can affect your sleep cycles.
    Not enough water can make you tired as well.

    Some medications have it as a side effect.
    Depression and acute stress have tiredness as a symptom.

    That's all I could think of off the top of my head. Hope one of them is helpful :)
  • ikearch
    ikearch Posts: 32 Member
    When do you work out? Try switching the time or amount. For instance, I have too much energy when I do cardio first thing once I wake up. It's a blessing and a curse. If you need energy to feel awake, try a pre-workout supplement. Essentially, they're main "energy" ingredient is caffeine.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    ikearch Joined Jan 2013 November 18, 2013 11:56 pm
    I'm am physically exhausted I never have any energy anymore and I get the right amount of sleep so do I just eat more ? I watch what I eat and eat all health foods

    You sound like me when I'd started on here. Despite the quality ingredients@healthy foods, you must be responsibly mindful that your volume of calories is enough to sustain your size, weight, height and activity level (duration/intensity/frequency).
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    you are either, not eating right, not sleeping right, over exercising or have a vitamin deficiency. I have to take vitamin D and I feel tired when I do not. I tend to over exercise and I can't eat to replace the calories, which (ironically) makes me toss and turn all night, so I do not sleep well. When I have a bad day with food I feel lethargic and without energy. I also have trouble sleeping. Going to bed early or being in bed 8 hours has little to do with the quality of sleep you are getting.

    My bodybugg tracks my sleeping and it's amazing how some nights I sleep like a rock and others i toss and turn all night. I'm starting to see a correlation between what I eat, my exercise and sleeping.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Joined Nov 2013 November 18, 2013 9:43 pm

    I'm am physically exhausted I never have any energy anymore and I get the right amount of sleep so do I just eat more ? I watch what I eat and eat all health foods

    You sound like me when I'd started on here. Despite the quality ingredients@healthy foods, you must be responsibly mindful that your volume of calories is enough to sustain your size, weight, height and activity level (duration/intensity/frequency).

    Just noticed. ETA: Correction. My apologies.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    No one can say without opening your diary letting us know how much you eat, how much you exercise, height/weight.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Be sure to drink enough water
  • robyn_kuscher
    Hi, hope nobody minds if I bump this thread, because I'm experiencing the same thing.

    I've been doing really well with my weight loss; I'm going swimming almost every day for around an hour, eating my exercise calories back, and trying to hit my macros.

    Yesterday at the pool, I was finishing up my warm up routine when I suddenly felt like my arms and legs were made of lead, and I felt very very tired. I managed to finish my workout in good time, but I napped as soon as I got home, which is not something I've done since I first started exercising. Today, I'm feeling very sleepy again after coming back from running errands in town. I got my 8 hours of sleep last night, ate within my limits and I'm not really dealing with anything overly stressful.

    Any ideas why this is happening?
  • swoldiergirl
    swoldiergirl Posts: 15 Member
    Are you eating enough protein and complex carbs...?
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    Honestly, there are too many possible causes of fatigue for us to adequately try to give you suggestions. If it's a recurrent problem talk to your GP. I know mine stems from my depression, and before that I sometimes had fatigue due to my anemia. Only you know enough about you to tell if some things are a concern or not.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Robyn, I took a look at the last several days of your food diaries and it doesn't look like you're eating enough. So my first recommendation is to eat to your calorie goal, not try to come in under it. Also, make sure that goal is correct for you. Looks like your base goal is 1200 which may be too low for you now. With 6kg left to lose (per your ticker), your weekly weight loss goal should be 1/2 a pound per week. 1-2 pounds per week will create too high of a calorie deficit.

    If this is the first time this has happened to you, it could be many other things - maybe you're coming down with a cold or suffering from allergies or pre-menstrual. I know any of those 3 things can make me really tired all of a sudden.

    Start eating a bit more, maybe take a multi-vitamin if you're not currently, and if it keeps happening, go see your doctor.

    P.S. Also make sure you're getting plenty of fluids - dehydration can also make you tired.
  • robyn_kuscher
    Hi MinieInMaine: You might be right about the calorie intake. I haven't finalized my ticker but at the moment my goal is just 3kg away... I'll adjust my calorie intake accordingly. It'll be more than 1/2lb per week because I have a medical test to pass in the next few weeks (hence the original 1200 restriction), but 1200 per day is probably way too little, especially considering I don't tend to take rest days from exercise.