Smoothie/Soup Ideas

I've just bought myself a smoothie maker/blender. Can people give me tasty smoothies/soups to try out. Thanks


  • js0512
    js0512 Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite (drinking it right now) is 2 cups strawberries, 3 cups spinach, 1/2 banana & 8oz of unsweetened almond milk. I use frozen fruit, but fresh works just as well. The whole thing has 199 calories and will usually keep me full until lunch. I also enjoy 2 cups spinach, 8oz unsweetened almond milk, 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup blueberries & 1/2 banana. If you've never had a green smoothie and are wondering about the spinach, you can't taste it. Promise! I refer to the below site when I want to try something new:
  • pollypoptart79
    pollypoptart79 Posts: 2 Member
    I only have a stick blender myself so am a bit limited in how fancy my smoothies are: however my favourite one is a mix of plain greek yogurt, berries and whizzed-up oats! Sooo filling, and I usually stick in a wee bit of vanilla protein powder for a bit of extra protein. Here is where I found the recipe: Hope this helps!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I always try to make it at least 2/3 veggie (some of my favs...spinach, carrots, kale, brussel sprouts, beet greens), 1/3 fruit (some of my favs...frozen blueberries, pineapple, peaches, banana, raspberries, mango, cherries, grapes, cantaloupe) , about 8 ounces liquid (usually VitaCoco coconut water, sometimes milk, water, or juice), and I often throw in a few nuts for the fat. I sometimes add a tbs of wheat germ, ground flax or protein powder in it. I'm not fond of yogurt in smoothies, but lots of people seem to like that.

    A quick soup I like to make (V8-ish) is to blend tomato, onion, carrot, spinach, milk, few dashes of pepper sauce, dash of salt, a tbs of parm cheese. This good hot or cold.

    I also like to make fruit slushies once in a while as a treat. Blend 1 cup frozen fruit with 1/2 cup water or milk. One of my favorites is pineapple, almond milk, 1 tbs honey and a dash of vanilla. A dessert smoothie I like is 1 ripe banana, 3 or 4 strawberries, 1/2 cup milk, handful of ice.