
Hello, I've been on this website for a couple of months now and love it. Recently my doctor has suggested that I need B12 shots. I have gotten three so far and my last one is next week. The problem is while it has helped with my energy level my hunger level has also increased. I am worried about gaining weight back but am hungry all of the time. Has anyone gotten these shots and has this happened to you?


  • grace914
    grace914 Posts: 139 Member
    I was just thinking about getting B12 shots to increase my energy, but I'm already always hungry so I don't want to risk additional hunger pains :) I'm curious to see what the other members have to say.
  • slazo
    slazo Posts: 5
    I have been on B12 shots for 2 Months. Although it may incresae your appetite, it also increases the number of calories you burn. You are sure to be more active and less sedentary while on these shots. They have helped me a lot!!! There are many side effects to low B12, including anemia. If you are low on B12, it is best to follow your doctor's advise and take the needed shots. Use this time of extra energy and go to the gym to burn more. You will feel better in the end.
  • mmildice
    Do you think that I should up my calorie intake until I am done getting the shots? I have made sure that I eat everyone of my exercise calories and have gone over a little bit. I haven't gained any weight yet. The shots are great and am glad that I have gotten them. I hope that I can keep this level of energy even when they are done.