How Much Weight Do I Need to Loose Before It Shows?

Hi everyone,
I've lost 6lbs in 2 weeks. I've been doing the plan for 2lbs/a week, I've just happened to loose more. I'm sure this will end soon. However, I'm just wondering how much weight I need to loose before it begins to show. Nothing about me looks any different nor do my clothes fit any different (which makes sense, I've only lost 6lbs, that's not a lot). So, before I get discouraged, I'm just wondering how much I need to loose before I begin to notice it.


  • jlvanderstoel
    The first weeks it will mostly be moist that you loose.

    At what time it starts to show? That depends on the % of bodyweight that you're losing(1 kg on 100 kg or 1 kg on 50 kg makes a difference).
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    I was down a good 30 pounds before people started saying anything (about 15% of my body weight)
  • tigerette12
    tigerette12 Posts: 14 Member
    I read a story that it takes aprox 14 pounds for others to notice you are losing weight . I lost my first 40 pounds on my own with out this site and I still do not see it unless I compare pictures. If you are having problems noticing yourself I highly suggest doing measurements and taking a photo every month. It is truly amazing how much pictures show us a change over what we see when viewing ourselves in the mirror.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    If you have lost 6 lbs and see no change and clothes are not change. I do not know the answer to your questions. For me before I used MFP since January I lost no scale weight but went down from pants size 42 to 38. what is your exercise routine. 6 pounds I am able to notice a appearance difference and most definitely clothes difference.
  • butterrum13
    butterrum13 Posts: 77 Member
    I expect it depends on where you're starting from. I have lost nearly 20 and people are only beginning to notice but I've got a long way to go. I noticed it in my clothes before anyone noticed me.
  • nmcrosier
    nmcrosier Posts: 268 Member
    People just started noticing at 30+ down...or at least saying something. Kinda was bumming me out.

    Guess I was better at camouflaging myself under my clothes more than I thought.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    Its different for everyone & I honestly think it also depends on what size you were when you began. I started out at 295lbs, so 20lbs gone for me was mostly noticeable in my face only but it was at least the 20lb mark or more before people started to tell me. For me personally, I had 70lbs gone before I could see it by looking in the mirror. It took putting together comparison pics for me to believe what others were telling me.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I don't notice 6 pounds on myself, well, I've lost 5 and I don't notice. I'm just happy I lost it, the other benefits will come later down the road.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    started at 432lbs.i noticed changes (easier to move/wash/lower belt notch) around 25lbs.wife noticed changes within 30lbs down...90+lbs is when i started getting comments from the office/mass/outings.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1st off, much of the early weight loss is water and waste and losing fluids and waste isn't going to drastically change your appearance. When you're leaner it might make you look very slightly...almost impossible to detect unless you were really paying attention...but just a little less puffy and bloated.

    2ndly, it is going to depend on how much you have to lose. The more weight you have to lose, the less significant losses are to your appearance early on. In total I had about 50 Lbs to lose...the first 20 Lbs was almost completely unnoticeable aesthetically save for some slight changes in my face and my neck was skinnier. The second 20 Lbs made a substantial difference in how I looked as that is when I really started losing from my gut and my moobs and my face really thinned out along with everything else. I technically have about 10 Lbs to go to get to 12-15% BF...that 10 Lbs, while not a whole lot will make a huge difference in asthetics as it will take me from about 18-19% to 12-15% or so which is pretty dramatic.
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    I have lost 19 and have 21 to go. Still in same size, a little looser. People are just starting to comment. Keep it up; you're on your way!
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I have lost about 15 lbs from my "aha" moment weight (about a week before I started MFP). I have not gone down any pants sizes yet, but I haven't tried on any to see yet. I should probably start "shopping" in my closet for smaller sizes. I bought a belt a few weeks ago in a size that I only fit in the fifth (outermost) belthole. I am now on the 2nd (only one more before I need to buy a new belt!).

    I got my first comment yesterday. What she'd noticed, though, was how loose my pants were fitting. If I had been wearing new, smaller pants that fit better, I don't know if it would be so noticeable.

    A lot depends on where you lose the weight and whether your muscles are toning at the same time as your weightloss.

    PS-- 15 lbs is about a 7% body weight loss.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It also depends on what you lose. A pound of muscle volume wise is way smaller than a pound of fat. If the weight loss is all fat people will notice early on. I am trying me hardest to maintain my muscle this time around and it seems to be working.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I have lost about 15 lbs from my "aha" moment weight (about a week before I started MFP). I have not gone down any pants sizes yet, but I haven't tried on any to see yet. I should probably start "shopping" in my closet for smaller sizes. I bought a belt a few weeks ago in a size that I only fit in the fifth (outermost) belthole. I am now on the 2nd (only one more before I need to buy a new belt!).

    I got my first comment yesterday. What she'd noticed, though, was how loose my pants were fitting. If I had been wearing new, smaller pants that fit better, I don't know if it would be so noticeable.

    A lot depends on where you lose the weight and whether your muscles are toning at the same time as your weightloss.

    PS-- 15 lbs is about a 7% body weight loss.

    I would say yes people do notice. I have been buying smaller clothes and even though it is tighter people can see the whole you and say yeah you been slimming down how much you lost so far.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I've just started getting my first real "Wow, you're getting so skinny" comments at almost 50 pounds down. It was kind of depressing up until now because nobody said anything, except I think my dad asked once about 10 pounds ago if I was losing weight. But I must have hit some threshold within the last 5 pounds or so because now everybody I see is commenting on it! I also only have about 20 pounds to go to a healthy weight, so I think it really just depends on the person.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    when i lost weight last year i started showing around ten to twenty pounds lost. it differs on people
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Hey ive lost 31lbs. People started to noticed on me around 25lb lost mark.

    I can see it in my face but no were else really. Maybe the top of my tummy was i had a little girl last year so thats finally gone down.

    Ive got a long way to go but if i stay on track i can be under 160lbs by the end of august for my holiday thats is my huge goal for now.

    Setting small goals for yourself helps.

    Keep a measuring tape around aswell. some lose inches more than lds. Ive lost pounds and maybe a inch of my tummy. :S confusing but keep at it. It's all worth it remember that x
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I started noticing more in my face at about 15 pounds lost and almost 40 pounds lost with my body
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I've just started getting my first real "Wow, you're getting so skinny" comments at almost 50 pounds down. It was kind of depressing up until now because nobody said anything, except I think my dad asked once about 10 pounds ago if I was losing weight. But I must have hit some threshold within the last 5 pounds or so because now everybody I see is commenting on it! I also only have about 20 pounds to go to a healthy weight, so I think it really just depends on the person.

    There are different types of fat in the body.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    For me because I had a lot of weight to lose it took about 30-40 pounds for anyone to notice.