Starting 30 day shred... Any advice?

beccataz23 Posts: 34 Member
Im attempting to complete the 30 day shred for and was wondering if anyone had any advice? I always seem to give up quickly since I cannot do a single pushup or lunge (its sad, I know). This time around Im just going to do as much as I can even if I technically cant do those moves. Any advice on how to get good results while completing the 30 day shred or any moves to replace (specifically) lunges?


  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    You can modify the really difficult parts for you, at least for a while. I did the shred a couple years ago. I had a chest injury from fracturing my breastbone and wasn't about to attempt pushups. I did wall pushups instead. I never completed the shred unfortunately though, but I got about halfway through it. I lost a couple inches just in that 2-3 weeks though.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Im attempting to complete the 30 day shred for and was wondering if anyone had any advice? I always seem to give up quickly since I cannot do a single pushup or lunge (its sad, I know). This time around Im just going to do as much as I can even if I technically cant do those moves. Any advice on how to get good results while completing the 30 day shred or any moves to replace (specifically) lunges?

    I've not done Shred because the high impact would do me in.

    This is a low impact circuit workout I like (you could sub jumping jacks for some of these moves):

    Re: lunges......take it slow. Don't try to keep up with the reps.....knee pain can stem from bad form too. You don't have to start with full lunges.....just do mini-lunges & build. I started off all wobbly.....have a chair handy if you lose your balance.

    From what I's not 30 consecutive days. Pace yourself.
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Im attempting to complete the 30 day shred for and was wondering if anyone had any advice? I always seem to give up quickly since I cannot do a single pushup or lunge (its sad, I know). This time around Im just going to do as much as I can even if I technically cant do those moves. Any advice on how to get good results while completing the 30 day shred or any moves to replace (specifically) lunges?

    I prefer lunging backward rather than forward. It can ease you into those deeper front lunges.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    For pushups, start with wall pushups then gradually work your way down to the do them with your hands on a counter, then a chair seat, etc. Doing them on your knees to start is doesn't really train your core to do them on your knees. Also, when working the push ups (And lunges), make the range of motion smaller. You don't have to take the chest all the way to the floor in the push up to start. Just a couple of inches and go from there...same with the lunge. Get the position and move it up and down a couple of inches.
    Jessica Smith has a video on youtube for modifying exercises such as this, look it up you may find it useful. Better to start somewhere and be successful than to quit feeling unsuccessful.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    I did this in February and am going to do it for a 2nd time in June.

    I did mon-fri and took weekends off.

    My suggestions are to focus on form more than number of reps, start with the easy moves and move up to the hard ones when you're ready. (You will be able to do push ups by the end if you keep trying). I couldn't do one when I started, but can do 15 from my toes now. Don't give up. It seems really hard at the beginning, but by level 3, you'll feel so much stringer and empowered, regardless of what the scale says. Take before and after pics and measurements.

    The trainers use 3 pound weights, but I went higher. I started with 5 pounds and moved up to 8. This time, i will use 8's to 15's.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Push-up's - You have to just do them, even if it's just one and on your knees. Eventually that one push up will become easier and then you can do two. Just work up to it and always "engage" your abs, meaning contract them.

    Lunges - Keep your legs a little more apart for balance and do what you can. Try to get the back knee close to the floor. Even if you can't look at yourself to see where your knee is, try to get low. Also, don't let your front knee go past your front toe.

    It will happen, you just have to do it and don't be hard on yourself.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    For pushups, start with wall pushups then gradually work your way down to the do them with your hands on a counter, then a chair seat, etc. Doing them on your knees to start is doesn't really train your core to do them on your knees. Also, when working the push ups (And lunges), make the range of motion smaller. You don't have to take the chest all the way to the floor in the push up to start. Just a couple of inches and go from there...same with the lunge. Get the position and move it up and down a couple of inches.
    Jessica Smith has a video on youtube for modifying exercises such as this, look it up you may find it useful. Better to start somewhere and be successful than to quit feeling unsuccessful.

    Yes ^

    Start somewhere where you can have success....much more motivating than trying and not making it.

    Seconded......Jessica Smith is great
  • I am also wanting to do it. I started and made it through like 4-5 days and stopped. Not positive why. I'm not sure I can do it for 30 days straight though. Good Luck!
  • beccataz23
    beccataz23 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I'm gonna have to watch some of the Jessica Smith videos :) I guess I'll start with doing the push-ups using the wall and work my way up from there as well as the lunges. Thank you guys!
  • kirstymarian
    kirstymarian Posts: 21 Member
    I just started night one tonight. It was ok, definitely doing it again tomorrow so that says something! X
  • aimeeworsham
    aimeeworsham Posts: 15 Member
    starting today too!!!!!!
  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    I ordered this a few days ago and hoping it will arrive today, can't wait to start it!! x
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I think the thought of doing it 30 days straight is daunting but it is not meant to be done that way. Take rest days when you need them and maybe go for a walk or something instead. I am almost done with level 2 and have taken rest days when needed or just because I have done other exercise :smile:
  • DBfromNY
    DBfromNY Posts: 1
    Don't beat yourself up over anything. If you are moving, you are doing something right. I am starting the 30 day shred today 5/20: I reviewed it yesterday and joined this group a moment ago.

