Insanity DVDs

Thinking about purchasing the Insanity DVDs and I've read lots of everyone's posts on the DVDs and the reviews on Amazon. I've lost about 47 lbs through watching what I eat and doing the ellipicals and running at the gym. I also try to do some of the Jillian Michaels workout DVDs a couple times during the week (3DS, Shred it with Weights, and maybe some Pilates). I'm at the point now where I want to lose about 15 more lbs and tone up. I'usually hit the gym on my lunch break at work (30-45 of elliptical usually or running 2-3miles) and then if I feel ok when I get home around 5:30pm, I'll try a workout DVD. I'm not a real big fan of cardio so sometimes it's difficult to want to do a workout video when I get home as well, because I am tired. I love seeing the 60 day results from people using the Insanity DVD's, but it also really frightens me. I don't want to set myself up for failure because I know my fitness level isn't up to anywhere close to that level and I hate to fail. All the jumping and wanting to hurl that I've read about scares me. I'm about 160lbs now , 5'7, and a size 10 (smallest I can remember being since middle school) from a size 16. Plus 60 days is a big committment.

My boyfriend did P90x for a little bit but I don't like the bar thing and it was not a format I would do. And personally found the guy kinda boring, maybe because it was a guy- I don't know. I definitely like Jillian a whole lot better.

Can anyone give me any encouragement or advice on Insanity?


  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I would get Jillian's 30 day shred ($10 at Walmart) first and see if you can push yourself through it. Insanity will be slightly longer workouts and much more intense.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    We are very similar in our exercising. I do 45-60 min on the elliptical and Jillian DVDs sometimes! I am going to try the Insanity program starting on Sunday. I AM TERRIFIED. First, because I am also not in the kind of shape I think I need to be in, and also because I have a really bad knee (thus mostly using an elliptical). I'm not trying to go into it with a negative attitude, but I'm just going to do what I can and work up to more.

    There's no reason not to go for it!

    Best of luck!
  • hclayton46
    hclayton46 Posts: 38 Member
    I can do the 30 day shred, but I haven't done the level 3 because I hate doing those plank things were your in kinda push up position and then jump back and then jump back forward. I just cannot stand doing

    Would you recommend maybe doing some of Jillians DVDs more consistently first to build more strength?
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    I've looked into the Insanity DVDs, too - but I ended up going with Bob Harper's 4 DVD pack... the workouts are about 30 minutes long and incredibly hard. I haven't really mastered them, yet - but I'll get there. Sometimes I think just changing your DVD selection up a little helps a lot. I don't necessarily think you need to do a whole program for the reasons you already said. I don't ever want to set myself up to fail - and I don't want to get discouraged. So, I get a tough DVD and work through that until I master it.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss - that is awesome. I'm pretty much in the same boat you are. I've done really well up until this point, and I'd still like to lose 10 - 15 more pounds and tone up some more. Although I know it's going to be hard - I know it's more achievable than losing the 50+ pounds that I did last year :)

    Good job - and good luck!
  • PokenStick
    Insanity is crazy hard cardio, as you probably know.

    No one here knows you as well as you know yourself, so it's hard to answer if Insanity is right for you. If you're the type of person who NEEDS a challenge and won't stop until you've finished the 60 days then you can do Insanity.

    If you're unsure and give up easily after not being able to keep up with the videos (which I was guilty of at first), try something not as intense like YeahILift mentioned. Jillian's 30 day shred is still a good workout, just not as...insane.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have Insanity, my sister bought it for $30 and burned me a copy like we’ve done with ChaLean Extreme, all the Turbo Jam DVD’s and the 30-day shred + metabolism dvd’s

    I did the fit test, that was a great 20 minutes and my numbers were good than the next day I did the first workout and it was brutal. There is a reason they call it Insanity, that’s the only way to describe it. It was such a miserable experience, you could feel the bile in your throat (no need to puke but your lungs burned something awful). It was so uncomfortable, repetitive and painful I have no idea how people keep it up. Exercise should be something you enjoy right ‘cause otherwise you won’t stick to it.

    I've been Turbo Jamming for the past 4 years and am very healthy weight/body fat wise, endurance could use some work so perhaps you are in better shape than I but overall, I don't recommend it. If you hate cardio, 30 day shred is good – Jillian’s not really a fun motivator (personally) and the music could use work but for $10 vs. a waste of $150 for Insanity if you buy from the infomercial, it’s a winner.

    I should just sell copies of Insanity for $15 + shipping now shouldn't I? LOL! ;)
  • nightbird1103
    nightbird1103 Posts: 34 Member
    I personally love the insanity dvds. I've never done the whole 60 days, because I use it as a change of pace (I kickbox w/ heavy bags and I'm now training for a marathon). I usually do it at work (we have a huge fitness room and others typically join me). I really like that you need no equipment. Just some space and yourself. I've heard from a friend who's done p90x and insanity that Sean T isn't as motivating as the other guy, but I've never felt that way and I like his no nonsense approach. You'd be surprised at how quickly your fitness level increases, and I always see quick results in my ab area (there are abs in there somewhere!! lol). That's motivation!! Also, you're dripping sweat at the end of the warm up-- which I love-- you definitely feel that you're working out :)

