Weight loss belts... and go...



  • spiritdimund89
    spiritdimund89 Posts: 6 Member
    I should invest in some ankle weights. I have terrible knees so it can help them too.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Weight Loss Belt. Is this one of those ab-shocker things that zaps your flabby tummy and gives you the delusion that you're "doing crunches"?

    I'm cool with lifting belts, that help stabilize your back muscles if you're doing HEAVY LIFTS.

    I'm cool with the lap band belt if that's what you need medically to bring you to health.

    Hell, I'm cool with a girdle if that makes you feel more confident in your own body.

    But a weight loss belt? Come on. It's probably backed by Dr. Oz. Just no. Stop with gimmicks and "Eat This and You'll Never Diet Again" fads. That's never been the answer, or America would be fit across the board.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I was searching for belly burner belts and read across this post and all its comments. Your's is very helpful, so thank you. I have the Belly Burner Weight Loss Belt. I used it my 4th week of working out/walking and such and noticed I lost twice as much weight then I did the previous 3 weeks. kept my diet and workouts the same too. I love it. So I guess I must be doing something right!

    It's making you sweat more, so you're probably losing more water.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I should invest in some ankle weights. I have terrible knees so it can help them too.

    Actually, ankle weights would probably make your knees worse.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Unless the belt actually covers your mouth and you cannot eat as much, you got taken!

    Oh the fads that are out there!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    If you mean a weight belt for lifting, you only need that if you are lifting hard or have back issues, I believe.

    If you mean a "weightLOSS belt" well, there is no such thing.

    So, which to you mean?
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you mean a weight belt for lifting, you only need that if you are lifting hard or have back issues, I believe.

    If you mean a "weightLOSS belt" well, there is no such thing.

    So, which to you mean?
    The second one is what was explained above! Says creates more heat, more sweat, more weight loss during the day.

    YOu may have missed that part when you fell on the ground laughing!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Weight....loss....belt? That is a new one for me, what is it and what does it supposedly do exactly?

    Its a "waist-trimmer" belt. I think they are basically just to create more heat around the midsection so that it sweats more, and you "lose more" there. I have only started trying out today. But it certainly produced a fair amount of sweat from what I've seen in one day.

    This one is the "Belly Burner Belt" only 9.99 at CVS so I figured it was worth the shot.

    Those things don't work. Go ahead, use it to your hearts content. It's not going to do anything except make your mid-section really sweaty. It's not going to increase over all sweating and it's not going to make that section lose more.

    But, go ahead, have at it. if anything, it will help your posture.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Weight....loss....belt? That is a new one for me, what is it and what does it supposedly do exactly?

    Its a "waist-trimmer" belt. I think they are basically just to create more heat around the midsection so that it sweats more, and you "lose more" there. I have only started trying out today. But it certainly produced a fair amount of sweat from what I've seen in one day.

    This one is the "Belly Burner Belt" only 9.99 at CVS so I figured it was worth the shot.

    HUH?! Is that like those "wraps" that smush all the fat giving you false promises of looking thin but after a few hours, the fat sloshes back out?/!! Yeah another farce...weight loss works with healthy lifestyle choices in food and exercise...
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Those belts do one thing, and one thing only; make money for the sellers, at the expense of the gullible. Waste of time and money.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    If you mean a weight belt for lifting, you only need that if you are lifting hard or have back issues, I believe.

    If you mean a "weightLOSS belt" well, there is no such thing.

    So, which to you mean?
    The second one is what was explained above! Says creates more heat, more sweat, more weight loss during the day.

    YOu may have missed that part when you fell on the ground laughing!

    Actually, you may be right. I did laugh. It just slipped by me.

    In the Latino community, that sweat band is a huge hit. It doesn't work but us Latins, we love to get results without the work. I mean, the South Americans practically invented plastic surgery.

    Yeah, I would have gotten a couple of steaks from the supermarket with that 10 bucks, put some Sazon on it and cooked that sh8T up.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Weight....loss....belt? That is a new one for me, what is it and what does it supposedly do exactly?

