Wanting to make friends for support on my journey

Hi everyone,

My name is Talia and I'm trying something different concerning my weight-loss journey. I've been trying for years to lose weight, but I haven't been successful. I'm hoping that MyFitnessPal will help me to finally succeed.:smile:


  • grevisj
    grevisj Posts: 5
    I'm not necessarily new. I've been on myfitnesspal on and off for the past couple years. I'm hoping to find support this time. I need accountability partners! My weight has really fluctuated over the years so I'm hoping to sustain some healthy eating habits and workout regularly so I can feel energized and healthy. What are your goals?
  • JonsieMcJones
    JonsieMcJones Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, hello hello :D

    So, I fell off the wagon a while ago and since then have gained something like 17 pounds, suckish, I know. I really want to stick around now though and you two look lufferly :D I also need people the prod me and make sure I'm sticking with things. So whaddia think?
  • tco1y
    tco1y Posts: 5
    Grevisj, this isn't exactly my first time on here either! I can totally understand wanting to eat better. Eating better and exercising regularly are two of my goals. My weight loss goal is to get down to about 150. I plan on going to the gym at three times a week and doing yoga the days I don't go. I really need to work on stress management. I hope that we'll be able to support each other!

    JonsieMcJones, I fell of the wagon big time about a year and a half ago. I gained 30 lbs. It really sucked. I want to stick around this time, too. I need someone to prod me and keep me on track.