    Accountability--- is my weakness---

    I have an injured collarbone, I can do 8 modified pushups, before my bones ache.... I can do wall push-ups and on the arm of my couch.... it is all about finding what works for you and working up to what the trainer is.

    Good Luck-- you are not alone-- push through the blahs and the soreness-- reach out to the community we are all working toward the same goal, just some are on a different path....

    Getting ready to go press play...
  • chrissieelisabet
    chrissieelisabet Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't read through the whole thread so I'm sorry if I'm repeating anything anyone has said.

    Instead of pushups, I just do a plank because I can't do one regular pushup and if I do the modified version, my knees hurt. Planks are still really hard (at least for me), and it's hard to hold it for the whole amount of time but it's doable!

    I don't have very good advice for the lunges, though. I hope I helped a little!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I started on May 20th
  • beccataz23
    beccataz23 Posts: 34 Member
    Today is L1D3 for me and I've been doing wall pushups which are a lot more managable! Im hoping to work my way up to being able to do a normal pushup :) Even though my legs hurt Im still pushing through.
  • tatecass
    tatecass Posts: 38 Member
    I am on L2D6 of the shred and man, it is kicking my butt! I definitely feel it, and it wasn't as if I started the shred having not worked out in a while! I wasn't able to do more than 2 regular push-ups in the beginning, but now, I am able to do several and climbing to more. It is a great workout and I've lost a ton of inches, so it's definitely working. I do it in true 30 day fashion, meaning everyday and with no break days. It's been worth it so far! Start slow and modify the moves as much as you need to in order to accommodate your abilities, meaning if you can't do push-ups or even the modified ones, start with wall push-ups and as for lunges, get your form right and only go as low as your body is comfortable with! Good luck!
  • rutheglen
    rutheglen Posts: 24 Member
    I finished the shred last weekend...I still can't do more than 4 consecutive pushups - I can do the modified ones she suggests, but like somebody above said, they don't really seem to help train to do 'real ones'. I will try doing them against the wall this time round. On Monday, I started the lose fat increase metabolism dvd (also Jillian). Don't like it at all, so I am going to hike this week ( couple of days extra - I usually try for 3 hikes a week, this week I will do more), and call it a week off. Then, next Monday, I will start the shred again. I regained my waist, and started to firm up my butt :D Unfortunately, I also lost my boobs - which is the main thing my hubby has noticed! Typical! I enjoy the shred - half an hour in total, and it sets me up for the day ! Any tips for making my boob come back, gratefully received !! lol
  • maskedbelleza
    maskedbelleza Posts: 23 Member
    Just quick back story: I am 22 years old. I dislocated my knee when I was 12 because my teachers forced me to participate in track and field. (I asked not to.) Since then, I've always had knee trouble. I hadn't exercised properly since I was 14 (the last mandatory gym class in high school).

    I started 30DS with 2 lbs weights (water bottles). It was incredibly tough. I couldn't even do a single push up (I would just collapse on the down bit). I followed Anita almost exclusively. Lunges were really scary for me, because in the past, they had hurt my knee (not in the muscle-growing way, but in the painful-injury kind of way). Eventually, by level 2, I was using 5 lbs weights. (I actually had a cold for the entirety of level 2.) After level 2 (and the cold), level 3 was a joke.

    Then I did Ripped in 30. Then Killer Buns and Thighs/6-Week 6-Pack. I do No More Trouble Zones when I want a longer workout. I'm up to 7 lbs weights for most exercises. (I use 10 lbs for renegade rows and deadlifts. I probably could lift more, but weights are expensive and I am poor).

    Today, I just redid level 1 of 30DS because I have a cold (again) and I wanted something quick and easy. I'm using 7 lbs weights. I totally forgot that push ups were the first move, so when she's like "Let's do push ups!" I groan, get into position, and away I go. I easily hit 15 push ups (I couldn't follow their count because my head was down). I couldn't remember the pace, so I just keep going until she says we're done.

    My advice is to JUST KEEP GOING. It doesn't matter if you don't hit the same amount of reps as them. It doesn't matter if you use lighter weights than them. It doesn't matter if you have to take a break in the middle--just keep going. If it takes you more than 10 days to feel comfortable at level 1, then take more than 10 days. If you can't do back lunges, do front lunges. If front lunges hurt, do side lunges. If side lunges hurt, go back to squats. If you can't do any lower body moves at all, just stick with the upper body (and maybe get a trainer from a gym who can find lower impact stuff for your legs). DON'T BE DISCOURAGED IF YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ANITA. Follow Natalie when and where you can (because you'll see faster results), but do what you can.

    Finally, for fellow knee-problems people: I use a yoga mat AND a very thick, folded up towel for any move that requires me to be on my knees. (E.g., modified push-up, donkey kicks, fire hydrants, etc.) I also use a knee brace on the previously dislocated knee. That usually takes away any discomfort I feel while doing those moves. Even though I have these knee problems, I listen to my body while still trying to push my limits. Can I do a jumping scissor lunge (from Killer Buns and Thighs, Level 2)? You bet I can. If you never try to get out of your comfort zone, you'll never get anywhere.

    Most important thing to take away: After exercising regularly, I now have lovely muscles on my legs. This build up of muscles on my legs is EXACTLY what my physiotherapist wanted to see. (The muscles around the knee are much bigger, holding my kneecap in place.) I no longer have pain in my knee that wakes me up in the middle of the night. So those scary lunges? Not so scary anymore.