    Its a "waist-trimmer" belt. I think they are basically just to create more heat around the midsection so that it sweats more, and you "lose more" there. I have only started trying out today. But it certainly produced a fair amount of sweat from what I've seen in one day.

    This one is the "Belly Burner Belt" only 9.99 at CVS so I figured it was worth the shot.

    It makes you sweat

    Sweat =/= fat loss. If you want water loss for a (temporarily) smaller belly.....this might help. The result is temporary because rehydration will replace the water lost.
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    Weight....loss....belt? That is a new one for me, what is it and what does it supposedly do exactly?

    Its a "waist-trimmer" belt. I think they are basically just to create more heat around the midsection so that it sweats more, and you "lose more" there. I have only started trying out today. But it certainly produced a fair amount of sweat from what I've seen in one day.

    This one is the "Belly Burner Belt" only 9.99 at CVS so I figured it was worth the shot.
    You can't control where/ how your body loses weight..correct me if I'm wrong..
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    Those belts do one thing, and one thing only; make money for the sellers, at the expense of the gullible. Waste of time and money.
    two things...they make your wallet thinner :/
  • coffeefreak88
    coffeefreak88 Posts: 37 Member
    Hold on.....while I do agree with what everyone else said about eating at a calorie deficit, exercising etc., I HAVE noticed that when I wear tighter clothes around my midsection it does seem to remind me to suck it in/engage my core while i'm doing cardio/weights. Maybe thats what you're feeling??
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    Hold on.....while I do agree with what everyone else said about eating at a calorie deficit, exercising etc., I HAVE noticed that when I wear tighter clothes around my midsection it does seem to remind me to suck it in/engage my core while i'm doing cardio/weights. Maybe thats what you're feeling??
    it could be, but for the most part wrapping or using belts should only be used for heavy lifting. It def will not help lose weight around her mid section like it claims to do.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    The best belt in the world is the one that you have to make more notches on because you have exercised and eaten at at small deficit and lost weight. It all takes time and patience ....all these gimmicks don't work, if they did every one in the world would have one....just my 2 cents worth.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    What is a weight loss belt? These get small gimmicks. They do not work. Exercise and eat smart choices you will lose weight.
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    I have one and it works great. Maybe not great for losing weight but it makes a great "holster" for my 9 when I'm running. : )
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    QFT both of the following.
    no. not even once.

    you don't need a work out routine to lose weight, just a calorie deficit.

    return the gimmick, buy a food scale. measure/weight/log everything you eat for 6 weeks. If you haven't lost any weight, but haven't gained any, congrats.. you found your maintenance calories.

    if you have lost, that's awesome too. just work out the math, see how much, and adjust.

    if you have gained, well, reduce your intake just a little bit and start the 6 week cycle over.

    it's just trial/error, and patience.

    ....not gimmicky belts.
    Weight....loss....belt? That is a new one for me, what is it and what does it supposedly do exactly?

    Its a "waist-trimmer" belt. I think they are basically just to create more heat around the midsection so that it sweats more, and you "lose more" there. I have only started trying out today. But it certainly produced a fair amount of sweat from what I've seen in one day.

    This one is the "Belly Burner Belt" only 9.99 at CVS so I figured it was worth the shot.

    Yeah thats bullsh*t sorry.

    People equate sweating with losing weight because people who engage in heavy aerobic activity burn calories. Simply being hot does not achieve the same effect. It isn't the act of sweating that burns fat its the cardiovascular activity which has the side-effect of sweating.

    And to the one below...
    I was searching for belly burner belts and read across this post and all its comments. Your's is very helpful, so thank you. I have the Belly Burner Weight Loss Belt. I used it my 4th week of working out/walking and such and noticed I lost twice as much weight then I did the previous 3 weeks. kept my diet and workouts the same too. I love it. So I guess I must be doing something right!

    Yeah no. When you drink water, it'll come right back.

    And one girl mentioned it gets the toxins out...please name ONE toxin, only one. Please.