looking for new friends

Hellooo!! This is not my first time on myfitnesspal but am hoping it is my last! I am a 40 year old mother to 2 teenage girls and am finding i have more me time! :) I would like to use that time wisely and create a new and better (healthier) me. I work 2 jobs one full time and one part time and go to the gym 4-5 times per week. The gym and excercising isnt the difficult part for me..its the food and my sugar addiction.

Anyone else have/had a sugar addiction? If so how did you or how do you plan on kicking the habit? I quit smoking 4 years ago and that was easier than sugar!:noway:


  • Aimee4Life
    Aimee4Life Posts: 3 Member
    Sometimes I wish they made a sugar patch :ohwell:
  • Roxie2b
    Roxie2b Posts: 6 Member
    I know exactly what you mean by the sugar addiction. It seems like sweets call out to me when I know it is no good for my hips. I have just started trying to get more fruit and cut it up. I put it in small to go bags for a few days with a tad bit of equal on it. It works pretty good as long as I am organized. Although, now I crave chips. I think I will have to stop bringing it in the house. Wish you good luck.
  • mommabear39
    mommabear39 Posts: 6 Member
    sugar patch lol hmmm you might be on to something there! ;)

    roxie2b my sugar addiction is mainly to sugary drinks..ice caps and soda. The soda isnt usually bad ..1 can a day if that but its the ice cappacinos(sp) i have probably had 1 or 2 a day for the last 2 years! :/ so bad!
  • dabombmom23
    dabombmom23 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi This is my 2nd time using MFP but didnt really pay to much attention before.. I have been using this since March and have lost 30 lbs already... I do have a ways to go.. and I agree sugar is the enemy... Between chocolate and cheesecake I am doomed.. I did quite drinking soda and feel much better! Congrats to you for picking up the App again... this is usually the bravest step.. Hope to be friends and encourage you along the way!
  • spiritdimund89
    spiritdimund89 Posts: 6 Member
    For me it was simply mind over matter. I know its not good for me, so don't eat it. Sorry to be so blah about my response but hopefully you'll find a way to kick that sugar habit, or at least into eat it in a healthy moeration :)
  • dabombmom23
    dabombmom23 Posts: 10 Member
    Also I find when I am craving Sugar a good cup of herbal tea with spenda does the trick.. I have all flavors, apple, blueberry like drinking pie.. then I am good.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Hellooo!! This is not my first time on myfitnesspal but am hoping it is my last! I am a 40 year old mother to 2 teenage girls and am finding i have more me time! :) I would like to use that time wisely and create a new and better (healthier) me. I work 2 jobs one full time and one part time and go to the gym 4-5 times per week. The gym and excercising isnt the difficult part for me..its the food and my sugar addiction.

    Anyone else have/had a sugar addiction? If so how did you or how do you plan on kicking the habit? I quit smoking 4 years ago and that was easier than sugar!:noway:

    Hi! You can add me if you like. I am 35 and mother of 2 little kiddos. I craved sugar big time during pregnancy. So when I had my son 2 months ago, I gave up all simple carbs, no pasta, potatoes, flour, sugar, bread, etc. I switched to high protein and high fat. And honestly I haven't missed the carbs at all. Switching to this plan killed my cravings for any sugar. And it also killed my appetite. You stay full longer, and you eat less. I would say try something like this.

    Editing to add - I eat A LOT of salad and veggies. Make sure you get enough fiber too.
  • Corinnacat
    Corinnacat Posts: 2 Member
    I gave up sugar for 13 years. Last year, I started eating everything sugary I could get my hands on. I am a true sugar addict and I find none at all is better than compromise because I just dive into the deep end and eat everything.

    My doctor recommended Eat to Live by Furhman. It is pretty interesting to think of changing my current habits to adopting so much more in green leafy and other vegetables. I am on day 2 and I have not been hungry nor have I craved sugar. Eating so much, in salads, veggies and fruit, I am very satisfied. I cannot imagine I am writing that, but yesterday I was sugared out, on fruit.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Yes its tough but possible. the best part is that if you eliminate it from your diet your body won't crave it. you'll have withdrawals the first two weeks, then it will be easy. if you cheat you'll have to start all over. I'm here if you need support. Best wishes.
  • Sher20
    Sher20 Posts: 3
    I have the same problem with sugar. My friends laugh at me when I say that I'm a candy-holic like other people might be for alcohol! They think I'm kidding, but I'm sure not. I so much as even see a commercial with gummy bears in it and I know it sets off something in my brain. I think the only way to rid ourselves of it, is going cold turkey off the candy. I can do that sometimes, but I ultimately revert back. I know candy is poison for our bodies and the sooner we rid ourselves of it, the better! Since there's no sugar patch (lol), I'd say fruit too is the best bet. I just ate the tastiest nectarine and I think that did the trick.... for now! :-)
  • Yarynka
    Yarynka Posts: 8
    Hi! I wish you good luck! This is also not the first time I am trying to lose and also hope even know I will do this time!
    If you wish you may add me to friends I would be happy to support everyone.
  • mommabear39
    mommabear39 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the friend adds!! :) Im looking forward to being a part of sugar addicts group. lol Im hoping to post often and check in with you all :)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I’d send you a FR but if you have a sugar addition you probably shouldn’t be around me, cause I’m just too dang sweet! And I’d hate to be detrimental to your health.
    Seriously, if you’re wanting a self-motivated friend that will be borderline brutally honest then I’m your huckleberry. I’ll be the one that’s willing to push you down the stairs in the morning to get you to the gym on time.
    I share my food diary and exercise log if you’d like to check out how committed I am. Or how is that how I should be committed? Either way you can hop on the crazy train with me or not, at least I’ll be having fun with it.
    We'll get you in shape.