Picnic Food Ideas!

moondazed Posts: 73 Member
Hello friends!
I'm going on a date this weekend and would like to plan a cute lil' picnic for us! We'll be biking for a couple of hours before we eat, and so I'm looking for food ideas that wont go bad in the heat but are also supper yummy. If any of you have any picnic staples or food they love to make, please give some insight! :) Preferably Vegetarian or Vegan foods!

This lady is incredibly special and I want to make it really nice! (Any ideas to make it more romantic would be cool as well! I was thinking of some candles and champagne ;) hahaha


  • LividMuffin
    LividMuffin Posts: 47 Member
    We went for a picnic with my girlfriend on Sunday and had a mini quiche (not the healthiest option but SO nice!!), grapes, sweet & salty popcorn, some fancy crackers with Moroccan houmous and veggie skewers grilled on one of those little £2 bbqs. Oh and home made elderflower juice with diet G&T. :) There is this guy who cooks on Youtube & Instagram and also works with Bodybuilding.com and he has great ideas! I really like that he has macros breakdown with his recipes too.. Good for inspiration (not just for picnic) http://m.youtube.com/user/fitmencook
    Make sure to let us know how did it go and what did you make! :D
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I just went on a picnic today with black bean burgers and baked beans (I know, lots of beans in there!) But we weren't going far, and heated everything before we left the house.

    Any salad thingie with a vinaigrette dressing rather than a creamy one...such as pasta, quinoa, lentil, etc.

    A small sliced ham should be safe out for hours, with a little gourmet mustard and cheese.

    Fruit, and any veggie that can be eaten raw, like sugar snap peas and baby carrots.
  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the recommendations!
    I was thinking some mason jar salads, beet/lentil/bean burgers and raw brownies. But now I'm tempted to make some quiche! hmm I get so overwhelmed when I make food for people, because I just want to make them all of my favourite things. But there is never enough time or space for that.

    @LividMuffin, that youtube link you sent me is really awesome, thanks! I'm probably going to spend the next couple hours going through all his videos. hah!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Get a lunchbox and put some ice packs in, that way you don't have to worry about the food going bad.