Weight loss but....

Lost around 18lb so far, although feel good about this loss I am desperate for the fat to be reduce from my stomach. Not overly sure where the weight has gone but clothes fit much better so know it is working. Doing insanity and into second month but don't eat too good though. Any ideas on either foods to eat.... Or adding extra exercising to insanity for the stomach fat to be reduce ( not dropped much if any any inches) or do I just need to give it time.......


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    You certainly don't need to add more exercising to Insanity. It is intense enough as it is. If you do more, you increase the chance of getting injured. To optimize your results (which are great so far by the way...congrats!), focus on really getting your nutrition down. Are you logging your food every day honestly? Are you sticking to your calorie and macro goals? If not, start doing these things and the results will come more rapidly.

    You cannot spot reduce body fat, unfortunately. You just have to stick to the plan long enough to get as lean as you want. Here is a list of foods that are healthy and full of nutrition. If you can stick to the top 2 tiers most of the time, you'll be in awesome shape.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I seem to lose from the top down. First to change is my face, then upper body. Eventually the middle section. I figure as I keep going, since the majority of my extra weight is in the middle (belly/butt/thighs) I'm bound to reach a point where it MUST take away from there due to lack of a better option.

    Just keep at it.
  • Ringer1022
    Ringer1022 Posts: 45 Member
    Fat on our bodies decreases everywhere, as it covers everywhere. So we typically notice it more where there is less fat to begin with, hence why faces often show a change towards the beginning of the process. For most women, their middle section is one in which there is a great concentration of fat; which means it will take longer for that fat to melt away.

    Think of it like a puddle of grease. If you start pouring hot water on top of it to melt it, the edges will disintegrate first, leaving the blobbed collection in the middle for last.

    While there is no “Spot miracle” to treat each section faster, keeping to your calorie goals and exercise goals in paramount. You mention that you don’t eat well, that would be the very first place I would evaluate. There are lots of members who have their food diaries displayed so you can take a peek at what their eating. Maybe try something new; even if you hate it, you know now that it isn’t an option.

    In addition to looking at what you’re eating, I adamantly recommend weighing your food. There is not guessing when you weigh something out as to exactly what you’re consuming.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Unfortunately, there's no way to spot reduce.

    Fat will come off wherever it damn well pleases.

    Keep logging, accurately, and you'll continue to see progress.
    Also, lifting heavy will help change your inches.
  • julieagburton
    julieagburton Posts: 13 Member
    A friend of mine was being tested for diabetes and most of her weight was in the stomach area, she cut out sugars, and her belly has disappeared!! Try cutting down on your sugar intake- both refined and natural sugars to see if that helps you!