    I'd wholeheartedly recommend Insanity.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    By the way... I HIGHLY recommend Bob Harper's "Bob's Workout" DVD and Jillian's 6-Week 6-Pack DVD. I love them both!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    If you can get all the way through shred then you should be able to put in the effort required for insanity. Again, it's all about pushing yourself through the entire workout. As long as you are highly self motivated you will be fine.
  • hclayton46
    hclayton46 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I think I might try to workout with the DVDs I currently have more consistently first and go from there. I'm just on the fence a little here, because I know I need to step it up now. I just know it's not realistic for me to do a workout video anymore than 3-4 times a week. I do want the lifestyle change and not a change for just right now.
  • jlewis121186
    i am NOWHERE near being in shape yet since i jsut had a baby 4 weeks ago and jsut now feel up to getting things moving...BUT, i have the insanity set, and i havent wanted to throw up or anything, i was doing the dvds before baby but had to stop when i got pregnant...i did however lose 4 inches off my waist and 4 off my hips doing insanity for 3ish, i would say that it husband does them with me now too...

    i cannot keep up as well as i would like when i first start the 60 day regimine, but i try and thats good enough for me, i may not do it everyday (i have a series of dvds and programs i go through to promote "muscle confusion") but i do make sure its at least every other day...
  • NancyHukka
    I complained frequently about how much I hated strength training until one day a patient of mine who heard me whine just one too many times asked me, 'Do you really think it's going to get any better if you keep saying how much you hate it?" It set me back on my heals. Since then I've approached all my exercises with an "I love this" attitude. You know what, I really do like strength training now.

    With that said, I say go for the Insanity DVD and conquer those planks on the other DVD!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have Insanity, my sister bought it for $30 and burned me a copy like we’ve done with ChaLean Extreme, all the Turbo Jam DVD’s and the 30-day shred + metabolism dvd’s

    I did the fit test, that was a great 20 minutes and my numbers were good than the next day I did the first workout and it was brutal. There is a reason they call it Insanity, that’s the only way to describe it. It was such a miserable experience, you could feel the bile in your throat (no need to puke but your lungs burned something awful). It was so uncomfortable, repetitive and painful I have no idea how people keep it up. Exercise should be something you enjoy right ‘cause otherwise you won’t stick to it.

    I've been Turbo Jamming for the past 4 years and am very healthy weight/body fat wise, endurance could use some work so perhaps you are in better shape than I but overall, I don't recommend it. If you hate cardio, 30 day shred is good – Jillian’s not really a fun motivator (personally) and the music could use work but for $10 vs. a waste of $150 for Insanity if you buy from the infomercial, it’s a winner.

    I should just sell copies of Insanity for $15 + shipping now shouldn't I? LOL! ;)

    Um no, because that would be illegal and Beachbody will sue you. :smile:
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I can do the 30 day shred, but I haven't done the level 3 because I hate doing those plank things were your in kinda push up position and then jump back and then jump back forward. I just cannot stand doing

    Based on your comment, I would stay away from Insanity. The program is full of "plank type" exercises.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have Insanity, my sister bought it for $30 and burned me a copy like we’ve done with ChaLean Extreme, all the Turbo Jam DVD’s and the 30-day shred + metabolism dvd’s

    I did the fit test, that was a great 20 minutes and my numbers were good than the next day I did the first workout and it was brutal. There is a reason they call it Insanity, that’s the only way to describe it. It was such a miserable experience, you could feel the bile in your throat (no need to puke but your lungs burned something awful). It was so uncomfortable, repetitive and painful I have no idea how people keep it up. Exercise should be something you enjoy right ‘cause otherwise you won’t stick to it.

    I've been Turbo Jamming for the past 4 years and am very healthy weight/body fat wise, endurance could use some work so perhaps you are in better shape than I but overall, I don't recommend it. If you hate cardio, 30 day shred is good – Jillian’s not really a fun motivator (personally) and the music could use work but for $10 vs. a waste of $150 for Insanity if you buy from the infomercial, it’s a winner.

    I should just sell copies of Insanity for $15 + shipping now shouldn't I? LOL! ;)

    Um no, because that would be illegal and Beachbody will sue you. :smile:

    Ah well, at least someone noticed what I wrote ;) No worries, my sister and I and numerous beneficiary friends have saved each other hundreds just by sharing, NO SELLING.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have Insanity, my sister bought it for $30 and burned me a copy like we’ve done with ChaLean Extreme, all the Turbo Jam DVD’s and the 30-day shred + metabolism dvd’s

    I did the fit test, that was a great 20 minutes and my numbers were good than the next day I did the first workout and it was brutal. There is a reason they call it Insanity, that’s the only way to describe it. It was such a miserable experience, you could feel the bile in your throat (no need to puke but your lungs burned something awful). It was so uncomfortable, repetitive and painful I have no idea how people keep it up. Exercise should be something you enjoy right ‘cause otherwise you won’t stick to it.

    I've been Turbo Jamming for the past 4 years and am very healthy weight/body fat wise, endurance could use some work so perhaps you are in better shape than I but overall, I don't recommend it. If you hate cardio, 30 day shred is good – Jillian’s not really a fun motivator (personally) and the music could use work but for $10 vs. a waste of $150 for Insanity if you buy from the infomercial, it’s a winner.

    I should just sell copies of Insanity for $15 + shipping now shouldn't I? LOL! ;)

    Um no, because that would be illegal and Beachbody will sue you. :smile:

    Ah well, at least someone noticed what I wrote ;) No worries, my sister and I and numerous beneficiary friends have saved each other hundreds just by sharing, NO SELLING.

    Guess I'll let that slide....:wink:
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    When I first saw the informacial on Insanity, I did too think I would not be able to handle the workout and I thought there was no way I would lose weight. But, I followed all the steps and got great results. I had my shakeology in the morning, am snack, lunch, pm snack and dinner. I did my insanity video at night before going to bed. I have a busy life with two kids and a husband. But, I was committed to losing weight and I did. Now i'm on my second round of insanity and I'm still losing weight. I think you wouldn't know how it can impact your weight lost and reshape your body, until you try it and stay committed to it.
    Send me a message if you'd like more info on insanity.