cashew nuts

Are cashew nuts ok to eat? I was trying to get my calories for the day and had a pack of nuts and then saw how many calories they have. Is it a good thing to eat?


  • angrykitty13
    angrykitty13 Posts: 64 Member
    Cashews are great. Just keep in mind everything you're eating. If you've been downing nuts all day, then you probably want to back away from the cashews and eat something else.

    But if you're asking if cashews can be part of a healthy diet: yes.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Do they fit into your calorie and macro goals for today? Do you find them delicious?

    Then, yes.
  • FatIsDeath
    FatIsDeath Posts: 11 Member
    The general rap on nuts as I've been seeing them while doing the paleo diet is that they're great as a source of carbs and good fat but not to overdo them. I eat 1/4 cup every few days and cashews are usually in the mix :)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I love cashews, I think the only issue with them weight loss wise is that they are calorie dense and it is very easy to eat a lot of them. Watch your portions and enjoy!