Socially Acceptable Amount of Skin



  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    I can't drive through my neighborhood without seeing at least 4 middle-aged men, at any given time, mowing their lawns in holey gym shorts from 1982 and nothing to cover their moobs but swirls of salt-and-pepper chest hair... so I figure if the neighborhood can handle that, they can handle me in a sports bra.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    Wear what your comfortable in. I see plenty of women in a sports bra and shorts. I would if I wasn't so pale, so its t-shirt or LOTS of sunblock. T-shirt is easier.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    It's all about what you're comfortable in. I used to run in short shorts and a good supportive sports bra with a tank top. I had my iPod, and I ran in the country, so I could ignore the occasional yell or honk. I also took a small can of mace or my large 1/2 wolf dog with me to discourage anyone from stopping by since our area was fairly isolated.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I prefer running shirtless- I wear carpis and a sports bra.

    BUT- I will now only do that at the track- I won't do it down my street- I don't feel like it's worth the negative attention.

    I get a fair bit of hollaring as it is WITH a shirt on- so w/o I'm sure would cause issues.

    Really it's up to you and what amount of heckling you might receive.

    it's not uncommon in certain areas (any place with trails/parks- or good sidewalks) to see runners in itty bitty running shorts and nothing else- men and women alike. totally normal.

    If those same said people went running through Trenton- it would be a different story.

    So- just chose carefully.

    And on some trail runs, I've seen guys wearing much much less.



    So where are you that women are running topless?

    think in Canada it's cool LMAO

    only in Toronto
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Gauge your audience. Good idea to go in layers, and if you see someone else sporting your desired look, then go for it.

    When I jog, if I'm jogging on my road (which is scarcely traveled) or at the park... I'll often go in shorts and a sports bra. If there's no one else around, or if I'm not the only one - then I go for it.

    At the gym... I wear a tank (though I hate it), because I would stand out in just a sports bra.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'll run on a trail with just a sport bra. My local track is mostly older people getting fit by walking, so it's less acceptable there, though I'll do it when there's nobody else there. When I'm running on the street, I'll wear a singlet or tshirt.

    My gym is at my work, so I wear more than I typically would there.
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    Wear what you are comfortable wearing.

    I personally would not run in just a sports bra and shorts because you'll be cooler (and therefore able to run farther) if you shield your skin with loose fitting clothing than have it exposed to the sun. But if you just want the fashion statement, go right ahead...
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    It really depends.

    If I'm on a beach, I wear a bikini top and usually shorts because I don't like running in bikini bottoms. It's great in theory, but if the swimsuit rides up in the back, it really slows the pace. That, and I run barefoot and often into the surf. If the thighs rub together even a little, the skin exfoliates right off.

    If in my neighborhood and it's hot and humid, a more modest sports bra with some padding and running capris.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Wear whatever it takes to get the job done. Just watch out for sketchy FedEx drivers...
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    When I used to go running in Southern Italy - 30 °C degrees at least at 8 PM - I would wear shorts and a sleeveless top. Needless to say it would have been hot to run even skinless.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Wear what you are comfortable wearing.

    I personally would not run in just a sports bra and shorts because you'll be cooler (and therefore able to run farther) if you shield your skin with loose fitting clothing than have it exposed to the sun. But if you just want the fashion statement, go right ahead...

    I don't think it is a fashion statement at all - not that there is anything wrong with that either, I'm as guilty of wanting cute clothes as anyone. I sweat - a lot. I am far cooler and more comfortable in a sports bra than with any of my fancy tight/loose/light/whatever tops.
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    I agree with wearing what you are comfortable in - physically and socially. I run hot, but I have *never* braved just a sports bra. I always wear a tank top or short sleeve shirt.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I sweat a lot and feel more comfortable with a shirt than just a sports bra because it catches the sweat. Otherwise I would be dripping all over the place and I mean really dripping. I don't jog, but this is for Zumba or kickbox, I wear sports bra, loss tank top and I wear jazz pants just because I prefer them because I don't have a thigh gap and the rubbing is killer. I also have large thighs and calves so a lot of the longer shorts that fit the waist and butt are tight at the bottom.

    So again I think it is all about comfort

    As for looks, I always looked better in a one piece than a bikini. My shape just looks better in a one piece suit. Skimpy one piece is OK, but the bikinis were just never as flattering. So I guess the same would apply to the sports bra and shorts.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with a sports bra + shorts.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Wear what you want to wear. (Life's too short to worry about what other people might think... who usually are thinking about their own stuff anyway.)

    The end.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I run in just a sports bra and shorts. I live in Mississippi and right now it is getting rather toasty. I really don't care what people think or how I look. Just want to cover the distance successfully.
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    I wear a thin excercise shirt, (I bought it at walmart) it's sleeveless, and capris.

    I wouldn't be caught dead in just a sports bra and shorts. And it's really hot here in the summer.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I sweat a lot and feel more comfortable with a shirt than just a sports bra because it catches the sweat. Otherwise I would be dripping all over the place and I mean really dripping. I don't jog, but this is for Zumba or kickbox, I wear sports bra, loss tank top and I wear jazz pants just because I prefer them because I don't have a thigh gap and the rubbing is killer. I also have large thighs and calves so a lot of the longer shorts that fit the waist and butt are tight at the bottom.

    So again I think it is all about comfort

    As for looks, I always looked better in a one piece than a bikini. My shape just looks better in a one piece suit. Skimpy one piece is OK, but the bikinis were just never as flattering. So I guess the same would apply to the sports bra and shorts.

    And this is why it's better to wear clothing than not in the desert- the fabric catches the sweat- and keeps you cooler. rather than just roasting right off yoru body when you have nothing on- it just evaportes off and is less effective at keeping you cool.

    trade off of muggy and more sweat in more humid climents.

    I personally just hate running in a shirt...
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    If you are comfortable in shorts and a bra, own it and run your butt off!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    HOT AND HUMID here too. Normally I have been wearing a tank and capri/tights to run. Today I switched to short shorts... Well short for me. .... Where I run I think they would frown on a sports bra and my stomach isnt ready to make a public appearance anyway...